Sunday, October 22, 2017

Right place, right time!



                                                                                       Edition 402 Tuesday 24/10/17


Hi,I eased myself into the sleek glistening frame and was immediately enveloped by the smell and tight form fitting leather.The motor roared into life and evened out quickly to a gentle big cat purrrrr in anticipation of the command to spring.The winding roads of Monaco or some other exotic testing ground beckoned as the belts tightened and we were launched into another world!Then I woke up and realised I was still only in my mates garage checking out his new 2017 Maserati whose hand built Ferrari motor had a mere 886km on the clock!

Crikey so that’s what $185k of motor vehicle feels and sounds like….dreams are free CJ!!

Fletcher reckons the Maserati Grande Tourismo looked and sounded ok but he would rather have the gold as a deposit towards his first home thanks!!!

Something funny is the rise to fame of Poppas $10 BMX transfer station special that has now taken the place of its far more expensive designer model number in Fletchers fleet!  Proving again that simple inexpensive fun trumps designer brands and expense all day long!

Long weekends rock although the All Blacks spoiled my party a tad on Saturday night, never mind you cant win them all and you cant complain about a 90% win rate in any sport!!

I hope like us you had a good one catching up with family and friends…Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons slipping her morsels from the table is a ladies right!




“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Thomas Edison


Selling is definitely about being in the ‘right place at the right time’.

I was reminded of this yet again recently when whilst visiting one customer I happened to glance next door and notice another opportunity.

I followed up on this immediately and signed a new customer from this timely observation.

Yes,in the ‘right place at the right time’but the key to this was acting on it immediately.
As many of you know I like the ancient Chinese proverb that sagely states a ‘person will wait a long time with their mouth open for a roast duck to fly in’ !!!
Too many salespeople will position themselves perfectly,see opportunities yet hesitate or fail to follow through on these with urgency.
The reality is that we all crave roast duck but those who hesitate or wait will go hungry.
In another example I shared recently you will remember I noticed a ‘leased’ sign on a commercial building and whilst hesitating momentarily(why?) I then acted immediately.
I am pleased to report that this ‘cold call’ has resulted in our signing a new customer.
Yes!!!(fist pump)……but why did I momentarily hesitate when in the right spot, right time?
If you are like me you will recognise this conditiuon as ‘call reluctance’(CR)and it is normal.
In my view there is a thin line between cold calling with confidence and experiencing CR.
The way I overcome this is by ensuring I spend time getting consciously  ‘in the zone’.
This means being ‘upbeat’ and confident about what I am selling and why.
It means seeing myself as an expert who is needed to provide advice and guidance to prospective customers on their current and future requirements.
It means accepting there is no tomorrow when it comes to opportunities and leads they are today or gone forever chances that need immediate attention.
The reason you have probably heard sayings like ‘he who hesitates has lost’ and “strike while the iron is hot” is because they are true……so make the most and do it NOW !!!!
“Success isnt owned.Its rented,and the rent is due every day”.James Pollard

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