Edition 339 Monday 11/07/16

Hi,there is always plenty of it to do,always plenty being
done and always something missing!I am of course talking about ‘the washing’….aaaarrrggghhh.Where
does it all come from (me Im told) and where does it all get to and how come
you can never find what you are looking for and why are there never any
matching socks?Is near enough dry enough and does stuff really need to be
ironed?If this sounds like your house too then you are definitely keeping up
with the Joneses!!
Imagine if you could devise a way to keep socks together in
the wash…could be a winner!!
reckons; the Daycare lost property is fair game for missing or
replacement socks and most kit and he always swings past there on his way home
before reporting to Mum or Dad!!
I ran into a delightful old couple last week who were picking
up their beloved 1972 Hillman Hunter from her annual service. I was strolling
past and couldn’t help noticing the car or the couple.The car was in mint
condition and the couple were holding hands and happy,two things you don’t see
a lot of!
Like many others life continues to be full on for us as a
blended family trying to keep up with inlaws, outlaws and inhouse goings on!We
hang in there pretty well but it is hard at times if the comms isnt two way
when it needs to be.I guess a lot of families are a work in progress like that
and probably regret thay didn’t work harder at staying in touch before its too
late….note to self…..stay in touch!!
Have an awesome week ahead appreciating and making the most
of everything…..Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon stealing,hiding and chewing
socks is what dogs do!!

“That’s not flying, that’s
falling with style”. Sheriff Woody to Buzz
Lightyear in ‘Toy Story’
I remember a gig I did as an MC recently when I accidentally
fell off the stage!!!
Thankfully the stage was only about 400mm high however it was
still high enough to tumble off!
It is also lucky that it happened in a break between sessions
and not while I was ‘on’.
Anyway when I realised I was falling rather than think ‘this
is going to hurt’ I decided to make the best of it by preparing for the landing
and making that look as natural and rehearsed as possible.
The few people that noticed expressed their concern for my
well being and were also nice enough to say how relaxed I was,almost like I had
planned for it and it was all meant to be, part of my act?
Life is a little bit like that fall really because we all
suffer setbacks but it is not so much the setbacks its more the way we react
and handle them that counts.
Little things can and often do have the potential to get us
down however by turning things around we are able to get positive energy from
them going forward.
Sales is also like that, I had a couple of setbacks recently
that definitely had me falling with style rather than flying high however I
picked my self up determined to still fly one day soon!
I analysed and modified my approach to my management and
follow up of a couple of situations I was faced with and as a result
experienced positive outcomes in both.
I find that being open to change and listening to others
point of view are two things I havent always done well but by making the effort
I have noticed they can and do make a difference.
I am nearly 40 years into my selling career and find it
fascinating that I still learn things everyday.I believe an important
ingredient in that recipe is that I still have the hunger to learn and achieve
better results this far along my career path.
In an exciting development my thirst for knowledge and
betterment has landed me a huge opportunity which if it comes off will result
in me fulfilling a lifelong career ambition.
Now THAT Ladies and Gentlemen would definitely have me flying
high…NOT just falling with style!!!!!
Watch this space…..
“To Infinity and beyond!!”.
Sheriff Woody and Buz Lightyear before blast off in ‘Toy
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