Edition 341 Monday 25/07/16
Hi,firstly and most importantly apologies to all those cat
owners/ lovers amongst you for my distinct lack of sensitivity when reporting
the Oscar v Oscar incident last week.Our pets are important members of our
families and as such we all hate the thought of any harm ever coming to them!
My personal fitness training has ramped up to prepare me for
two important future events.The first is a week alone with our son whilst his
Mum is off adding more fire/rescue credentials to her portfolio!
The second is a get together with old high school buddies
many of whom I havent seen for far too long so it is important to me to be
looking 10 years younger NOT 10 years older!!(really …OK).
reckons; its always good to have a focus and a reason to train hard
but not to worry because he is more than capable of looking after his Dad!!
Our house feels like a geriatric retreat for canines at times
as our rapidly aging dogs struggle with their various ailments!Our bedroom is
like a casualty ward at night as Harry struggles to breathe comfortably, Kate
trys to shrug off kennel cough and Oscar’s hips lock tight restricting his
I often lie there wondering whether to laugh or cry myself to
sleep although neither would work given the chaotic disruption.So when I say I
go to work to have a rest I am not joking!! As mentioned above our pets are an
important part of our family and we love them unconditionally (WE do J).
Super Rugby just got interesting again and I was exhausted on
Friday night after what felt like endless tackles from the couch to repel the
Brumbies finally….cant wait for the Canes v the Chiefs!!!
I hope you are well,that life is good and that you have a
spectacular week ahead….Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon getting old is a bitch (so to

“Difficulties strengthen
the mind,as labour does the body.” Seneca
I accepted an invitation to attend a site visit and tour of a
large customer of ours last week.
The tour guide seemed disorganised and flustered as he showed
us their range of products.
He said on a couple of occasions to excuse him for his lack
of knowledge as ‘it wasn’t his area of expertise’?.....I hate it when people
say things like that as if most of us would know any different?
Its also like people who start off a presentation by saying
‘I only found out yesterday I was to do this speech/presentation’? or ‘I am
filling in at late notice’ or ‘I am not used to doing this’.Or as I heard
recently someone prefaced their address by saying ‘you will have to excuse me
but I am crap at public speaking’??
As stated earlier your audience doesn’t want to hear comments
like this, the reality being most of them wouldn’t have known or suspected or
cared in the slightest if you hadnt told them?
It is my belief that if offered the opportunity to present or
speak then we should seize it with both hands and in doing so never look back
regardless of the amount of notice we are (or are not) given.
Each opportunity is a chance to get outside our comfort zone
and to have a crack at something we don’t do every day. In essence it is a
‘moment of truth’ and a challenge to proudly overcome.
I urge you to accept these challenges as they come along and
to use them as an opportunity to grow and develop skills that we all have but
don’t use often enough.
They are a chance to learn something and to present them in a
positive and powerful way but above all else to learn more about yourself and
areas you need to improve in.
They are not to be taken lightly or for you to shrug off and
announce to all as last minute things you knew nothing about and have and
always been crap at?!!!
Nobody ever improves at anything unless they work at it and
that’s why I encourage you all to accept the challenges life throws your way
and to embrace rather than avoid them, you will never regret it !!
“If you arn’t in over your
head,how do you know how tall you are?” TS
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