Monday, June 4, 2018

Grumpy Seal




                                                                                       Edition 429 Monday 28/05/18



Hi,if I had to make a list of hazards associated with running on the beach at 5am then avoiding tired grumpy seals and standing on blue bottle jelly fish would be high on the list!For the avoidance of any doubt it is pitch black dark at 5am and impossible to identify either hazard….so…. Last week I had a close encounter with a large,tired grumpy seal who was resting on a flat rock I happened to also be running on(see pic)I am not sure who was more surprised or frightened to see who but neither of us was hanging round to find out! Later in the week I managed to stand on a hapless but equally as grumpy blue bottle who sprayed the back of my leg with his/her poisonous sting!! I inadvertently touched the affected area and then my face and spread the resultant rash and swelling so much that it looked like I had been beaten up by the seal, the blue bottle and all their mates….ahhhh the hidden dangers of being an elite West Coast athlete!!!

Fletcher reckons the recent primary school 5 year old cross country race was much safer running in daylight with not a seal or jelly fish to be seen.He was particularly happy with his top 10 finish!!

Something funny….I saw a cool sign outside a Plumbing Co in Kumeu last week ”We ‘repair’ what your husband ‘fixed’.”aint that the truth ‘Upbeat’ DIY warriors just ask your bemused partners!

I hope you have an ‘Upbeat’ and productive short week ahead…………Cheers Jonesey.


Kate and Lily reckon Seals,Jelly fish and wet Dogs have more rights to the beach than us!!





“Respect is earned,honesty is appreciated,trust is gained,loyalty is returned.”


The saying ‘Reap what you sow’ is a good one for us all to heed.

I don’t know anyone who was a millionaire overnight or an instant success.

Most people who eventually succeed sow lots of seeds before reaping the returns.

This means having patience rather than a ‘get rich quick’ or ‘at all costs’ mentality.

In a good example last week I followed up with a potential customer about his business.

A while ago we had helped him out of a desperate situation after his current supplier failed to.

It was at late notice and proved to be a bigger task than any of us imagined but we hung in there.

We succeeded to solve his problem,something he was deeply grateful to us for doing.

As a result of this we continued to work closely with him over the following 12 months.

This allowed us to provide a permanent solution to a specific problem he had.

We have now secured the entire account because of the trust we have developed with him.

By seizing the opportunity to solve an urgent problem we sowed a seed with a potential customer.

The seed was watered and the relationship blossomed into a full grown business relationship.

Would we have won this business by approaching this potential customer with low prices?

Would we have won this customer if we hadnt gone the extra mile for them up front?

Would we have won this customer if we had gone for the ‘rich overnight’ jugular?


We won the customer at above market pricing because we sowed the seed early.

We won the customer because we went the extra mile without hesitating.

We won the customer because we took time to establish and build trust.

Herein lies the recipe for success in anything we do no matter what the situation.

Here endeth todays lesson…….remember Upbeat friends “You reap what you sow”.


“You always reap what you sow, there are no shortcuts.” Stephen Covey

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