Sunday, August 26, 2018

The odd couple




                                                                                       Edition 442 Monday 27/08/18



Hi,how hard can it be keeping track of two matching socks?Two go into the wash, get hung out yet seldom ever make it to the folding table or back to the draw together!!!?The more people I talk to the more I realise this phenonemon is not restricted to us here at 48….it happens elsewhere too.Ever noticed it’s the most sort after socks often required last minute in a hurry (footy or work) that go missing most regularly?aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh. Ahhh the trials of being in charge of that stuff!!!

Fletcher reckons;being made to wear different rather than matching socks to school is ok with him and in his opinion should bear no reflection on our socio economic standing in the local community.

Something funny….about my obsession with socks this week is that whilst investigating the story I discovered our relentlessly active puppy Lily is equally obsessed with them.To the point where she was apprehended with a stash of missing socks she had secretly and silently chewed and hidden!!!

Apart from losing my socks I found solace in the simple pleasures of life like reading my weekend Herald,cleaning my car,mowing my lawn sustainably with my recycled push mower and capping it all off by watching the Aussies get trampled into the hallowed turf of Eden Park yet again!

Life doesn’t get any better,hope the same goes for you,have a good one……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon you should try keeping track of four socks if you think two is hard!




“Excellence is a continuous process not an accident.”


‘They’ do say that “getting to #1 is the easy part, its staying there that is the hard part!!”

I think ‘they’ are right its certainly easier being the underdog than it is being the incumbent.

Take the All Blacks for example, they are continually looking for ways to improve and be better.

Coaches and management recently travelled to the US visiting highly successful professional organisations asking questions, observing and noting things they can add to their formula.

They did this because they cant afford to sit still and rest at the top of their sport/profession.

The chasing pack are never far behind and it is the little extra bits that keep them in front.

Rest easy, become complacent and arrogant and you set yourself up for failure.

So……it was with great pleasure this week that we announced our latest innovation.

In fact we went one better and got the Associate Minister for the Environment to do it on our behalf!

We have applied for and been granted over $3million toward an extension to our unique facility.

Instead of standing still out in front we are seeking to extend our lead on the chasing pack.

We know with the rapidly evolving sustainability industry we work in we need to move quickly.

We have been ahead of our time and flown under the radar but things are changing daily.

Our major competitors are finally getting serious about diverting waste away from landfill.

We have a head start but know the gap is closing hence the need to innovate to new levels.

Time to change it up and get into overdrive while our competitors are still designing gearboxes.

That is the difference between getting to#1 and staying there,commitment to continual improvement.

We are excited about our work being recognised by our own Ministry for the Environment.

We are not naïve, we know others will apply for and be granted funding for innovative ideas too.

That is why we need to keep having more brain waves than them….that needs to be the difference.

More brain waves =not being complacent or arrogant and genuinely loving what you do!!

On a par perhaps/maybe with keeping two socks together for their entire lives???


“Don’t be the same, be better.”

Sunday, August 19, 2018

'It wouldnt happen in my day'




                                                                                       Edition 441 Monday 20/08/18



Hi,’it wouldn’t have happened in my day’ I thought, but resisted the temptation of saying when 60% of the North West Falcons footy team didn’t show on Saturday!Or maybe it did happen in my day but I was so obsessed I didn’t notice?Things definitely seem different these days but I guess that’s what they call change so best to go with the flow……or is it?Problem is change is so constant these days the last thing people want to hear is ‘it wouldn’t have happened in my day’(esp from an old fart?). So instead I pulled on the boots and had a crack,as you do,such fun,although a lot sore on Sundee!

Fletcher reckons;whilst he enjoys hearing about ‘what happened in my day’ he has heard both sides of the record on numerous occasions and wondered if there was a new album out soon??

Something funny….about recounting the old days is the sheer pleasure those simple memories bring.Like religiously cleaning laces and boots and threading the pristine white laces back into the sparkling polished jet black boots(I could see yourself in) on a Friday night.Crikey I used to even nugget,shine and dubbin the brown leather team ball!!!I was so proud of my kit it gave me a kick!

