Sunday, November 29, 2015

"I hate to say I told you so"




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Hi,I dislike hearing that old chestnut….”I hate to say I told you so” but when I do I know it is well deserved.So after manfully battling a bronchial infection cruelly inflicted on me by others swimming in public pools I finally gave in and visited my doctor.Its worth mentioning that I had no choice given the ultimatum from my wife after countless sleepless nights from my coughing.My long suffering wife had also suggested an inhaler would assist me greatly,advice I chose to ignore.

My Doctor in her wisdom also felt this to be the best remedy….”I hate to say I told you so….”.

Crikey if only I listened to people who care I could save us all a lot of grief…must be a guy thing!

Fletcher reckons; he also hates to say he  told me so…..but he did…when he told me secretly that he had heard his Mum saying she was over me coughing and was not putting up with it any more!

Went to a bit of a do last week which necessitated an outing for my preloved dinner suit and black bow tie.In true Clarke Kent style I zipped into the downtown carpark in normal business attire and in no time emerged totally transformed as my alter ego resplendent in A list garb ready to save the planet!Where would one be without the trusty packet of travel wipes for a car park super hero switch!

No matter what you are up to at this busy time of year I hope you take the time to make sure you have fun doing it…otherwise what is the point?...…….…….have a good one…Cheers Jonesey!!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they could also have told me so if I listened for once!




“Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver, and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging”. - Deepak Chopra


When you go to a work/industry related do it is important you make the most of it.

These events represent a grand opportunity to network with our peers so it is a good idea to make sure you are prepared to do just that.

There are some things I always try to do like have my business card holder full of new cards to be able to pass out to people I meet.

I also try to get a list of attendees before the event so I can make a point of meeting any people attending that I particularly want to meet.

I have attended a number of these events recently and been able to gather some valuable information about my industry and future opportunities for our company.

There are occasions when I arrive at these events and find there is no one I recognise or know in the room. This is understandably many peoples greatest fear and one that puts some people off attending.I agree this can be daunting however you can bet that there are others in the room facing the same dilema so I always make it my job to find them.

At a recent event I couldn’t see anyone I knew so I made a point of talking to anyone I noticed on their own in the room. This approach soon resulted in me being introduced to others including some who were able to share some valuable information about a couple of new projects.

The key thing is backing yourself and having the confidence to approach people you have never met before. My theory is that for people to have made the effort to rsvp and actually show up they must be keen to talk to someone or show respect and support for the company or organisation that invited them.Most people I know who are hesitant to attend usually end up getting a lot from these events if they can overcome their initial fear.

End of year is typically a time there are a number of these events on so make sure you jump at the chance to attend… wont regret it!......I hope these tips help you succeed…….Cheers.


“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you”. - Dale Carnegie

Sunday, November 22, 2015

'Slow down you move too fast'




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Hi,there are times recently when I wonder if I am seriously losing it?Whilst I would be the first to outwardly assure you this is not the case I do have moments when I inwardly question this……

Like the two instances in the last week where I have left my coffee and my business satchell on the roof and bonnet of my car on separate occasions and driven off oblivious in both cases!Coffee spread from one windscreen to the other and an unceremonious attempt to capture documents and business cards blowing on the road and pavement were the rather humorous sequels to both eventsJ.

More likely this was lifes way of saying “slow down you move too fast.”…..hmmmm

Fletcher reckons; Its a bit rich expecting him to behave for the next five weeks to ensure Santa doesn’t bypass 48….crikey wasn’t Santa ever young once?....surely there is room to negotiate?

I had been umming and ahhhing (procrastinating) about organising an anniversary event and decided to bite the bullet and ‘just do it’ anyway.As with most things we tend to procrastinate about the event was a huge success well received by all who attended.I could have easily decided to let it slip by and had the important milestone lost forever but was glad I made the effort not to.I guess my message is that if you think it is worthwhile then it probably is………so ‘JUST DO IT’.

I hope you are enjoying life with people close to you who matter……….…….Cheers Jonesey!!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon bones(with meat) should be left out for Santas helpers!!




“There is no elevator to success,you will have to take the stairs.” Zig Ziglar


I heard an interesting presentation recently about ‘the secret to success’.

The presenter who is an experienced english language program Director shared his experience of adult students looking for quick tips to achieve success in english exams.

