Sunday, December 8, 2013

The last squeeze




Edition 215 Monday December 9th 2013


Hi,hey remember our gas fitter plumber guy Mat Bowman from a couple of episodes ago?, well he asked to use our bit about him in the sizzle as a reference on his new website! How cool is that, one good turn deserves another and that is how the world revolves my friends…..good karma!

I like to get the last out of any container or product before accepting it is run out and eventually throwing it away. Christine is the opposite as soon as there is a hint of the end its gone so there tends to be a battle of the minds especially around the kitchen and the bathroom as things like toothpaste, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, showerwash etc all get used. Now even when there is visibly no product left I reckon a rinse frees up enough product for a final lash! Last week I couldn’t pump any more out of a moisturiser bottle so I unscrewed it and got enough off the tube running in to the bottle to have a bath in (well almost) .Sometimes I have to hide containers in order to get that last rinse/use or it gets noticed and chucked....hmm funnyJ….the irritating things you do !!!

Speaking of making things last I had been doing that with my running shoes until I spotted my foot protruding out the side! Off to the sales and some great deals but the pair best for my tender (wide) feet and the distance I plod annually was not on sale (hate it when that happens!).Some things are not worth crying about and for me running shoes is one of those… theory here is that of the Gucci Family.. “the price will be forgotten long before the quality is remembered and appreciated!” I am also an advocate of my shoe manufacturer(Brooks) battle cry and will always “Run Happy” J in their product! I hope you also had a happy time too this weekend with family and friends.

Have an awesome week ahead chasing your success and happinessJ……………Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon trying to make the dog biscuit container go further sucks


“As I grow older I pay less attention to what people say. I just watch what they do”.

 Andrew Carnegie


Ever wondered what you would do if you lost your voice?, how you would communicate or get by?

Last week it happened to me! there are some who welcomed this phenonemon and rejoiced in the peace and quiet it created in their world……albeit only a brief respite!

I picked up a throat infection either compliments of my darling son or the dubious water quality of the outdoor pool at Onehunga!

The upshot was a raw throat and almost full loss of my normal dulcet communication tones!(voice).

Crikey that was a lesson for someone who has always been rather fond of my own voice I was reduced to actually having to listen more than I spoke….because I couldn’t and then having to pick and choose what I said when in meetings and on phone calls! was a battle but I got there!

What it demonstrated clearly to me was;

  • I don’t listen enough most of the time !!
  • I speak far too much and sometimes unnecssarily especially in a selling situation(oversell).
  • I can and did get by saying a lot less.
  • A well timed brief relevant word can be more effective than raving on for minutes on end.
  • No one listens to half of what you say or understands half of that anyway!


So an interesting week full of meetings where I had to plan to survive and achieve what I had set out to using a lot less words and by being more strategic with the info I had to share. I learned a lot and it was a good wake up call. I appreciate my voice and that I have to look after it along with my health. I also realised I don’t have to talk as much as I do normally so don’t!!......enough said !!


“We do not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes we have to eat them”.

Adlai Stevenson

In the zone!!




Edition 214 Monday December 2nd 2013


Hi, I love December for lots of reasons but the main ones are;


·         The count down to Summer holiday time seriously begins.

·         Time to get the Christmas tree and fill the house with that amazing piney smell!

·         The outdoor pool at Onehunga is open, bigger, cooler and less crowded Yahoo!!


Just as well it is an exciting time after the weekend we have just endured having all contracted Fletchers gastric tummy bug for the second time in the last few months. We all spent most of the weekend in bed or the outhouse fighting the good fight grrrr. Poor old Fletcher also had conjunctivitus so what a happy crew we all were to be around. I train twice a day in an effort to stay in as good a shape as possible and to ignore the ageing process however I was powerless to stop the onslaught of the dreaded gastric bug which stopped me yet again in my tracks!. Lots of fluid and as much sleep as possible the tried and proven remedy and a renewed appreciation for good health when I have it!! But hey Santa is definitely coming to our house to place presents under the scooby doo tree we snaffled earlt at the local pick and chop man. Yep a real tree , real pine needles everywhere and that amazing pine smell through the house. Decorating the tree was a mission with our son removing the decorations as fast as they were placed.The after hours crew completed the job when he was asleep!

I hope you had a cool and fun weekend with family and friends and that you are allowing yourself to be slowly but surely captivated by the festive spirit and goodwill of the holiday season.

Have a great week ahead…………..Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon properly trained, a man could be a dog's best friend?



Everyone has their optimum time in the day where they are at their best or “In the zone”

For me it is the mornings and the reason I know this is because it is the time I feel the strongest and most productive physically and mentally.

It starts for me everyday at 5am when I rise to exercise and it is during these sessions I find myself at my most creative so I always have a note pad in the gym or the bathroom whilst showering and getting ready for work. I have had the most brilliant ideas both business and personal during that first hour or two in the morning. I run Monday/Wednesday/Friday it always clears my head and I always think about the day and the week ahead. I havent managed to carry a notepad on the run yet but do manage to remember the earth shattering ideas I have for changing my world as I go.

I don’t leave it at that as I have a second session most lunchtimes where I head to the local pool and swim laps. I call it swimming where others may differ in their description but for me it is the ideal head clearer after a busy morning or a series of internal or external meetings. It helps me refocus and concentrate on what I still need to do in my day before I run out of gas. Mid/late afternoon can be tough if I am not focussed especially after burning so much energy prior.

I not telling you this stuff because I think I am gods gift to the 50 plus brigade!! I am telling you this because if you havent figured out what time in the day you are at your best then you need to and then you should make sure you go for it so you maximise your performance during that time.

We are all different in this respect but those of us who have identified this and work their day around their highs and lows are the ones who tend to succeed. Hope this helps you check it out, good luck!


“Being ‘in the zone is a very strange feeling. It’s as if time slows down and you see everything so clearly. “Mark Richardson Olympic Sprinter