Sunday, May 27, 2018

Be the reason !!!




                                                                                       Edition 429 Monday 28/05/18



Hi,thanks for your kind feedback about our Cockateil Tom Toms amazing survival story.The most surprised about that is Tom Tom himself.It has taken over a week for him to even think about being normal again.In that time he has done nothing but eat and stay put in his cage thawing out in the glow of the log burner and putting some meat back on his bones!!

Fletcher reckons Tommy needed some extra help so he shared his weetbix and blueberries with him in the morning and school lunch box left overs in the afternoon! recovery effort.

Something funny is always guaranteed to happen when you are a bit clumsey like this Jones boy.

Officiating at a junior soccer tournament I was running backwards (not easy in itself I might add) when I went over the top of the junior goal (and net) on one field flew momentarily through the air before collecting the goal and net on the adjoining field and came to rest unceremoniously with both goals on top of me and trapped in both nets, degree of difficulty 10,final judges score a creditable 7!

In the right spot at the right time recently paid dividends for Christine as we scored a new 4 burner BBQ for an unbelieveable $89 at the red shed as a Managers Spesh!!They certainly don’t last long in the salt air on the wild west coast so sweet as.

Saw a cool sign outside a florist in Papakura last week ”Be the reason someone smiles today.”

I hope you have an ‘Upbeat’ week doing just that…………Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon time is up for Tommy front row and centre at the log burner!





“Be present. It is the only moment that matters.”


Not surprisingly I attend a number of ‘kid things’ weekly with Fletcher.

The thing that does surprise and annoy me is other parents fixation with themselves!

This mostly takes the form of mobile phone obsession/usage.

Why bother making the effort to support and encourage if you cant stay off the phone?

I always make a point of leaving my phone in the car when we attend anything together.

This allows me to focus on him and what he is doing, I reckon it makes a huge difference.

We always enjoy discussing swimming or footy sessions afterwards and have a laugh.

It allows me to compliment and comment on stuff that happens because I can and do notice it.

I reckon it must be impossible for a kid whose parent isnt focused on them to do the same?

A classic case in point for me came at the recent Soccer Tournament we attended.

Whilst the emphasis was on participation and fun the kids couldn’t have cared less about results.

The proof of what was important to them came outside of the organised games themselves.

It happened while the officials were deliberating over who had qualified for semi-final play.

We organised a ‘pop up’ game between the parents and the kids (no cell phones allowed).

Mums, Dads and their kids had an absolute ball (excuse the pun) battling it out together.

It was without doubt the highlight of the entire day and delivered priceless fun for all.

Interesting lessons here I reckon re life in general about being present rather than distracted.

People relate to people that care enough to listen and support with genuine interest.

People quickly see through those who are present physically but miles away mentally.

Its simply a matter of courtesy towards those you are with at the time regardless of age.



“Be the reason someone smiles today.”

Sunday, May 20, 2018

X Factor




                                                                                       Edition 428 Monday 21/05/18



Hi,did you hear the one about the cockateil who flew into the local café and asked for a latte?

True story….well except for the latte but last week our lost cockateil Tommy flew into the local café after disappearing 8 days previously from our backyard 1km away. He landed on a surprised patrons shoulder chirping “hi Tom Tom” hi Tom Tom” and wolf whistling his heart out(specially trained) much to everyones amusement. He was happy not to resist arrest and even happier when reunited with Christine and Fletcher later that day…….what a survival story against massive odds, what are the chances?? someone who had written him off I am in shock and still cant believe it!

Fletcher reckons Tommys amazing return proves the old adage never give up and never give in!

Something funny about being careful what you wish for is quite often you get exactly that!In my case incredibly it happened twice in 8 days with the disappearance and then the reappearance of my best bird mate Tom Tom (yeah right). …we have had a chat and agreed on a new MOU (memo of understanding)as we embark on a new chapter of our off again on again relationship (funny as) !

Crikey what a roller coaster week, so pleased my family is reunited and happy……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon it’s a miracle they admit they never saw coming!!





“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”Kalu Kalu


I was lucky enough to get the chance to talk to Fletchers class about recycling.

