Sunday, February 25, 2018

Red Scooter




                                                                                       Edition 416 Monday 26/02/18


Hi,what is it with European cars?....everyone has got to have an opinion about them?It seems its ok for others to own them but as soon as you consider it you are told it is the worst thing you could ever do?If after all that you do actually buy one you are poser and a snob?!! Crikey did we experience all of the above when test driving and evaluating an Audi A3 last week…..bit of a step up from the Ford Laser station wagon but what a mish!

Fletcher reckons he'not fussed about what he arrives at school in although what he would really like Mum to get is a bright red scooter… that would be cool at school!

Something funny about European automobiles is how common,cheap and reliable they are these days however for all that there is still a doom, gloom and latent envy stigma present.

Updating recent stories….another 8 eels caught and released this weekend,cool pool and Summer still going strong,pohutakawa lives on,and Stirling Moss still driving like a dip stick!

We finally cut the umbilical cord from Sky TV and whilst missing the sport occasionally we are more than happy with Freeview, Netflix and enjoying the extra hundy a month!!

I hope life is like a box of chocolates for you too……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons there is nothing wrong with a girl travelling in style!





“Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”Jim Rohn


Following on my hot tips from last week I was motivated to exercise every day to tick the ‘self care’ box and was lucky enough to attend an amazing event to tick the ‘self help’ box!

The event was a Global speakers forum featuring an outstanding array of presenters.

There was something for everyone and at times too much even for me to handle.

It was an amazing experience for someone like me so keen on the power of the spoken word, body language,tone of voice, and its ability to enhance our chances of success.

It was like being let loose in the proverbial candy store of public speaking with no limits.

It was hard not to get swept along with the positivity, ra ra  and hype  of the event.

The key thing for me was to take from the many positives of the day little things that will improve and help me to be a better communicator.

Things like this are not designed to be the be all and end all for attendees .

They are structured so you can choose what you want from what is delivered.

Yes it was an impressive selection from an international menu of special talent.

There was also an opportunity to network with the speakers and others on the day.

Relating back to my ‘hot tip # 2’ from last week this is a good example of ‘self help’ by putting yourself out there at an event like this.

I was also appreciative that my employer shared my vision by investing in my attendance!

I also experienced something else amazing last week;

I often stop at a McCafe for my daily caffeine fix and to catch up on emails on the run.

I was served by a deaf barista who engaged effortlessly with me and made sure my order was taken accurately and with a smile.

I was blown away by how good she was and how happy she was to be there.

I made a point of telling her supervisor and the Restaurant Manager how incredible she was!

Congratulations to McDonalds for such a bold move,I applaud and admire you!

I felt good being served in this manner and in being able to provide recognition in this way!


“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” Scott Hamilton

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Slippery as an Eel




                                                                                       Edition 415 Monday 19/02/18


Hi,friends are nice to have but friends with boats are extra special to have!Fletcher and I were lucky enough to get invited out this weekend on the Kaipara Harbour snapper fishing!

Fletcher is obsessed with fishing and couldn’t sleep in anticipation of such excitement and adventure on the high seas.We had an awesome day and the boys ably attended to by their bait/boat boy Fathers were able to land enough legal snappers for a hearty fish dinner!!

Fletcher reckons the worst day out fishing is better then the best day at school(and work)!

Something funny about fishing is my sons passion for hooking eels in our local stream.The last few weekends have seen us relentlessly pursuing these slippery slimey characters with a range of delicious spicy/salty treats (from left over bbq snarlers to bacon to good old fashion never fail worms)! So far 14 eels landed and released to live another day.

Crikey I could think of better (cleaner less smelly) things to do however nothing as exciting or fufilling as this cheap honest turbo charged Father and Son fun and entertainment.

I hope you get a kick out of making your own fun things to do too……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons it’s the simple stuff that creates the lasting memories!





“Good,better,best.Never let it rest.Til your good is better and your better is best.”


How are you settling in to your routines for the year?

It is not uncommon to take a while to get back into the swing of things.

It is important to be in the groove and starting to put on the power sooner rather than later.

I find there are things that assist me to have balance and to be in the best possible shape.

I am talking best shape both mentally and physically.

With the risk of banging on J let me share two hot tips that help me and might help you!


Hot tip #1

Self care….are you making time to exercise daily?We all need to commit to at least 30 mins of increased heart rate.This can simply take the form of a walk, a swim, a cycle,the gym or whatever you like but dedicated to caring for you (self care). Making this a daily habit will better prepare you for the pressure of life and demands for personal and work performance!


Hot tip #2

Self help…….what are you doing to be better? Are you reading a book?, are you attending a course or club?, are you helping/mentoring someone else get to where they need to be?,do you have a mentor?,are you learning more about your company and products or services?, are you analysing where you are at?,are you looking for another job?,are you seeking promotion?Making one or many of these behaviours a habit will also better prepare you to succeed at work and personally.


These two things above all else assist me to face the challenges associated with making the most of the many opportunities I uncover every week.

I am not saying they will solve all your problems but they will better prepare you for whatever comes your way

Leaving that to chance is not an optiion


“You’re only one workout away from a good mood.”

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Dickhead




                                                                                       Edition 414 Monday 12/02/18


Hi,if your neighbour nearly killed your wife,husband,partner or a dearly loved one by driving dangerously ,what would you do?This was a situation I found myself faced with in the last week as one of our neighbours overtook dangerously nearly colliding head on with Christine!

