Sunday, August 30, 2015

56 candles !!




                                                                                       Edition 297 Monday August 31st 2015








Hi,its birthday week again and Im feeling kinda special just like it should be …right?I know we do our best to ignore the fact we are another year older but I reckon it is a time to celebrate so why not. There are a couple of things I make sure I do….first take the day off work and second spend it with family.You cant go wrong if you adopt this simple strategy in my view…so why not keep up with this Jones boy and do the same….go on.We have a special day off planned this week and I cant wait!

My thoughtful wife jumped the gun and gave me my present early after I threatened to hold my breath until she did! I love my italian wooden eco-watch, it is very cool and totally recycled!

Fletcher says; he is not sure what is cooler his new wooden eco sunnies or his scooby doo harmonica but combine the two and we are talking a junior Bob Dylan/Neil Young prodigy!!oh yeah!

Some more personalised plates spotted last week included; DR PAWS,CAT LDY,PPMINT,4 CASTA,

MID WYF,FOSSYL,GOALZ,LAS VGS….and soon to be UPBE4T,be on the look out Auckland motorists!

I arrived at one of my favourite City cafes the other day a bit early so helped them get organised by setting out some tables and chairs. I thought nothing of it however later was rewarded with a free coffee and a couple of pieces of delicious five grain toast.Simple stuff rewarded with an appreciative smile and a small gesture that will be sure to have me raving about them to everyone I meet….Customer service 101…..simple as that.So make sure you visit Urban Jungle CafĂ© in Grey Lynn whenever you are in the City!.Another special week that saw more whale and seal sitings in our back yard and the announcing of the All Black RWC 2015 team!!Whilst Fletcher and I were disappointed to miss out this time we cant wait for the action to start in less than three weeks…bring it on !!

Have a great week,looking after you,family and friends in that order!…..Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon SCBY DO would be an awesome PP for Mums car!




I read a letter the other day written to “My former English Teacher”. It was a letter the writer has always wanted to pen and was invited publicly to do so and did….it went something like this……Her former English teacher didn’t ever recognise her ability or presence in the class to the point where they didn’t even know her name! They also had the audacity to tell her parents at the parent-teacher interviews that she would never amount to anything and would fail School C English miserably.The letter went on to say that after passing School C English she moved and changed schools where she met an English teacher that did recognise and foster her talents which ensured she effortlessly achieved her University entrance pass.At University she majored in English and went on to get a masters degree with honours. Today she is the Head of Deparment English at one of New Zealands most prestigous secondary schools no thanks to her “former English teacher”!The letter goes on in scathing fashion to thank this former teacher for demonstraing clearly to the writer “how not to” teach and treat students. It also says that it taught her that a students name is one of if not the most important thing to them so making an effort to learn and recognise that became a huge part of her career and her subsequent rise to success.This letter is sadly one a lot of us could write to someone we have met in our lives who failed to see or appreciate the ability each of us has.To our credit we have perservered regardless because we have met people who have believed in us and motivated us to succeed and most of us have a story or a letter we could write about that person too.This letter made me realise yet again that we need to see the good in every person we meet regardless of our first impressions or the perceptions/influence of others. Everybody deserves a chance to prove what they can do and it is up to us all to look for and encourage that unconditionally!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

'Thumbs' up!


                                                                                       Edition 296 Monday August 24th 2015








Hi,I am merely days away from taking possession of my personalised plate.’Lay-buying’ was a cool idea as it has made it into a hard earned award and ensured the anticipation has reached fever pitch!

Its like a lot of things you never notice them until you are personally involved or linked in someway.PP’s are no different….some I have noticed recently are; ROK IT, NVS, BSOLD2, IT CHIC,

HD ROC, GO IV IT, HAT TRK, U STAR…..quite clever really and quite a few out there in the traffic when you start looking for or noticing them.

Fletcher says;now his birthday is done and dusted he is focused on getting some early requests in to Santa Claus! Mum and Dad have seized the opportunity to reinforce the link between the jolly chap delivering and the terms and conditions of the Jones family ‘good behaviour contract’ document!

I am sure there are many ‘first signs of madness’ that people look out for but frantically looking for your missing phone while you are on it has to be right up there!!The fact it happened to me a couple of times last week means I clearly cant multi-task and could be losing it (the plot not the phone!).

It certainly was a source of entertainment/humour for those who observed this bizarre behaviourJ!

Almost as funny as my falling off the stage at a recent conference correcting the fall in mid air and effecting a styly landing that an Olympic gymnast would have been totally happy with (8 out of 10).

Ever noticed how useful thumbs are?....didnt really think about it till one was injured recently. Crikey what an invalid without a fully fit thumb(try doing up buttons and texting for example).Six stitches beats a sore thumb all day long so no sympathy vote or attention….such is life!!

Thank you for your feedback and support as we approach a huge ‘Upbeat’ milestone our 300th episode… exciting is that. I hope you are all well,have a great week ahead…..Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon every dog has his/her day and that the wait is worth it!



“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
― George Bernard Shaw


I find most people are reasonable and approachable most of the time so why do customers get so upset sometimes?

In my observation it is caused by a lack of communication.

In a couple of examples recently I had to get involved with disgruntled customers who had got to the end of their rope because we had failed to communicate with them.

These situations could have easily been avoided if our customers had known what was happening!

To prove my point I got members of our team to make an effort to keep our customers in the loop when they requested us to do something…..even when we were unable to resolve things promptly.

I also got our team to make an effort to thank our customers after they had either paid us or provided us with information to assist us to assist them….WOW what a difference those simple things did to the relationship with our customer.

Instead of frustration leading to anger we had positivity that led to friendly thankful customers.

Like anything it is often the simple inexpensive stuff that makes the biggest difference.

I think the key thing for me was that even if the news is not that great it is still better than silence!

My next mission is to attempt to instill this customer communication  focused culture throughout our business so our entire team makes this a key goal daily.

There is no better feeling than successfully serving a customer and having them genuinely happy with you,your product or your service……that ladies and gentlemen is what makes the business world go round.There are times when the customer is definitely not right,it is our job to figure out how to show them without losing them….prompt positive communication is the key!Call a customer NOW!!


“The customer’s perception is your reality.” - Kate Zabriskie

Sunday, August 16, 2015

On fire!!




                                                                                       Edition 295 Monday August 17th 2015








Hi,I spend a bit of time in supermarket car parks in the car supervising our child rather than inflicting him on the two local store staff!I cant help but notice what people wear!Some obviously treat it as a real outing and dress accordingly whilst others look like they slept in their clothes.Some have accessories and designer shoes when others go barefoot!Interesting what you look at and think about waiting in carparks.It has made me think more about what I wear before heading out to the local….but does it really matter?Short answer YES….time to sharpen up Jonesey!!...lead by example!

Fletcher says;now he is a ‘threenager’ the rules need to relax a bit around bed and bath times! He should be able to select his own clothes and dress himself. Three going on thirteen…..good luck with that!Removal of stitches and a bonus bond win ($20) rounded out an ‘Upbeat’ FJJ week!!

Last week I noticed one of our trucks trundling along doing its thing.I could have sworn I saw smoke coming out the back of it but wasn’t sure.It could have been dust but I reckon it was white smoke!I erred on the side of caution and called it in to the office.They swung into action and discovered the load was indeed on fire and managed to take steps to stop the driver and extinguish the fire!My early detection saved the company the loss of a $250,000 truck and possible injury to our driver or the public......yes I am a legend!

Speaking of which I encountered a seal in the darkness whilst running on the beach last week!I don’t know who got a bigger fright (him/her) or me but we both lived to tell the story to our families! J

Also speaking of legends, how about King Richie McCaw,victorious Bledisloe Cup captain and world record holder for most  test matches played…..I bet he wouldn’t be scared of a seal!!

Have another great ‘Upbeat’ week ahead you making time for family and friends.Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon Richie McCaw is ‘Top Dog’ and definitely the King!



"The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public”George Jessel


I believe the better you communiucate the more successful you are but it is for a reason, its true!!

In a recent example of regular communication and leadership training can benefit us all, one of our Toastmaster members was faced with what many would consider an insurmountable dilema!

His large multi national company had entered a prestigous industry awards competition and had made it through to the final. The award was to be announced at a gala black tie event in front of 650 guests including all the industry big hitters and the Government Minister for the sector.

Our man attended the event but because they were up against some stiff opposition he considered making the final to be a huge honour in itself and was not prepared at all for what happened next.

Yes you guessed it his company scooped the prize and before he knew it he was walking to the stage to accept the award and present the obligatory winners speech!Most people would prefer to be thrown to a pool full of sharks that had been starved for weeks but not our man!

His impromtu speaking skills kicked in and he spoke with confidence,structure and style to an audience of influential peers.He was as successful at this as his company had been in winning the award and afterwards many complimented him on his polished skills, his humility and his professionalism.Nobody could believe he had spoken off the cuff and without formal written notes!

He was over the moon and extremely thankful that he made the effort to join an organisation that gave him the confidence and skill to not only get by in a situation like that but to ‘ace it’.

You too can ensure you will not hesitate to stand and deliver go to dare you