Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Tooth Fairy




                                                                                       Edition 431 Monday 11/06/18



Hi,my fitbit is definitely the Christmas present that keeps on giving and couldn’t have been a better gift for someone like me.Last week I gained my NZ award for covering 1593 km (or the length of the land of the long white cloud) since clipping on my fitbit December 2017! Last week I recorded a PB 110,523 steps (av 15,789 per day and best day 22,087)!!!! Crikey not bad for an Ol fella!!

This is all well and good but it does run the fuel tank and immune system low exposing one to the dreaded man flu at this time of year.I am battling a bout at present and have been reminded yet again that it is better to take a day or two off than try to carry on regardless…yeah right!

Fletcher reckons losing his first tooth was a milestone and well worth the $5 bucks the tooth fairy shelled out for such a collectible (where does one go to establish the going rate?...Google?).

Something funny…. ‘from the mouth of perceptive babes’….I asked Fletcher to do something the other day and added….”Im the boss so just do it”, to which he replied “you are not the boss Daddy, Mummy is, so I don’t have to do it”.Hmmmm ok it may be semi-accurate but how did he know that?

It was nice to drop off a load of ‘upcycled’ firewood for my Mum and Dad after receiving plenty of loads from them over the years….time to give back….gave me a nice warm (excuse the pun) feeling.

I hope you have a fun and ‘Upbeat week ahead…………Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon Mummy is definitely the boss at 48?....(after all Ive done for them?!!)





“Keep calm and close the deal.”


True story….

Last week I was busting to follow up  call a potential customer.

In fact it would be fair to say I was beside myself to pick up the phone and call him.

The history;

Initial calls, audits and analysis had been done and a proposal had been submitted.

Follow up discussions had been held and the proposal had been presented to the boss.

In the meantime I had organised an extra special ‘mates rates’ clean up of their yard.

So the scene was set for the big final push to victory and glory….the order!!


The decision maker was in no hurry and had displayed loyalty to existing suppliers in the past!

Additional to this he had extended his annual duck shooting trip and wasn’t in a hurry to return.

So…..what is an impatient sales hungry finger on the trigger sales professional to do?

Most of us would have reported/recorded the sale as won and spent the commission big time already!


As seasoned professionals we understand the need to let our buyers take their time (yeah right).

So enough was enough the silence was deafening so I picked up the phone to call……

Then I second guessed myself and the little voice of experience said to me….wait another day!

So I did and then miraculously in fact unbelievably the very same customer called me!!!!!

OMG I couldn’t believe it….the little voice was my hero and the deal was saved and ON again.

So in summary;

His call was to ask some questions about our deal (great)and then a 2nd call to arrange a meeting.

WOW, as a result of not calling first I find myself in a stronger position than if I had….so cool.

So the lesson….if you are asked to back off and wait then do as you are told and trust your process!


“Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods.”

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