Monday, April 25, 2011

'Use it or lose it'


Edition 87 Tuesday March 26th 2011
Hi, I have always hated Weta’s, they freak me out, so to see one scurrying flat stick towards me across the kitchen floor didn’t thrill me. After freaking everyone out within a 5km radius including Captain Courageous hound Harry! I managed to compose myself long enough to smother the man-eating invader with a handitowel and transfer him (or her?) outside without harm (catch and release).
Apart from this ‘cutting edge’ drama the Easter/Anzac weekend was an eventful yet restful one with a superb mix of good food, wine, chocolate, exercise,and company !
The highlights for this Jones boy without doubt the 7th win in a row by the mighty Blues juggernaut and as always supporting my Dad and his mates at the Anzac dawn parade.
Heavy rain didn’t deter hundreds from turning out pre 6am at the cenotaph on the Browns Bay Beach promenade. The waves lapped gently at the shore as the light pierced the dawn and the eerie silence much as it would have done all those years ago at Anzac Cove. It was hard not to reflect and imagine how frightening it must have been for our troops as they approached the beach under fire that day!
What a sobering experience Anzac Day is as we remember, recognise and appreciate the efforts and ultimate sacrifice our servicemen and women have and continue to make on our behalf in conflicts past and present. Makes you glad you made the effort to get up early to be there in the rain…not much to ask really in the greater scheme of things…Jimmy Jones was pretty happy !  
I hope you had an equally restful/eventful and reflective Easter/Anzac weekend with family and friends.  Thanks for your continued support and feedback, have a great short week, Cheers Jonesey !

Harry the heroic hound hates Weta’s too but still turned out at dawn in his trench coat!

Learning “Its what we learn after we know it all that counts” John Wooden

I am a believer in ‘seizing the day’ when opportunities present themselves. My philosophy is you should always be looking for situations that will assist you to continually develop and improve.
Take public speaking as one example, once you have overcome the initial or perceived fear and gained the confidence and skill to allow you to speak in public then you need to ‘use it or lose it’.
The more you do something the better you get at it and that certainly applies to most things, especially speaking and presenting. I am also banking heavily on this applying to swimming, cycling and running as I plan and implement my winter training programme building toward next summer’s triathlon series.
It is important we don’t ever think we ‘know it all’’ privately or professionally as that is when we  stand still, overtaken by those using life’s successes or failures as experiences to learn and improve.  I suspect many give up without knowing how desperately close to success they were!
I say never turn down the opportunity to learn and develop new skills or knowledge, life is an exciting series of ‘moments of truth’ that present each of us with the chance to do this daily.
Through doing just that I have learnt heaps meeting people from different private and professional backgrounds and managed to share mutually beneficial experiences, skills and information.
It is too easy to cruise along in a comfort zone staying cosy and out of trouble, never extending yourself, however,what satisfaction is there in that?
My challenge to each of you is to actively seek an opportunity to extend yourself this week,try or learn something new or add another string to your bow “green = growing, ripe = rotting” , good luck!

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood” Madame Curie

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mission POSSIBLE !


Edition 86 Monday April 18th  2011
Hi, legendary NZ triathlete Cameron Brown certainly wont be shaking in his lycras but I was pretty damn pleased! Sunday dawned fine and calm as hundreds of thin people without lives descended on Mission Bay Beach and the Auckland waterfront. This in complete contrast to the gale force storm that lashed the same beaches and streets the day before. Yes it was Triathlon II for the Jones boy and time to see if any lessons had been learnt from Maraetai a month ago. Well Im pleased to report that I didn’t have to resort to dog paddle or backstroke in the swim this time, in fact I almost enjoyed it. I remembered where my bike was and peeled my wetsuit off with banana skin like precision. I hung on like a flapping flag for my life to a paneton of crazy cyclists who carried me helter skelter gasping for air around the waterfront course. I managed to get blood to my numb legs before I fell over but still took at least half the run to repay the oxygen debt to my lungs from that madcap cycle ride! Crikey all this was happening while most of you were tucked up at home in bed stacking Zzz and dreaming of a Sunday fry up ! (see attached photos for evidence).
So what did it all mean?…well after asking some serious questions of my reconditioned heart and 50year old lungs I can confirm that due to some dedictaed swim training and a chance meeting with the kami kazi cycling club I was able to post a new best time by 3 minutes……happy with that !
I hope you all had an equally rewarding weekend as you ducked and dived a typical “four seasons in both days “ Auckland weekend… GO THE BLUES !!!, have a great short week… Cheers Jonesey.

Harry Jones is a happy hound as Autumn bites and his styley winter coat takes shape!

CUSTOMERS…basic rules;
  • #1 The customer is always right.
  • #2 If the customer is ever wrong…re-read #1
  • #3 If you don’t take care of your customers somebody else will
I had an interesting customer service experience over the last week with my bank. My credit card had been fraudulently accessed through no fault of mine and the banks fraud team had detected this.
From this point on things turned to custard for me , their customer, as a series of events unfolded that proceeded to drive me quietly and then openly insane.
My card was suspended while the bank investigated, I was not informed and only found out after calling them when my card was declined. This happened over a weekend and I had to wait until the Monday to talk to the fraud team who only worked week days,nothing could be done in the meantime! Monday I called an 0800 to be put on hold because they were “experiencing high call volumes”. I was put on hold on each of the four occasions I attempted to call that day. The same pattern repeated on Tuesday until I eventually talked to a person wo promised to get someone to call me …but no call. Finally late on Wednesday I managed to get someone to issue a new card and send it to my nearest branch. So here we were at Thursday still without any credit or the new card and staring down the barrell of some auto payments declining if something didn’t happen fast. I had to visit the local branch on Thursday and again Friday before they finally organised the credit and sorted the situation, this was a full 6 days and 11hours after my card was suspended! During this time I had a steady procession of bank employees who failed to take ownership or accountability for this problem. There was a distinct lack of empathy or genuine concern for my plight that resulted in me getting increasingly frustrated , annoyed and angry at the lack of urgency or action. The upshot is I have cancelled my card and transferred all my business to a competitor who acted swiftly and efficiently to open new accounts and make me feel welcome…a message for us all here .
The moral of this story…”Always treat others as you would have them treat you”

“Make the customer the crown jewel of your business” Brian Tracey

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man and hound versus Wild !


Edition 85 Monday April 11th 2011
Hi, it was ‘Man versus Wild’ West Coast style as my son Mark headed off last week into the Woodhill Forest. After living and working for the last 5 years in Melbourne and Sydney it was time to get ‘feral’ survivor style. So accompanied by that renowned watch dog (not),trusty hound , best friend and experienced hunting bush hound (not) Harry Jones they set off into the abyss. Against the advice of family, friends and Jim Hickey the weather man they remained determined. Off they headed into the icy south westerlygale force winds and pitch black darkness the self taught compass expert with his fearless hound ! Many smoko breaks later they set up camp and feasted in their bivouac on a banquet of precooked sausages, cheese slices, homemade rocky road and easter eggs !
An amazing adventure unfolded as they encountered two deer and a boar (don’t know who was more surprised!) as they proceeded to survive without having to form an alliance or vote each other off the island ! Sure, short of a Starbucks Woodhill is pretty well sign posted and tracked but still freaky dark at night.Armed with an endless supply of glow sticks and lighters our intrepid feral trampers felt the fear,ignored the search and rescue advice and emerged from the bowels of the forest triumphant, having done it anyway! Two more Jones’s to follow and keep up with ! 
I hope you had an equally adventurous and successful week with friends and family, cheers Jonesey.

Harry the ‘feral’ hound slept all weekend recovering from his visit to ‘survivor’ forest !
Word Of Mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and promotion” Zig Ziglar

In November last year our ‘greenpea’ company won a project that just kept getting bigger. The contract went over a weekend and we committed extra resource and staff to the job to make sure the work got done. Our team went the extra mile by working around the clock for our customer.
Our competitors chose not to work out of hours or over the weekend so we ended up securing the majority of the work and the revenue from the project. You may recall this was the job that Harry and I jumped in a truck to drive as part of our team on the Saturday night.
So why am I telling you about this again?, because the impact of going the extra mile for our customer that night and the word of mouth advertising and referrals we have had from it are still rolling in.
In a perfect example last week we were invited to tender for what will be the biggest project this year in our industry. Originally we were told that we would not be invited to tender this work however as a result of a referral directly linked back to the November project we now find ourselves with a chance.
There have been several other opportunities won as a direct result of relationships formed and built via referrals  from our customer who was so impressed with our commitment to exceeding their expectations that weekend in November.
See how important it is to have a team of people that will go the extra mile for your business. It is not only critical for the success of any project but of the company itself. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on all forms of advertising electronic and print but if they don’t have the people on the ground to deliver on that advertising promise that money is wasted . Repeat business is gained when customers are dazzled with quality service to the point where they are motivated to recommend your services to others. This opens previously locked doors to opportunities most never know about until it is too late. It is often not what you know but who you know and getting to know these people often happens through ‘word of mouth’.
Good people going the extra mile are the most valuable asset of any business, make sure you are one of them for your company.

“There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile” Harry Jones Green Gorilla Bins Ltd

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Winners are Grinners :)

Edition 84 Monday April 4th  2011
Hi,…”And representing New Zealand please welcome… Clinton Jones”…and then I woke up , yes it was a dream but imagine if it was real? There was a time where I was driven to represent my country so what happened?
Those thoughts and that passion flowed back through my mind and my veins on Saturday as I attended the Auckland prepared speech contest. I watched Aucklands best go head to head competing for the right to represent the city at the national final in May. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight as I remembered competing and winning the same trophy on three  previous occasions the last time over a decade ago ! what happened?
Saturday rekindled my desire to compete, reignited my passion for winning a national title and ultimately the right to represent my country at the World Championship of Public Speaking.
I am so excited about planning an assault on the summit of the Toastmasters world, the pinnacle of presentation, the holy grail of oratory. Time to learn from the mistakes of the past, do the hard yards and leave no stone unturned in my quest to be the best I can be…look out world …so what happened?,watch this space I say, to be continued…
Wow, so glad I made the effort to attend this meeting, sometimes we need to be reminded to continue to follow our dreams, never to lose sight of them or the passion required to persevere and achieve them… a message I felt worth sharing today.
I hope you had an equally inspiring weekend with family and friends…Cheers Jonesey.

Harry the happy hound loved the extra daylight saving Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz bonus on Sunday!

“Winning is not a sometime thing; its an all-time thing. You don’t win once and a while, you don’t do things right once and a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing”. Vince Lombardi

Winner vs Loser
The winner- is always part of the answer;
The loser-is always part of the problem;
The winner always has a programme;
The loser-always has an excuse;
The winner-says “Let me do it for you”;
The loser –says”That’s not my job”;
The winner-sees an answer for every problem;
The loser-sees a problem for every answer;
The winner-sees a green by every sand trap;
The loser-sees two or three sand traps by every green;
The winner-says “it may be difficult but its possible”;
The loser –says,”It may be possible buts its too difficult”.
Be a Winner!

Thank you for the awesome feedback from last week. Speaking of winning we had an amazing week closing a number of deals we had been working on. When you have some wins you get a winning momentum and it is easy for it to become a habit. Its a great feeling being in the winning team one you need to embrace and enjoy. Winning is a culture winners develop and cultivate, it is infectious.

“Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Arthur Lydiard