Whilst the tips he was able to share with them were certainly useful he went to great lengths to assure them they were no guarantee of success.

This thirst for ‘quick tips’ and obsession with secret formulae for success is not limited to academia.

A ‘quick’ visit to Dr Google reveals literally millions of ‘tips or secrets to success’ from would be short cut experts encouraged by the demand for instant wins.

Our presenter goes on to link his students seemingly innocent and normal request for exam tips to an underlying demand for ‘quick fix’ to life solutions world wide!

Seems there are generations out there looking for the magic receipe to better relationships, careers,business opportunities, fame and fabulous fortunes.

In a clever twist our presenter is able to remind his audience there is more to success and they would be well advised to ask themselves three key questions;

  • Where am I now(point A) and where do I want to be (point B)?
  • What is my plan to get from A to B?
  • How do I stay motivated to achieve my plan?

The irony is that whilst success in an english language exam is important it isnt as important as how you achieved it!

If you planned and worked hard then you would not only pass your exam but you will have also developed habits that would position you positively for a successful life.

If you used short cuts and you happened to pass then you will not have done yourself any favours for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in life.

So in a powerful conclusion our presenter draws the audience close and whispers softly… my friends I am absolutely certain…………….


“The secret to success is…..there is no secret to success.” Elbert Hubbard

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Keep your pants on !




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Hi,in order to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ you need to ‘run the gauntlet’ daily! Swimming in public pools is a perfect example of the commitment required to ‘keep up’.In the last week I have picked up yet another strain of the latest bug and whilst my immune system was busy battling that on all fronts some low life stole my strides complete with my new designer belt and all! Crikey, what does a supreme athlete have to do to get a trouble free training break from the office?I am pleased to report that I am on the road to general health recovery and that after chasing the thieves in my underpants and towel I was able to apprehend them in the car park to successfully retrieve my pants!I eventually saw the funny side of all this when I was attempting to explain it to Christine as she laughed a lot! J

Fletcher says; I should have called Policeman Plod to apprehend the naughty Goblins and not taken it upon myself to chase them into the dark dark forest!.....from the mouth of babes!

I like a coffee and a cosy place to indulge in my daily passion.If I am not at home with our trusty Breville(still going strong) enjoying my Muriwai ‘Millers’ special then I can be found in my home away from home Onehungas ‘Cosy Café’.Owner James(nice dude) and his friendly team deliver an ‘Allpress’ special with love,affection and the compulsory jaffa duo to cap off the experience.They care and it is noticeable these days with too many people owning cafes who seemingly don’t. Cosy is packed most of the day with people like me who appreciate and recognise good service with a smile J.

I hope you are all healthy and getting the most from life,have a good one…….Cheers Jonesey!!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon coffee is a temporary fix,chew bones are permanent!




“If it doesn’t challenge you it wont change you.”Fred De Vito


Opportunities often come disguised as hard work which is why so many miss or avoid them!

Never saying no to an opportunity to advance or benefit is the key to growth and progress.

No advance is ever made even from worse to better without inconvenience!

I am always looking for opportunities to advance and enhance my brand.

More often than not this comes from advancing  brand Green Gorilla however not always.

Recently I MC’d a conference and got an amazing chance to enhance my personal brand!

As a result of this I have been lucky enough to score a small gig assisting a large international learning organisation as a ‘communications expert’!

Crikey as hard as it is to get my head around sometimes there are actually people out there who value my opinion about their stuff!

Its not till I do this that I realise how much knowledge I have accumulated and observe how useful that can be to others when shared with enthusiasm and passion.

It is a buzz to be able to impart ideas and have them adapted and incorporated by individuals and teams who are seeking to make an impact in their respective fields.

The reality is that stuff I have worked hard to be good at and better at all my career actually has value to others.

Communication skills I have honed and practised are sort after by others who want to be the best they can be in front of their people and their customers…….WOW.

I get as much if not more from meeting others and sharing ideas that empower and transform.

What I am doing is not extraordinary or something I am egotistic about.

It is something I am humble and thankful for the chance to do and by extending myself outside my comfort zone I am living the dream of doing.

My message to you is that if you have something you have always wanted to do but have held yourself back then there is no time like the present to have a crack and let yourself go……..good luck.


“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein