Edition 401 Monday 16/10/17
Hi,I have had ‘such fun’ over the last two weeks on heaps of
missions with my son as we have adventured,explored,improvised and experimented
whilst having some good old fashioned simple fun!Each day has been a blank
canvas that we have painted in our own time with rich vibrant exciting colour
and plenty of fancy free swishes and swirls!!
reckons we have set the school holiday bar high but he is sure the
next ten weeks of term four will be ample time for his Mum and Dad to plan for
the next ones!
funny about Op Shopping is ‘timing is everything’ and when you see
something you like ‘buy it’!Last week as I approached a St Vincent De Paul
outlet I noticed a guy pushing an ‘old school’ mower up the road?So naturally I
skillfully discovered he was about to donate it to the store.I swiftly
intercepted it, did the deal in the street and both St Vincent De Paul and I
were lauging all the way to the bank (see scooby doo picture!!)!
I couldn’t wait to get home to have a play with my new planet
saving no emission toy!!
For months I have been promising myself a visit to a
rejuvenated KRd so last week I threw caution to the wind and ‘just did
it’.Crikey what a buzz hunting through all the ‘pop up’ vintage stores and
checking out the vast variety of eateries and cross section of other businesses
that have combined to make this part of town so fabulous and funky!
I picked up a rare woollen Adidas garment that looked a lot
better on the rack in a dim vintage store basement than it does on me
(something my wife has reminded me about all weekend!!)but I had ‘such fun’ and
after all isnt that what life is all about?!!Cheers Jonesey.
Kate Henderson reckons she is looking forward to having 48
all back to herself!
“Live in the sunshine,swim in the sea,drink the wild air”.
Continuing with the ‘such
fun’ theme what I noticed in the last two weeks was that I was a lot more
relaxed about work as well which made a noticeable change for me.
The interesting thing about
that was others noticed as well including my wife and my customers?!!
Often I let the pressure of
having to make sales and budgeted monthly numbers get to me which lifts my intensity
,something that is clearly not lost on people I communicate with?!
Fascinatingly a more relaxed
me turns out to be a more appealing and successful me!
So last week in a more laid
back mode I did less call and quote follow up than normal and unbelieveably a
number of people I had been calling reigiously pressing for decisions actually
called me without my prompting and made decisions !!
Most were positive however a
number chose not to go ahead which was ok too….OK…yes ok because al least I
knew their decision….which is all I ever wanted really (and it was OK).
So what does all this
mean?....a number of things in my view (and probably plenty more);
1)Don’t take yourself or
your job too seriously, you can only do your best.
2)Back off the intensity, if
people like you they will buy from you.
3)Always put spending time
with family first and the rest of your life will take care of itself.
4)Tomorrow is another day
and pretty much everything can wait till then.
5)A more relaxed you will
always be a more appealing and successful you!
I could add more to this
list however my final word has to be in the form of an apology to all those
whom my intensity, grumpiness and obsession with work has upset in the past !!
“Don’t take life too seriously,no one gets out alive anyway”.
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