Speaking of getting a kick we went along to Eden Park to check out the Auckland Secondary School 1st XV final on Saturday between Kings and St Peters….WOW…what a game played in front of a huge passionate crowd in an electrifying atmosphere.This was grass roots rugby at its best.The lead changed multiple times with St Peters getting home 29-28 after Kings came within a metre of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat in the last minute!!We sat there stunned at full time not quite being able to absorb what we had seen,we were blown away…..highly recommended to ALL!

Our weekend was perfectly concluded by the mighty Black Ferns and All Blacks in Sydney…YAY!

I hope you had an equally enjoyable week and look forward to doing it all again……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon nothing beats being a happy mischievous puppy (past or present).





“Its simple,go the extra mile and you will stand out from the crowd.”Robin Crow


Going the extra mile for someone is often time consuming and why do it?

For me it is the time and the inconvenience that make the gesture so powerful.

For most the gesture often assists them to solve problems or provides advantage or benefit.

In one such example last week I took time out and inconvenienced myself for a new customer.

I hooked up my trailer and jumped into full dumpsters at a couple of restaurants to help out.

I emptied bins by hand because my customer was in trouble and I decided instantly to help.

Instead of blaming whoever I felt was responsible I took ownership for solving the problem.

Yes it was time consuming and inconvenient but my customer was grateful and happy.

Yes I got covered in wet food waste, milk shake, melted ice cream and ice but it didn’t matter.

What mattered was our customer was able to keep their business open and flourishing.

This is a new customer who is now indebted to my commitment to providing them service.

Turns out they are buying another restaurant and have influence with other restaurant owners!

Guess who they will be recommending to anyone who will listen….thats right US because of ME.

Was it the brightest thing in the world to do?….probably not, could it have been done another way? probably so however going the extra mile waits for no one…its NOW and imprompt….with benefits.

For me it is important to review how and why these rescue missions occur and to learn from them!

Having done that there are things I could have,should have, done better and will in future.

The key outcome though regardless of how, why,if,when and who is we have a customer for life!!


“Will you go the extra mile?”

Sunday, August 12, 2018

UPBE4T !!!




                                                                                       Edition 440 Monday 13/08/18



Hi,crikey getting old is a bit of a bother I thought as I was ready for bed just after 7pm on Saturday night….yes sad but true! I know I volunteered to be the Coach but geez it has added some km to Saturdays! Yes km, well I wouldn’t have believed it if my trusty ‘fitbit’ wasn’t screaming for mercy on my wrist.Most Saturdays I clock up over 25,000 steps however a new personal best this weekend of 29,595 was super human!Did you know that equates to over 20km as I tell ALL who will listen.

Fletcher reckons if I was really serious about setting a decent PB I would have headed out Saturday night at least until I had pushed through the 30,000 step barrier…..cmon coach…never give in!!

Something funny….about life is ‘what goes around comes around’ as I now find myself with temp responsibility for running the household!!All those times I thought it, sometimes said it, and now find myself sensitive to comment re my ability or lack of it in this area…working and stay at home Mums I salute and admire you…hmm I wonder if I get staff priority and discount for ambulance travel?!

Great weekend weather for doing anything and everything, perhaps Spring has Sprung?(see pic).

I hope another ‘Upbeat’ week puts a ‘spring in your step too……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon running the house is all about following a set routine…..just saying :)





“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to mankind as it is, infinite.” William Blake


I read with interest an interview with the Mainfreight CEO of 18 years Don Braid this weekend.

It was encouraging to read how ‘Upbeat’ and positive he was about business.

He was confident the economy was in good shape and was looking forward to expanding!

I felt these comments were encouraging for business on the back of recent negativity.

I have frustratingly read and listened to the media beating up business confidence?

I often wonder who their so called surveys and polls actually ask to get these results.

Certainly any hint of a downturn is like blood in the water for these hypo commentators.

Yet here is the CEO of one of New Zealands most successsful and well supported companies predicting growth and positivity in the same market others are reporting as uncertain and in decline?

