Sunday, August 7, 2016

In the zone




Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 343 Monday 08/08/16






Hi,after a confident yet speed wobbly start we settled into a routine that thankfully delivered us in one piece to the finish.Yes five days and nights of solo parenting is behind me and I can reflect on a number of lessons learned.I think the biggest thing I figured out quickly was to check the sugar level (aka rocket fuel)in food before feeding or allowing it to be eaten by our son.I established this was the difference between both of our normality and/or insanity.Obvious vs Oblivious!!.Sweet bro vs No bro!

Fletcher reckons;eating three cup cakes seemed like a good idea at the time however he couldn’t believe how much of a big deal Dad made of that when he found out! Welcome home happy Mummy!

While we were attempting to be normal my courageous wife was totally focused and ‘in the zone’ at the National Fire Brigade training academy in Rotorua officially becoming a fully Qualified Fire Fighter.

To say we are proud of her does not do justice to the admiration we have for her having made the decision to relentlessly pursue her passion and obvious calling!Christine Jones is out there proving it is never too late to follow your dreams and in her case to do her bit for her family,her society and her community!Amazingly she got the chance to use her new skills and motivation at two real life accidents one in Rotorua after training one night and again this weekend in Muriwai. On both occasions the Jones girl was prominent at the scene and praised by senior staff in review, you go girl! Crikey Jonesey stop feeding the kid sugar and pull your finger out boy!!

I managed to redeem myself somewhat by pulling a huge birthday surprise while she was away purchasing a mint oak dressing table she had been admiring for ages…..Yes, Im back !!!

Fletcher turns four next week so we are looking forward to that and to just being together again.

I hope you have a big week planned too, may it be an Upbeat one for you…..Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon cup cakes full of sugar could work for them??




“If you cant accept losing then you cant win”.Vince Lombardi


In a complete turnaround to the recent euphoria  I had a couple of massive setbacks last week.

Same lucky underpants,socks,shoes and shirts yet luck completely deserted me?

So how does one deal with such a lack of wind in the sails that were set so full!

Like all good sports people after a loss I was gutted in the moment but then determined.

Determined to figure out where I went wrong and even more determined to move forward!

The thing I figured out was there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

Being humble and having humility is classy, mature and professional.

Being arrogant and complacent is rude,loud and ignorant, something I found out the hard way!

So what to do?

I decided that failure doesn’t have to be final and that it wont be the first or last time for me.

In both cases my inability to back off,shut up,listen and learn cost me big time.

It hurt a lot,however, I realise that things happen for a reason and it is up to me to accept and adapt.

So in order to assist me figure out what went wrong I asked in both cases.

I didn’t like what I was told but instead of ignoring or denying it I took the comments on board.

As a result of asking for feedback I have developed a simple questionaire about ME, for YOU!!

About how people I work with both new and existing found or find me to work with??

It was an eyeopener for me finding out how good I think I am isnt how good others think I am!!!

What a contrast to last week when I thought I was invincible on top of my world!

Like it or not life is like that so it is up to us to enjoy the wins and embrace the setbacks equally.

Thanks to the honest,frank and brutal feedback I have had my feet are firmly back on the ground!!


“Losing a game is heartbreaking.Losing your sense of excellence or worth is a tragedy”.

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