Sunday, June 26, 2016

Too busy being FABULOUS!




                                                                                       Edition 337 Monday 27/06/16Joneses.jpg






Hi,it seemed like a fun thing to do at the time but like a lot of ‘spur of the moment‘ things it could have turned to custard.The puddle looked harmless and not that deep but it was too late to pull out once committed!We aquaplaned awkwardly as the ‘puddle’ (lake) engulfed the car!  We were too busy having fun to worry much however on reflection it wasn’t that bright! Once the brakes and normal transmission resumed I realised that allowing my son to encourage me to drive the car through what turned out to be a rather deep puddle was irresponsible…(but heaps of fun J!).

Fletcher reckons; it’s a bit rich blaming him for submerging the car for a thrill when all he did was spot the puddle and agree it was a cool idea!Crikey Dad you should have known better shouldn’t you?

Rainy windy weekends used to be cosy and romantic however these days are more a test of human endurance and patience with our wonderfully energetic Jones child! Parents of the world I salute you!!

I was devastated recently to discover I had misplaced my favourite T shirt I couldn’t believe how upset that made me! How on earth would anyone know they were ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ if my shirt with JONES on the back was lost?After meticulously retracing my steps over previous weeks I was able to locate the missing threads much to my unbelieveable relief (really!).

I did my bit yet again to save the postal service on both sides of the Tasman by penning yet another conventional letter to my dear Auntie in Melbourne.In my own silly way I cant wait till she receives it or to get her hand written reply…….ahhhhhh those were the simple old days werent they??

Speaking of which,have a great week ahead keeping it exactly that….simple…..Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they are all too busy being fabulous these days!!




“If everyone is thinking alike,then someone isnt thinking”.George S Patton


I am a morning person and I will tell you why I know…..

I have the most amazingly brilliant ideas in the morning when I first get up, they continue out running or in the gym and then hit their absolute best in the shower!

I have learned to harness the ideas flow and ride the wave as the unprecedented thought clarity at this time is like no other time of the day.

I reckon it is because for me it is the purest time of the day, no other thoughts,stress or coffee J has had the opportunity to invade my mind which is an open canvas.

I often think of solutions to problems, issues and challenges that have overwhelmed me the day or sometimes for up to weeks before.

So rather than zoning out at this time I make sure I am present and have started taking time out to record my thoughts and ideas in the mornings rather than trying to recall them later.

I reckon this is vitally important and as something that I wasn’t doing and need to do more of.

‘They’ do say that we wind ourselves up so much sometimes within our work and personal lives that we don’t spend enough working ‘on’ either.

So, your challenge should you accept it is something you need to or would like to do to is like me  take some time out to work on ideas and thoughts to turn them into reality….make them happen!!!

As part of this challenge you will need to identify your best ideas time when you find you have thought and idea clarity.

This differs for all of us so it is essential the time you are ‘in the zone’ is the time you choose to spend focusing ‘on’ you.

For me this has improved my performance all round and given me a new perspective on work and personal life. I hope it does the same for you!


“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought”. Albert Einstein

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