I didn’t hesitate to remind him of his heritage and the need to pull his head in before he did kill somebody.The worrying thing is it is not the first and sadly it wont be the last time he acts so irresponsibly.The Police have yet again been advised however near misses and dick heads like our neighbour don’t rate highly in the scheme of things these days.Interestingly if he had punched me in the face like he threatened to do on numerous occasions for defending my wife and family the Police would have been there within an hour!

Fletcher reckons we should be able to officially rename our neighbour ‘The Dickhead’.

Something funny about our retired racing driver wannabe neighbour is his sense of entitlement to be able to do what he pleases in his retirement.In his words “he hasn’t worked for 40 years to be harrassed by his neighbours!” in more of his words “he hasn’t had a moving violation(yes he is American!) in 5 years “ nor “has he had an accident in all his years of driving “(but how many has he caused?) I was quick to add as I ducked and weaved around his ‘old guy’ punches. Yes my ‘Upbeat’ friends this has affected me a little!

So between our neighbours next door who want to end the life of a grand old Pohutukawa and our retiree neighbour opposite us who wants to end our lives driving like an absolute dick we are taking a stand on behalf of the Community and proud of it.

I hope you are also quick to stand up for your rights…have a good one…Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she always knew ‘the dickhead’ was a bad egg!




“Positive mind,positive vibes, positive life.”


I attended a ‘Mood of the Sales Leader’ event last week.

The invite came as a result of being asked to complete a recent survey of the same name.

The event was to present the survey outcome to participants and other invitees.

I was one of 138 Sales leaders, CEO’s, GM’s or Account Managers to complete the survey.

Interesting results with high %’s reporting watershed growth in 2017 and more for 2018.

The result being increased recruitment, training and prices to achieve that revenue lift.

Also interesting that over 50% of those surveyed listed competitors and pricing as threats.

I guess these results are not that suprising given the so called ‘rockstar economy’.

Was the ‘Upbeat’ (a word actually used a lot) current and future ‘mood of sales leaders’ a bit artificially inflated to be expected from sales types or a true reflection?

Are we headed for a correction or do we back the opinion of this enthusiastic,buoyant band of men and women and ‘just do it’ anyway?......I reckon (of course I would say that).

Something I found intriqing was the move away from CV’s,references and interviews as a means of assessing the suitability of new candidates?

There is an emerging use and trend toward presenting prospective employers with video introductions and candidate history done in person by the candidate.

The other thing companies are being urged to do is make role plays a compulsory component of candidate selection criteria and ongoing sales training!!

Makes perfect sense when anyone can (and a lot do) fudge a CV or structured interview but wouldn’t have a clue how to project in a video or roleplay….bit of a worry really though!!


“Don’t be afraid to do something BIG.”

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Bit ruff




                                                                                       Edition 412 Monday 05/02/18


Hi,in a somewhat unfortunate sequel to our magical Waiheke tropical island retreat we have all been suffering from a sea lice invasion of our nether regions (too much info?)! In an effort to conserve precious tank water we avoided showers and baths to our peril!The lice who are thriving in the warmer sea temperatures dined out on white man woman and child!

Dr Google reckons it serves us right and to expect it to take 2 weeks to clear up (really!)!!

Fletcher reckons 7 weeks school holidays is pretty cool but cant wait to get back there on the 7th February……and yes whilst its been wonderful……Amen to that son !!!

Something funny about sea lice is there is nothing funny about them, why are they even in the ocean, what purpose do they serve, why are they so ugly and hideous.Surely they have better things to do than hang out in peoples swimming trunks spoiling an otherwise perfect holiday?!!I am sure Dr National Geographic google has these answers and more however I am too busy itching wildly to bother even finding out aaaarrrggghhhhhh.

This weekend staying with friends up North we have had to work hard to convince them we don’t all have a highly contagious disease they are in danger of catching from the Joneses!

Think of us wont you Im sure and in the meantime take care, always share and have a another cool short week ahead…Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons it was ruff to think immediately fleas and blame her!!




“Make the customer the hero of your story.”Ann Handley


 How are you doing being plunged back into another “same shit different year”scenario?

It doesn’t have to be that way with all our best intentions and all that but can and does quickly turn to custard.

In the last week I could have been excused for starting to answer the phone “Complaints Department Clinton speaking”….and actually did a couple of times for fun!

It never fails to amaze me how many employees of ours and other companies lose site of their reason for being and having a job…..their customers.

Customers don’t have to use your company they have choices and it doesn’t take much for them to exercise their right to make that choice.

Why do some employees seem to think they can treat customers anyway they like and still expect them to deal with them?

These same people seem to also think that their customers are jolly lucky to have them and will accept being treated badly yet still pay us happily and stay loyal?

In the last week I have had to move into damage control a number of times to assure customers their business is important to us after others have done their best to convince them otherwise.

I have also had to lean heavily on senior team members to address issues urgently in an effort to ensure these employees or contractors shape up or ship out!

No room for arrogance or complacency in a business that wants to survive and grow!

As a pleasant footnote I also had several opportunities to pass on compliments to team members , contractors and suppliers who have provided exceptional service.

It is important to provide feedback both good and bad as it all helps a business to grow.

We should all divide our time equally between looking for things going wrong and right.

So good luck nuturing the positive seeds and getting rid of the weeds!!


“Nobody raves about average.” Bill Quiseng