Sunday, August 12, 2018

UPBE4T !!!




                                                                                       Edition 440 Monday 13/08/18



Hi,crikey getting old is a bit of a bother I thought as I was ready for bed just after 7pm on Saturday night….yes sad but true! I know I volunteered to be the Coach but geez it has added some km to Saturdays! Yes km, well I wouldn’t have believed it if my trusty ‘fitbit’ wasn’t screaming for mercy on my wrist.Most Saturdays I clock up over 25,000 steps however a new personal best this weekend of 29,595 was super human!Did you know that equates to over 20km as I tell ALL who will listen.

Fletcher reckons if I was really serious about setting a decent PB I would have headed out Saturday night at least until I had pushed through the 30,000 step barrier…..cmon coach…never give in!!

Something funny….about life is ‘what goes around comes around’ as I now find myself with temp responsibility for running the household!!All those times I thought it, sometimes said it, and now find myself sensitive to comment re my ability or lack of it in this area…working and stay at home Mums I salute and admire you…hmm I wonder if I get staff priority and discount for ambulance travel?!

Great weekend weather for doing anything and everything, perhaps Spring has Sprung?(see pic).

I hope another ‘Upbeat’ week puts a ‘spring in your step too……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon running the house is all about following a set routine…..just saying :)





“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to mankind as it is, infinite.” William Blake


I read with interest an interview with the Mainfreight CEO of 18 years Don Braid this weekend.

It was encouraging to read how ‘Upbeat’ and positive he was about business.

He was confident the economy was in good shape and was looking forward to expanding!

I felt these comments were encouraging for business on the back of recent negativity.

I have frustratingly read and listened to the media beating up business confidence?

I often wonder who their so called surveys and polls actually ask to get these results.

Certainly any hint of a downturn is like blood in the water for these hypo commentators.

Yet here is the CEO of one of New Zealands most successsful and well supported companies predicting growth and positivity in the same market others are reporting as uncertain and in decline?

I reckon ‘perception is everything’ and therefore take a lot notice of the Mainfreight comments.

The media whips up frenzies and potential panic as a result of bias coverage of comments/events.

A good recent example was the Ebert Construction company receivership in Auckland.

As far as the media was concerned this heralded the collapse of the Construction industry.

Reports came thick and fast of a number of other companies close to the brink of failure.

Three weeks on there is no facts, yet the media continue to fuel negativity around the sector.

The reality is Construction is booming and presents a huge opportuity to any well run business.

Our company like hundreds of others have invested in growth and expansion on the back of this.

The time couldn’t be better for business yet all we hear about is the growing lack of confidence?

It appears that no matter what the Government try to do there are those who still mourn the last outfit with the ‘rock star economy’ they are now trying to convince us is in rapid decline?

Sure things are never perfect but I favour giving them and the economy a fair crack of the whip.

I am backing Mainfreight and their $27 a share positivity all the way and strongly urge the NZ media to print more stories like that so we can all be ‘Upbeat’ about the the outlook for business.


“I prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.”Rudyard Kipling

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