Sunday, August 5, 2018





                                                                                       Edition 439 Monday 06/08/18



Hi, August signals the start of the Joneses birthday season with Christine, Fletcher, me plus my Mum and Dad all having birthdays in the coming weeks.We span the ages from turning six, a couple of fitty early and lates right through to the mid eighties plus(not me!) yes,it is all going on for young and old.

I reckon a day or two off to celebrate properly is in order so watch this space.

Does The Warehouse still give their staff a day off on their birthdays?

It would be great if all companies did (just saying J)… there is a staff morale building idea!

Fletcher reckons he is all for a day off on his birthday, perhaps it can be bolted on to the upcoming Teachers strike day off to make it really special…..(yeah right).

Something funny….can happen when you are technically challenged and a male to boot and you try to send emails and texts simultaneously when busy!Best not to unless you want your boss (female) to end up getting the xxx you intended for your wife on her text on the bosses work email instead !!! Hmmm that took some fast talking and humble pie scoffing to get out of,I still cringe when I think about it!!I cant begin to imagine how she must have felt,probably still trying to figure it out!(funnyJ).

Come to think of it maybe the guys I have also mistakenly sent xxx to are equally miffed?!!!  

I hope you have a busy, fun and ‘Upbeat’ week doing just that……Cheers Jonesey.xxxx(just kidding).


Kate and Lily reckon girl dogs ‘just wanna have fun’, just wanna, just wanna have fun!!





“Iron rusts from disuse;water loses its purity from stagnation….even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind.” Leonardo da Vinci


In the communications world ‘they’ say if you don’t ‘use it’ you will ‘lose it’.

I tend to agree with whoever ‘they’ is on this occasion.

Communication skills both written and verbal need to be used as often as possible.

To practise and develop new skills but also to fine tune and polish existing ones.

So my modus operandi is “never turn down or miss an opportunity to speak or write”.

Last week I was invited to speak to some prospective Toastmasters at a demo meeting.

The easy thing for me to do would have been to decline given the short notice and timing.

Instead I accepted and then made it my duty to prepare, practise and deliver my best effort.

I always benefit hugely from accepting every invitation that comes my way without exception.

Coincidentally last week I was also invited to speak to the sales team of one of my customers.

I jumped at the chance and ended up with some leads and referrals whilst networking with them!

Writing ‘Upbeat’ each week ensures I am also regularly practising my written communication skills.

By recounting things that actually happen and transferring them into words on paper I am continually challenging myself to be a better written communicator.

I still hand write letters and cards to an Aunty in Melbourne sending via post as a nostalgic gesture.

I remember how much effort I put in to learn to write and it is something I never want to lose!

Practising written communication also assists me to make business proposals clear and concise.

I have always reckoned ‘our success or otherwise in this world can be directly attributed to how effectively we communicate in writing or verbally with others’.

So my sales sizzling message from personal experience this week is to never miss an opportunity to use and better your communication skills or slowly but surely……you will lose them!


“The muscle of Kick-Assery is like any other muscle – you have to use it or lose it.”

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