Hi,life is a funny thing really,it delivers us a lot of
lessons and curve balls and then when some of us think we have figured it out
it starts running out on us!This was reinforced for me in the last week through
the attendance of two reunions where I was able to catch up with old footy and
school mates to share,remember and compare life experiences,scars,scares,fitness(or
not) and fallen comrades.
My many discussions contained all and more and a common
theme….regret that we had not made more of an effort to keep in touch!Note to
self…..life is too short,get your act together in future!
reckons; getting dragged along to Dads high school reunion in Mums
absence was a bit rough although he was able to fill in missing details to
stories he has heard endlessly!
So half a day and first night on our own and going
strong….dont know what all the fuss was about, solo parent and so far well
behaved son talking a good game twelve hours in….watch this space!!
I had an early meeting in Newmarket last week so running a
bit early I ducked into the swimming pool café for a double shot of caffeine
and ended up with so much more.Crikey what a contagious atmosphere,the place
was chocka with all ages,both sexes post workout pumped and high on life!
It was inspiring and motivational,there is nothing better
than the ‘feel good’ factor after exercising!
This café should be renamed “The Upbeat Café” ‘where people
meet who love and respect life!’
Check it out if you are ever in that neck of the woods I guarantee
you will either sign up or be back!!
I dropped on to some amazing rough sawn macrocapa shelving which
have become project 48J
I hope you are fit,happy and well, have an awesome week ahead….Cheers
Harry and the Hendersons reckon more room in our bed should
be shared evenly!

“Ambition is the path to
success.Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”Bill
I have been lucky enough to score a couple of big wins
recently and apart from wearing lucky shirts and underpants to most calls I
have to put it down to doing the basics well.
Both opportunities stemmed from cold calls and hunches about
business to be done.
Neither were sales waiting to happen or begging to be
signed,the duck was certainly alive with all feathers and quacking rather than presented
roasted on the plate J.
Both needed a lot of graft and plenty of meetings and
strategy prior to getting close or over the line.
Above all else this was about backing myself and building
trust and rapport with key people in both organisations before an invitation to
submit a solution was even received.
Both cold calls could easily have been bypassed or dismissed
through my tendency to be disorganised, call reluctant or jusy plain lazy!!
The success has fueled my determination to organise and
motivate myself well enough to allow random hunches and strategic,targeted cold
calls to become a religious feature of
my week.
The key is prioritising targets and time to do justice to
qualifying them as ongoing prospects.
Selling is exciting when you have some wins, it makes the
tough times worth it and restores your faith in the profession when you actually
meet customers who sincerely want to do business with you.
It is easy to get despondent and depressed about the
rejection we all experience however the adrenalin rush from the chase and the
win are contagious and leave you hungry for more.
If selling was easy then everyone would be out there doing it and whilst there are a lot of sales people out there not many are any good……so why not be one of the best you can be!
If selling was easy then everyone would be out there doing it and whilst there are a lot of sales people out there not many are any good……so why not be one of the best you can be!
We all have a chance to differentiate ourselves in the top
percent of our careers and for sales people that can be achieved by hanging on
longer than the many who give up early. Good luck team!!!
“Many of lifes failures
are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave
up.” Thomas Edison
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