Sunday, June 24, 2018

Chasing Rainbows




                                                                                       Edition 433 Monday 25/06/18



Hi, I couldn’t get out of bed so I rolled out and on to the floor.I was in agony but somehow managed to crawl on all fours across the room and drag myself up to my knees on a couch.Slowly and inch by inch I clawed myself to my feet and miraculously started shuffling forward.Every normal thing I was used to doing seemed like an impossibile task and the pain was excrutiating…Crikey what happened?

Good question but whatever it was severely strained the muscles in my lower back and turned me into a disabled person overnight.With the assistance of anti inflam tabs and painkillers plus my wifes expert massaging skills I was unbelievably lucky and grateful to get through a difficult week.

Its times like this that I realise how lucky I am to enjoy good health and fitness 99% of the time and I feel total compassion for those who are disabled or have restricted movement and function.

Fletcher reckons he is pleased I showed early signs of recovery as there was no way he was willing to engage in a round of scissor, rock and paper for the dubious honour of assisting Dad in the toilet!

Something funny….sign spotted on the back of a ute last week “This vehicle is not permitted to exceed the speed limit”. Crikey I think our office phone would run hot if it was on my ute!!

Christine has decided to join the Aged Care Profession and is looking forward to using her considerable and caring skills to assist residents of a new local facility to grow old with dignity!

Given the back story above and my own advancing years her new profession may come in more handy than we realise!!!..I have already offered to run public speaking courses for my fellow oldies!!!

I hope there is plenty of good stuff going on in your world too,have an ‘Upbeat’ week,Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon for the right treats they could be enticed to provide some ‘aged care’.





“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Some weeks are definitely harder than others to get traction.

They are the ones where you feel like the mouse in the wheel running hard but getting nowhere.

Its these weeks that you need to stay focused and trust your systems and processes.

I often liken it to sports training, the harder you work on technique and fitness the better you go.

The All Blacks are a perfect example, no matter what happens on field they trust their systems.

Another is Mahe Drysdale the rower who concentrates intensely on technique, fitness and power.

So how does this relate to business? I think its about working smarter not harder.

Systems, process and technique are things that come from experience and analysis.

They are not things that are developed in times of blind panic, dispair or disorganisation.

So last week after a number of tough ones I did the hard yards and trusted in my ability.

I was rewarded for my efforts with some long overdue and large wins for the team.

Yes you can take a moment to celebrate however rising budgets beckon and there is no time to lose.

So it was back out there making more calls on customers to top up the ever hungry sales funnel.

The wins gave the week momentum and provided the confidence and drive toward future sales.

Interestingly I parked in one quiet street not far from our office and generated a number of leads.

Not content with that good fortune I headed a short distance down the road and struck form again.

One call led to three opportunities for future business all from the momentum of the earlier success.

Its times like this that I wish I knew what I know now 20 years ago as I was battling away in sales.

I guess we all have that thought at some stage in our careers however the sooner the better.

The best thing I can do now is pass on as much of that knowledge and enthusiasm as I can to others!


“Selling is essentially a transfer of enthusiasm.” Zig Ziglar

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