Edition 400 Monday 09/10/17
Hi,crikey the BIG 400!!WOW,I had no idea over 8 years ago I
would still be going strong with this weekly blog!
A BIG THANKYOU to you all for your feedback and support ,I
really appreciate it.
I get a big buzz out of sharing the good the bad and the ugly
from my previous week.I know from your feedback that you have similar
experiences which is cool to hear.
The key motivational factor that drives me is celebrating
success and learning from failure!
reckons its tough meeting the deadlines and demands of the Editor and
Chief but he’s enjoyed contributing each week and especially sharing his
funny about the school holidays is the fun you can have from
random simple stuff.Last week Fletcher and I spent a lot of quality time
together walking and talking while we hunted for golf balls at the local
course. The result was a cool fun time and 50 balls in the bank!($$ in the bank
once we sell them back to the local members!!)….see pic!
Its all quiet on the Pohutakawa front at 48 as the pro and
anti factions await the outcome our respective protestations have had on our
neighbours who hold all the power!!!
Speaking of holding the power what on earth is Winnie going
to do on 12/10??
Speaking of holding power #2 what about those mighty AB’s in
Cape Town !!
I hope you have a great 2nd school holiday week ahead (think
of me)……….Cheers Jonesey.
Kate Henderson reckons Harry and the Hendersons regular
weekly contribution was the CATalyst J for increasing readership
and taking ‘UPBE4T’ to new heights!!
"You know what
they say, 'You don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle.” Kramer
As ‘UPBE4T turns 400 I cant
help reflecting positively on the weekly sales Sizzle!!.
I meet a lot of new people
every week and this along with conversations and meetings with colleagues and
customers creates heaps of opportunities and experiences.
By sharing some of these
that stand out for me I have learned and revealed a lot about myself and others
to you (more than I would normally as a rule).
I have learned that no
matter how good I think I am there is always things I can learn.
I know there are things I am
not so good at and by sharing those with you I have benefitted from opening up,
admitting I suck at stuff and then planning to be better.
I hope the ‘Sizzle’ like
‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ has shared things that have resonated with you
and assisted to provide you with ideas and the motivation to also be better!
I hope it has also helped
you to look inward and to reflect on your strengths and your own weaknesses so
you can take ownership and responsibility for your future.
It is this weekly reflection
that has assisted me to learn and grow as a Sales person, a Manager and more
importantly as a Husband and a Father.
I hope that from reading
about my journey you too have taken the chance to do the same.
I think one of the most
important things I get out of the Sizzle each week is the sheer fun I have
recounting my previous weeks highs and lows.
I cant help but have a
permanent smile on my face as I write savouring the memories and laughing off the
embarrassing moments that occur regularly in a working week!!
You see like life, being
‘Upbeat’ itself is a journey not a destination and we all have to work hard to
get there are stay there and that my friends will always be a ‘work in
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
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