Sunday, September 2, 2018

The King of wing




                                                                                       Edition 443 Monday 03/09/18



Hi,recently I missed the funeral of someone who had been an important mentor to me.I had got to know his wife and his kids and grew up with them all in my community.To this day I cant explain why I didn’t make the effort to pay my last respects to him and his family. I have thought about it often and regretted it ever since.So last week I made sure it didn’t happen again and was extra sure I attended the funeral of someone else who had played a big part in my life.The sense of peace it bought was immense allowing myself to drift off down memory lane as I sat in my rugby club,with my friends,celebrating the life and achievements of someone important to my life.

Fletcher reckons;he is lucky to have a Father and a Grandfather to celebrate Fathers Day and birthdays.He just hopes Poppa’s false teeth don’t come out again when he is blowing out candles!

Something funny(apart from Poppas teeth)…’they’do say that things happen for a reason and are therefore meant to be. So forgetting the laptop and downloaded power point last week actually enhanced rather than ruined my presentation.Of course subject that is to one being able to get over the initial shock and press on when cutting and running is the immediate urge J.

Happy Fathers day to all the Dads passed and present and thanks for being there when it counted!

Memory Lane what a cool spot,hope it is a happy place for you too,have a good one,Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon every day should be ‘Pet Day’…..just putting it out there!!





“Im gonna wing it.” –me about something I most definitely shouldn’t wing!!


Power points are the lazy presenters crutch and serve little real purpose at all!!?

A powerful statement that I firmly believe is more true than false.

I am sure we have all been to ‘Death By PPT’ conferences and training seminars!

These are events where presenters turn up with 30-40(sometimes more) slides most containing far too many words and few pictures and proceed to put us all to sleep.

Occasionally a presenter will get it right with a handfull of interesting/stimulating slides which he or she will skillfully build a powerful/entertaining presentation around.

Presenters who are not prepared rely on slides and reading word for word from them to get through!

C’mon people your audience deserves more than that from you.

If you have been invited to speak then you need to make the effort to do the best job you can!

That means researching your audience, your topic , your information, and implementing a plan.

Yes you can have ppt slides but keep them brief and bouncy, include a lot of pictures…we like those!

As mentioned above last week I was guilty of not preparing and had a ppt safety net/blanket.

I forgot my laptop so was left without my security blanket so after an initial moment had to press on.

My audience was approx 70 retirees at a village who had rocked up to be entertained and informed.

They received the best of me because I spoke from experience and from the heart which they loved.

It proved to both me and my audience that had I relied on my ppt they would have lost interest fast.

One dear lady came up to me afterwards and congratulated me for forgetting my ppt…how true.

So my challenge to you all is to make sure you respect your audience by focusing on quality.

Don’t think you can ‘wing it’ because no matter how good you are or think you are it will bite you!

Your audience deserves the best from you and nothing less will do…… it…….good luck!


“Stop operating without a plan.Winging it works for a while,you need/deserve more.”

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