Sunday, August 26, 2018

The odd couple




                                                                                       Edition 442 Monday 27/08/18



Hi,how hard can it be keeping track of two matching socks?Two go into the wash, get hung out yet seldom ever make it to the folding table or back to the draw together!!!?The more people I talk to the more I realise this phenonemon is not restricted to us here at 48….it happens elsewhere too.Ever noticed it’s the most sort after socks often required last minute in a hurry (footy or work) that go missing most regularly?aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh. Ahhh the trials of being in charge of that stuff!!!

Fletcher reckons;being made to wear different rather than matching socks to school is ok with him and in his opinion should bear no reflection on our socio economic standing in the local community.

Something funny….about my obsession with socks this week is that whilst investigating the story I discovered our relentlessly active puppy Lily is equally obsessed with them.To the point where she was apprehended with a stash of missing socks she had secretly and silently chewed and hidden!!!

Apart from losing my socks I found solace in the simple pleasures of life like reading my weekend Herald,cleaning my car,mowing my lawn sustainably with my recycled push mower and capping it all off by watching the Aussies get trampled into the hallowed turf of Eden Park yet again!

Life doesn’t get any better,hope the same goes for you,have a good one……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon you should try keeping track of four socks if you think two is hard!




“Excellence is a continuous process not an accident.”


‘They’ do say that “getting to #1 is the easy part, its staying there that is the hard part!!”

I think ‘they’ are right its certainly easier being the underdog than it is being the incumbent.

Take the All Blacks for example, they are continually looking for ways to improve and be better.

Coaches and management recently travelled to the US visiting highly successful professional organisations asking questions, observing and noting things they can add to their formula.

They did this because they cant afford to sit still and rest at the top of their sport/profession.

The chasing pack are never far behind and it is the little extra bits that keep them in front.

Rest easy, become complacent and arrogant and you set yourself up for failure.

So……it was with great pleasure this week that we announced our latest innovation.

In fact we went one better and got the Associate Minister for the Environment to do it on our behalf!

We have applied for and been granted over $3million toward an extension to our unique facility.

Instead of standing still out in front we are seeking to extend our lead on the chasing pack.

We know with the rapidly evolving sustainability industry we work in we need to move quickly.

We have been ahead of our time and flown under the radar but things are changing daily.

Our major competitors are finally getting serious about diverting waste away from landfill.

We have a head start but know the gap is closing hence the need to innovate to new levels.

Time to change it up and get into overdrive while our competitors are still designing gearboxes.

That is the difference between getting to#1 and staying there,commitment to continual improvement.

We are excited about our work being recognised by our own Ministry for the Environment.

We are not naïve, we know others will apply for and be granted funding for innovative ideas too.

That is why we need to keep having more brain waves than them….that needs to be the difference.

More brain waves =not being complacent or arrogant and genuinely loving what you do!!

On a par perhaps/maybe with keeping two socks together for their entire lives???


“Don’t be the same, be better.”

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