Sunday, July 27, 2014

Beware the low flying Gorilla!




Edition 244 Monday July 28th 2014








Hi,I love that the days are getting noticeably longer and lighter as the shortest day is but a memory! We have all done well and it will only get better from here as Spring and Summer loom excitingly. Just to make sure things tick over as quickly as possible I have built a couple of well timed long weekends into the coming weeks. This is designed to mix things up nicely and make sure I don’t burn myself out with too many full on full weeks! This might sound whimpish but it is all about pacing myself and making sure I take time out to ensure I stay focused. No one is going to tell me to take a break, so I needed to seize the initiative myself….so I did….you should too.

Fletcher says; watching the Commonwealth games beats the cartoon channels any day,inspiring stuff for impressionable minds.I bet many if not all of our competitors started out the same way?!!

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback over recent weeks, I always appreciate your thoughts, ideas, recommendations , commendations and above all else you sharing personal experiences and feelings, just like I do in ‘Upbeat’. I benefit greatly from your feedback please feel encouraged and free to write anytime.Also,please don’t hesitate to let me know if you would prefer not to receive ‘Upbeat’ in future. In the meantime,take care, plan a break and have a great week, Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon a global games for dogs would be a winner.All three of them would be automatic selections if there was an event for sleeping and snoring!!! J




“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen.”
Michael Jordan


What a business week it was for our little kiwi owned green field Green Gorilla start up SME!

We took on the big overseas private equity owned corporates and against all the odds we WON!

We were awarded one of Auckland biggest recycling and refuse removal contracts that has previously been the exclusive domain of one of the big guys for over twenty five years!!!

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen from September first we will be the exclusive provider of these services to the University of Auckland. This globally reknowned institution is responsible for shaping the future of thirty five thousand students annually, what a huge opportunity and major victory for our company.

How on earth did this happen?

We backed ourselves and believed we have what it takes to not only provide these services but to provide creative, innovative and importantly sustainable solutions well into the future on campus.

We have preferred to fly under the radar since arriving on the scene almost four years ago. We believe this combined with the corporate arrogance and complacency of our competitors worked in our favour as we came from nowhere to snatch a famous and what will be a memorable victory.

The arrogance of the incumbent continued in the wake of the defeat as they reacted aggressively by refusing to allow sufficient notice in a deliberate effort to usurp our commencement and cause as much disruption to their customer of over twenty five years as possible……….unbelieveable behaviour!

Wow, what a shot in the arm for the little guy and a massive vote of confidence in what we have strived to achieve in our brief history. This is a classic example that anything is possible and that if you back yourself and have a crack then you can mix it with anybody no matter how big or small.


Never stop believing …..we ceratainly wont…. Bring it on….time for the hard yards at UoA now !!!


“If nobody will help you, do it alone! There is no 'i' in team, but there is '1' in WIN”

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Crazy world




Edition 243 Monday July 21st 2014








Hi,winter is the coolest time literally and metaphorically,there is something special about hearing the rain cascading onto the tin roof while you are enveloped in warmth mesmorised by the happy flames shimmering and dancing alluringly across the log fire!....yes add yummy comfort food to this formula and hibernation has a lot going for it if you want to be as smart as the average bear!!

 Fletcher says; who said being two was so terrible?I don’t know what all the fuss is about. I have decided to break the mold because I am seriously cute!(and modest like Dad).

I have a lot of trouble comprehending how crazy and senseless the world is most times but never more so than in the last week. I have been consumed in shock and sympathy for the families and friends of those who tragically perished in MH17 and for the innocent people affected by the endless and escalating unrest in the so called ‘holy land’ ….yeah right !

I am eternally grateful that our intrepid travelling son Mark who is currently catching breath in Bangkok was not involved and that we live in New Zealand that is far away from this global craziness.

Life is short, none of us know exactly how short so best we all seize every day for what it is , another opportunity to make the most of our time on this earth with the people that mean the most to us,our family and our friends. Have a great week, take care, laugh and smile a lot…….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon those Russkies have always been a dodgy bunch!!!




“Walk the yard , kick the tyres, talk to staff, live and breathe the business”. Pat Gilman


One of my favorite former Managers Pat had some great sayings and habits, his quote above was both rolled into the one.

How can you manage a business if you don’t know what happens within it? You need to experience the coal face, kick the truck tyres in the yard talk to the drivers and staff in the office all of whom drive the business daily. He was so right a walk through the business talking to all staff can be revealing and rewarding for all concerned.

Pat used to arrive early and meet the drivers and office staff in a collection business before the rubber hit the road. He would find out information that assisted him to understand what made the business tick and that also helped him to build the trust needed to make important decisions to ensure the business was able to continually grow and improve.

This was a valuable advice that I have tried to use in my own career both in the businesses I have worked in but also when working with the businesses of the customers I have built relationships with.

Establishing and understanding what makes your customers businesses operate is crucial to being able to provide them with creative/innovative solutions that assist them to also ‘be better’.

There have been many instances where a commitment to understanding a prospective customers business has provided vital information that has created an important point of differentiation.

It seems simple and straight forward enough but it is surprising how many people I know don’t know all they should about their businesses or those they provide equipment, services and products to.

Knowledge is definitely power on all counts so my challenge to you all is to set yourself the goal of improving your knowledge on both fronts,it can only benefit you and those you work for and with!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Pig in muck!!!




