Sunday, July 1, 2018





                                                                                       Edition 434 Monday 02/07/18



Hi,I was pleasantly reminded last week why our parents managed to make ends meet and to still afford houses boats,cars and to raise hungry children!!Yes ,because they were savvy when it came to money and the good old reduce,reuse and recycle hierarchy! I called in recently to see Mum and Dad (both octonegerians) and was surprised to see their place was a hive of activity….all the lights and electrical appliances were blazing! Dad was sawing up firewood and Mum was busy planning a number of projects for the day all involving electricity usage! YES it was their free day of power and they were determined to make the most….just as they were by filling up all their vehicles and any containers with fuel before the July 1 fuel taxes took effect!!A dollar saved is a dollar earned!

Fletcher reckons he is loving watching the World Cup Soccer games live from Russia and cant wait for the upcoming school holiday footy camp…Hmm go you good thing…so cool to observe his passion!

Something funny….about Christine and the excitement leading up to her new job as an aged care professional is I have had to break it to her that we will not be able to have her favourites home for a weekend at Muriwai Beach!Crikey,we have adopted puppies and cockateils but time to draw the line!!

Thanks for your feedback re my back issues, I appreciated your fave remedies, stretches and advice!

I havent forgotten about my Harry Jones kids story or turning my 500 plus pages of ‘Upbeat’ into a book both ideas/projects excite the hell out of me and together with Christine and Fletcher drive me forward every day……I hope you are also driven to succeed, have an ‘Upbeat’ week,Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon they are doing their best to understand me but it’s a work in progress!





‘Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day become your profession.”


I was lucky enough to visit Christines new place of work as a guest last week.

I attended the official opening of a new wing of the retirement/care/dementia facility.

I was blown away by appearance of the entire facility and especially the positivity of the staff.

I met staff and residents and from the minute I stepped into the place I felt a warm homely vibe.

Aging with dignity is not an easy thing to do as you lose your ability to be self sufficient.

We can only hope that we are surrounded by family and friends who help to dignify our journey.

I have a good feeling about the change Christine is making and wanted to be there in support.

That support was important to both of us and I hope demonstrated my commitment to her move!

Changes of career can be made for many reasons however this one is extra special in my view.

It is not about money or ego it is about the desire to serve and care for others which is cool.

It is not about glory or position, stature or fame it is about humility and selflessness.

It wont be easy,in fact it will probably be more physically and emotionally draining than most jobs!

I was inspired by my visit and my wifes decision to embark down this new untravelled path.

It made me realise that without people who possess this devotion and commitment we would be lost!

Cue the teachers and the nurses equally as important and critical to society and sadly under valued.

It certainly made me spare a thought for those working driven by passion rather than their paycheck.

I reckon our teachers and our nurses deserve the same recognition as our aged care workers.

Pay them what they are worth to reflect their world best practise care for all of us.

Even our Prime Minister acknowledged the amazing care she received in Hospital recently.

Time we did the same.


“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you.” Richard Branson

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