I am a big believer in the importance of leaving a sustainablity legacy for our kids.

They are our future generation of leaders so it makes sense to share time with them.

It is this time when they are young that forms their beliefs and values for life.

What better belief or value to instill than one of creating a sustainable future.

I was pleasantly surprised at the interest and concentration level at 5 years old.

There was a genuine interest in diverting waste from landfill and reduce ,reuse, recycle!

Then I realised why it went so well because I was so passionate and animated.

I didn’t notice it at the time but had totally morphed into teaching mode and loved it.

It’s the same when I spend time reading to Fletcher or his friends or on the footy field.

If you truly love what you are doing and believe unconditionally in it then it will show.

When you speak, mentor or teach do it from the heart and connect with your audience.

You will know when you have achieved this connection because it will be magnetic.

X factor is not something you are born with it is something you generate from within.

The only way you will ever do this is by sharing your passion with others from the heart.

Sadly too many talented/gifted people miss this opportunity to create a lasting legacy.

Instead they get fixated on fame and fortune and lose sight of what is truly important.

Some come round but others sadly grow old bitter with regret and angry with the world.

They blame others for their perceived bad luck or misfortune instead of looking inwards.

I am not famous or rich but I feel more wealthy and fortunate than those I know who are.

My richness is generated from the smiles and laughter of those I mentor and coach.

This feeling is priceless and money cant or will never buy anything that comes close!!


“All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.” Jim Rohn

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Spread your wings!




                                                                                       Edition 427 Monday 14/05/18



Hi,it would be fair to say our Cockateil Tommy and I didn’t always see eye to eye! I enjoyed having him around but found him messy with little concern about toilet hygiene or etiquette (especially when out for his daily exercise inside!).I admit I could have possibly been heard cussing him under my breath on the odd occasion however I did have a special fondness albeit lightly disguised.

So I was equally as devastated as the rest of our family when he escaped by accident last weekL.

I am sad but grateful that I was not responsible as that would not have been a good look!

Fletcher reckons it has been a long time between drinks but worth the wait for his first Player of the day trophy for the season…..he accepts that’s the way the cookie crumbles when Dad is coach!

Something funny about life is things often turn out for the best… a perfect case of this our neighbours with whom we disputed ownership of the Pohutakawa on our boundary and their right to chop this grand old lady/landmark down have now decided to sell instead!!YAY/YES/YAY!!!

The moral of this story is stick to your guns, stand up for what you believe in and hang in there!

Fletcher and I went to our first rugby game at Eden Park together on Friday night. He loved it however not even being there in person was enough to help the awful Blues!(enough said)!

I hope you and your family are getting the most from life……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon it was only a matter of time before Tommy spread his wings L!!





“One day or Day one , you decide”.


If our competitors customers are happy then why would they change?

The answer to this question is simply “they wouldn’t and they don’t.”


What you are offering is different to what they are getting.

The only way to establish that is to get to know these customers in a variety of ways;

Initial cold call in person or appointment via phone.

Fact finding visit to establish current issues/services/problems and projected future needs.

Detailed audit of current systems, processes and services.

Proposal providing future proofed solutions and improvements on current systems and services.

NOTE; not one mention of cheaper pricing as your point of difference.

Seems simple but so many sales people internal and external get it wrong everyday.

There  is no point in quoting apples for apples without having established the info above first.

If you are being asked to quote on existing services and equipment then you may as well not bother.

Interesting scenarios/info but the reality is selling=added value through innovative solutions.

I had several examples last week where I declined to provide like for like proposals.

I also had other examples where I delined to engage unless we were quoting for a total solution.

The customer is important but so too is getting a good deal for your own company.

Providing part of a solution others don’t or are reluctant to provide is not the way forward.

It may open the door  slightly but it isnt a sustainable way to win new business.

Win/win is selling that ensures outcomes are equally as good for the customer as the company!

Work smarter not harder, quality will always earn you more revenue and profit than quantity.

Not rocket science but then again nothing simple and successful ever is!! Good luck team!!


 “The only way on earth to influence the other fellow is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it”. Dale Carnegie