Edition 242 Monday July 14th 2014








Hi,wow what a crazy weather week on the wild west coast. Whilst we were mostly sheltered from the easterlies blasting overhead and offshore we were still without power for a big part of the week. Underground and power are two words that are yet to find each other out our way so you tend to expect it and hunker down when there is a storm! Still hard to get used to not turning switches on when you walk into rooms or try to use electrical stuff! I can pretty much cope personally except for the cold showers which I am a big sook about brrrrrrrrr.Makes you thankful for power and extra quick in the bathroom!

I stumbled on a veritable goldmine last week when I coincidentally arrived at the opening day of the new City Council recycle shop at their transfer rubbish station in Henderson! I was like a pig in the proverbial and ended up putting a ‘first option hold’ on three amazing items that had been recovered from the waste stream (just trying to pick the right time to purchase and sneak into home!!shhhhh)…I still find it incredible to believe that people throw away what they do proving indeed that one persons waste is definitely another persons treasure….Yay (watch for the pics!)

From the Fletcher file; bit crook at the moment and had to flag regular weekly program items like swimming and beach combing….resting his body temporarily like Dad and hoping to be back soon!!

As you know I like my coffee and good service so I am happy to tell you how impressed I am with the way I get looked after at Columbus coffee outlets.Nothing is a problem and apart from complimentary wifi every sixth coffee is free,life ‘on the road’ in Auckland doesn’t get any better, proving “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful”(my Mae West quote on my Columbus coffee cup this morning J)

I hope you are still in one piece after the storms last week and having fun with friends and family. Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon having a dog(or three) is the only opportunity a human ever has to choose their relatives!! J




“Better to fight for something than live for nothing.”George S. Patton Jr.


Imagine if you worked for a company with the following ideals;

01 Customer focus (listen and build)

02 People Development (learn and grow)

03 Continual Improvement (be better)

04 Hard work and positive attitude (Have a go)

05 Lead by example and take responsibility ( don’t blame others)

06 Teamwork and respect for others (work together)

07 Extrepreneurial Spirit (initiative, innovate, create)

08 Keep it simple (use common sense)

09 Honesty and Integrity (make your word your bond)

10 Be humble (recognise and praise others)


I met a company that does…Reece Plumbing and their employees are happy they do.

This list encapsulates most others I have seen and rolls them into one impressive ten point plan.

They are a pleasure to deal with and were only too happy to share this information with me. Impressive ideals indeed however clearly a company setting their sights high and one we would do well to emulate……..worth thinking about and having a crack at some if not all on the list.


“Ideals make reason inaccessible.”Floriano Martins

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Action is eloquence!!




Edition 241 Monday July 7th 2014








Hi,I should have known that showing off last week about my exercise achievements would come back to bite me big time. Sure enough last week I tore my hamstring and had to have a day off to recover only to then tear it again aaaaarrrrgggghhhh. So I am not as crash hot (or young) as I think I am afterall. Looks like some further time off to get this tempermental tissue repaired!! You don’t realise how lucky you are to be able to exercise until that ability is taken awayL.

Loving the World Cup Soccer, the passion, enthusiasm,drama and Fletcher playing out in the lounge!

From the Fletcher file; went to the fire station with Mummy and met ‘Dennis’ the fire engine… cool (see attached photos). Rewoo, rewoo,rewoo, following in his Mums footsteps!

After missing out on the major sponsorship deal mentioned last week I got a ‘make it up to you’ invite to do a live radio interview to talk about our company and the range of recycling services we provide. Even though it was at 6.15am on a Sunday morning I couldn’t believe how nervous I was speakng live on the radio. Even more unbelievable was the feedback I got from two business colleagues who happened to be listening at that time to the ZB DIY show hosted by Peter Wolfkamp! The start of something big in the media world……..yeah right !! Sorry if you missed it but your Sunday sleep in would have been more useful!

Still fun keeping the Joneses out in front, hope you are all managing to keep up…cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon dogs passing wind is nothing compared to smells they have to endure! 



“Action is eloquence” William Shakespeare


President Clinton is back in the house !!!


Yes folks yours truly has taken on the role of President for yet another Toastmasters year at the helm of the Central Park Club in Penrose.

Why after so many previous years in this role do I volunteer to again step up to the plate?

The answer is because after twenty four years as a Toastmaster I still get an adrenaline rush every time I attend a meeting.

Yes partly because I have always liked the sound of my own voice but more importantly because of the amount of satisfaction I get out of introducing others to the organisation and to assisting them to develop their communication, listening and leadership skills.

Our club meets every two weeks and this provides a fortnightly top up of energy, enthusiasm and motivation for the two weeks ahead.

Communicating, listening and leading are skills that need to be regularly polished used and improved. The phrase ‘use it or lose it’ is applicable to these and other skills we learn so Toastmasters provides the perfect vehicle for applying and improving these regularly.

I have benefitted greatly from my exposure and involvement over the years.My sales and management career has been enhanced through the improvements I have made to all three skills.

The biggest buzz for me though has always been seeing the amazing improvement made by others and the huge lift in their confidence as a result of their ability to communicate, listen and lead more effectively.

I know you have heard it all before but the thousands of New Zealanders that are part of the tens of thousands of international members cant all be wrong…..why not check out a club meeting near to your home or work and get along for a no obligation look??.....go on….I dare you !!!


“Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” Ralph Smedley Toastmasters founder