Sunday, July 3, 2016

"Grumpy Old Men" !!!




                                                                                       Edition 338 Monday 04/07/16Joneses.jpg






Hi,I think there is signs of improvement over the years but sometimes many (and me)wonder.There was a word that appeared regularly on most school reports and a few subsequent performance reviews and it is,”intolerance”!I know you are thinking,no surely not me but Im afraid so…its me!

So here it is in a nutshell…I am sometimes grumpy and I have always found it hard to be tolerant!

There I said it ok…..ahhhh that feels so much better,thanks and apologies to all annoying people!

Fletcher reckons;he understands completely and finds when people annoy him he just counts to ten.Maybe Daddy should try that,although in his observation this could be a bridge too far for dad!

So instead of being grumpy I added another project to the growing list by rescuing an amazing copper pot with brass handles from the transfer station floor!It had been run over by our 20 tonne loader and was completely crushed but that didn’t deter me from seeing the huge potential J.

My attraction to non ferrous metals goes right back to the days I used to scavenge for these precious metals after school in the old Devonport rubbish tip in Ngataringa Bay.The colour of copper and brass holds a natural fascination and I was particularly proud of the way the pot was rescued and saved!!

Amazing how simple things like this restoration can bring so much enjoiyment and satsifaction….once a magpie always a magpie!!To cap off a great weekend on inorganic pre loved projects I got a coat of paint on the recently acquired solid pine table which transformed it ready for a second life at 48!!

I hope you had an equally satisfying crisp,clear mid winter weekend relaxing in anticipation of another BIG week ahead,make it a good one……………Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon grumpy men don’t deserve tolerant dogs!!! Ruff ruff!




“The highest result of education is tolerance”. Helen Keller.


I have found that tolerance is equally as important a quality to have in the work place.

Intolerance is infectious and can and does have a negative effect on others.

Recently I was told that my intolerance at work was becoming obvious and obstructive??

This revelation stopped me in my tracks and made me say “who me, how could this be?”

At first I was in denial failing to believe that I could possibly be coming across in this way?

I was personally devastated and reacted badly to my colleague’s honesty and frankness.

Then I reflected deeply and examined my behaviour and how I was communicating.

I discovered that I was emotionally blaming others instead of being more objective.

I found that I had allowed my perceived inability of others to do their jobs affect my tone and tolerance of these people and their supervisors through my communication with them.

This had naturally upset others and started to turn them against me internally.

As is often the case this was not made or obvious to me but something I had to discover randomly!

It is sobering to become aware when it comes out of left field and not from those most affected L

In this case it was an unwelcome but sort of welcome wake up call for me and a timely one.

I had let lots of negative things that had built up over time affect my work attitude to the point where it had obviously started to impact on my colleagues.

Once I had dealt with the surprise and hurt I eventually felt lucky this had been pointed out to me.

I realised how my natural tendency to be intolerant had ingrained itself into my daily performance.

I had to accept that I had let my normal ‘Upbeat’ self become grumpy and not someone inspirational but someone irrational and abusive!.....OMG…my worst nightmare.

We all need people who bring us down to earth when we need it and I urge you to embrace rather than ignore them if and when they do…..a good reminder for us all that being ‘Upbeat’ is not a given it is a work in progress!....good luck working hard to be that person my friends.


“Practice does not make perfect.Only perfect practice makes perfect”. Vince Lombardi

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