Edition 340 Monday 18/07/16

Hi,if Cats really have nine lives how do they know what
number they are up to at any given time and when #9 is next?Two recent events
have seen me giving this some serious thought;1)Our neighbours ginger cat Oscar has taunted one of our dogs Oscar
Henderson through gaps in the fence relentlessly for years.So imagine our
Oscars delight when their Oscar wandered unexplainably into our yard last
week.What followed was not pretty and ended in tears.Needless to say Oscar the
cats #9 was up L as are Oscar the dogs years of torment J.2)One
of our contractors picked up a couple of couches from their customer recently
for disposal at our Waste Processing Facility.Unbeknown to any one the beloved
family white Tabby Cat was hiding in one of the couches!We were notified and
searched the facility high and low to no avail.Another feline who had clearly
run out of numbers! L
reckons;he was not a big fan of Oscar the cat after being attacked by
him once.He knew the two Oscars were going to meet face to face one day and
there would only be one winner!Lets face it as upsetting as it was for all(our
neighbours and us included) if your #9 is up its up!
Having given this far too much thought I have come to an
interesting conclusion.I reckon Cats know when their #9 is up and in both these
cases they voted with their feet!....Fate is a curious thing!!
Apart from this dramatic and scintillating home/work action
we have weathered thunder and lightning,week one school holidays,continued
global implosion,Pokemon craziness and numerous other challenges to make it
through another week at 48 on the wild west coast.
There is nothing better than making time for and hosting
family at our humble abode….and after all is said and done,isnt that what life
should be all about?Have a good one….…..Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon chasing Cats is what Dogs do

“As you grow older you will
discover you have 2 hands,1 for helping yourself and 1 for helping others”. Audrey Hepburn
I believe that if I help enough people get what they want
then I in turn will get what I want.
Thing is I seem to be confronted constantly with people only
interested in what they want and not concerned in the slightest in what I want?
Does there come a time when helping others to get what they
want has to take a back seat or do I persevere on my crusade?
Do self centred people happy to walk over the top of others to
get what they want eventually come unstuck? and if so should we help them or
cheer about their demise from the sidelines?
Do people like me who persevere continue to get trampled and
taken advantage of or do we eventually win in the end?
The answers to these and many other questions about how we
approach each day cant be answered simply or succinctly,they must be answered
by living and experiencing them daily.
In my life experience to date I have gained a lot of
satisfaction and pride from helping and mentoring others.Some have been
appreciative yet some have treated it as a right and taken it for granted.
The thing about giving is that if you are sincere then you do
it without the expectation of receiving something in return and that is when it
truly makes a difference.
Giving expecting gain or return is shallow,insincere and obvious
to the recipient.
Thinking deeply about the questions posed above led me to
conclude that my philosophy of giving is definitely ‘giving’ me what I am
seeking, a deep satisfaction and pride in myself and others.
There will not come a time when I will ever discontinue or
push this philosophy to the back seat.
I have seen self centred people happy to trample others end
up trampled but not rejoiced.
People like me(us) certainly get trampled a few times along
the way but end up winning in the end!
“To strengthen the muscles
of your heart the best exercise is lifting someone elses spirit”.
John McNaughton
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