Sunday, July 29, 2018

My life is rubbish




                                                                                       Edition 438 Monday 30/07/18



Hi,recycling/reusing North West style is kind of cool and can be done easily in your own Community.All you need to do is put anything you don’t need any more out the front of your place.

Sometimes within minutes passerbys cant help themselves as they go through picking out the ‘good stuff’. The beauty of the exercise is everyones tastes are different so there is no ‘bad stuff.Amazingly a decent pile of stuff can and does disappear in a day and completely in two!!To demonstrate how well it works we scored some great pre loved pieces this weekend including a cool table soccer game.

We have had endless fun this weekend on our new toy battling each other for the World title (see pic)

Fletcher reckons if the tooth fairy continues to be so generous he is on track to raise a decent pile of cash after collecting another 4 bucks from his second tooth!!...could be good for a loan!!

Something funny….about bin diving and inorganic pile treasure hunting is the reinforcement of the old adage ‘someones junk is someone elses treasure’.I am continually astounded at what some people either pull out of bins or stop and collect from the kerb…exciting stuff, try it you will love it!

It is the calm before the storm at 48 as we build toward 3 weeks ambo training as our new recruit enjoys some time out helping in a local café….yes time to step up for the boys…’lets do this’!

Speaking of ‘just doing it’ I hope you have an ‘Upbeat’ week doing just that…………Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon dog rego would be cheap at double the price so stop your moaning!!





“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs


My life is rubbish and I couldn’t be happier!!!

How so?....well checking out other peoples junk is such a buzz!

Even better I actually get paid to check out other peoples junk!!

Every bin or truck load represents opportunity for me/us.

Opportunity to divert as much of that bin or truckload away from the dreaded landfill!

But wait theres more!….before the waste gets in the bin I get a chance to make sure it doesn’t!

The waste hierarchy or 3R’s as it is widely known goes like this ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

So by auditing a waste stream pre bin or truck I can suggest ways to reduce and reuse first.

This can take various shapes or directions but all will ensure a sustainable outcome.

Achieving these outcomes creates a ‘feel good’ factor for the generator and the benefactor.

Once the material is deemed waste and hits the bin or truck the challenge to recycle is thrown down!

Then it gets interesting and creative which is the part I particularly enjoy taking head on.

Creating a recycling outcome either by processing ourselves or via our extensive network is huge.

There is no doubt that preventing any waste from becoming landfill bound/dumped is Utopia.

So when people ask me what I do and I tell them ‘I talk rubbish all day’, I actually mean it!!

My life is rubbish or other peoples and making the best of every kg of it is my goal.

Finding a vocation where one feels one is making a difference everyday isnt easy but I have!!

Creating solutions to peoples problems is immensely satisfying for me and them.

Lets face it most of us go to work ideally for 40 hours but more likely for 50-60 these days.

So it makes sense when that % of our days, weeks and years is so occupied that we are happyJ.

Yes,you guessed it, my sales sizzle message/challenge is if you are not happy then DO something!

Like me you can make a difference everyday whilst making yourself and all you contact happy too!


“Whatever you decide to do make sure it makes you happy J.”

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