I reckon ‘perception is everything’ and therefore take a lot notice of the Mainfreight comments.

The media whips up frenzies and potential panic as a result of bias coverage of comments/events.

A good recent example was the Ebert Construction company receivership in Auckland.

As far as the media was concerned this heralded the collapse of the Construction industry.

Reports came thick and fast of a number of other companies close to the brink of failure.

Three weeks on there is no facts, yet the media continue to fuel negativity around the sector.

The reality is Construction is booming and presents a huge opportuity to any well run business.

Our company like hundreds of others have invested in growth and expansion on the back of this.

The time couldn’t be better for business yet all we hear about is the growing lack of confidence?

It appears that no matter what the Government try to do there are those who still mourn the last outfit with the ‘rock star economy’ they are now trying to convince us is in rapid decline?

Sure things are never perfect but I favour giving them and the economy a fair crack of the whip.

I am backing Mainfreight and their $27 a share positivity all the way and strongly urge the NZ media to print more stories like that so we can all be ‘Upbeat’ about the the outlook for business.


“I prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.”Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, August 5, 2018





                                                                                       Edition 439 Monday 06/08/18



Hi, August signals the start of the Joneses birthday season with Christine, Fletcher, me plus my Mum and Dad all having birthdays in the coming weeks.We span the ages from turning six, a couple of fitty early and lates right through to the mid eighties plus(not me!) yes,it is all going on for young and old.

I reckon a day or two off to celebrate properly is in order so watch this space.

Does The Warehouse still give their staff a day off on their birthdays?

It would be great if all companies did (just saying J)… there is a staff morale building idea!

Fletcher reckons he is all for a day off on his birthday, perhaps it can be bolted on to the upcoming Teachers strike day off to make it really special…..(yeah right).

Something funny….can happen when you are technically challenged and a male to boot and you try to send emails and texts simultaneously when busy!Best not to unless you want your boss (female) to end up getting the xxx you intended for your wife on her text on the bosses work email instead !!! Hmmm that took some fast talking and humble pie scoffing to get out of,I still cringe when I think about it!!I cant begin to imagine how she must have felt,probably still trying to figure it out!(funnyJ).

Come to think of it maybe the guys I have also mistakenly sent xxx to are equally miffed?!!!  

I hope you have a busy, fun and ‘Upbeat’ week doing just that……Cheers Jonesey.xxxx(just kidding).


Kate and Lily reckon girl dogs ‘just wanna have fun’, just wanna, just wanna have fun!!





“Iron rusts from disuse;water loses its purity from stagnation….even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind.” Leonardo da Vinci


In the communications world ‘they’ say if you don’t ‘use it’ you will ‘lose it’.

I tend to agree with whoever ‘they’ is on this occasion.

Communication skills both written and verbal need to be used as often as possible.

To practise and develop new skills but also to fine tune and polish existing ones.

So my modus operandi is “never turn down or miss an opportunity to speak or write”.

Last week I was invited to speak to some prospective Toastmasters at a demo meeting.

The easy thing for me to do would have been to decline given the short notice and timing.

Instead I accepted and then made it my duty to prepare, practise and deliver my best effort.

I always benefit hugely from accepting every invitation that comes my way without exception.

Coincidentally last week I was also invited to speak to the sales team of one of my customers.

I jumped at the chance and ended up with some leads and referrals whilst networking with them!

Writing ‘Upbeat’ each week ensures I am also regularly practising my written communication skills.

By recounting things that actually happen and transferring them into words on paper I am continually challenging myself to be a better written communicator.

I still hand write letters and cards to an Aunty in Melbourne sending via post as a nostalgic gesture.

I remember how much effort I put in to learn to write and it is something I never want to lose!

Practising written communication also assists me to make business proposals clear and concise.

I have always reckoned ‘our success or otherwise in this world can be directly attributed to how effectively we communicate in writing or verbally with others’.

So my sales sizzling message from personal experience this week is to never miss an opportunity to use and better your communication skills or slowly but surely……you will lose them!


“The muscle of Kick-Assery is like any other muscle – you have to use it or lose it.”