Sunday, May 28, 2017

Captain Planet Saver !!!


                                                                                       Edition 381 Monday 29/05/17


Hi,I am fascinated by the change of seasons no matter what the time of year however the Autumn colours are hard to beat.The rich tapestry of vibrant colours on the trees through out the City is a site to behold.We spent time at a couple of parks over the weekend running and laughing knee deep in a thick shag pile of Autumn leaves, simple stuff but priceless fun!

Our first ‘hint of Winter’ excuse to crank up the log fire last week also a real highlight!

Fletcher reckons two 5 year old birthday parties and three games of Soccer in one day is a big ask but someone has to do it so why not him….right.He also reckons he was in far better shape than Mum and Dad once the dust settled on that particularly social Saturday!

Something funny happened after driving around all week wondering what the beeping noise and flashing dash light was??So Christine my non mechanical wife jumps in the car for 5 seconds before simply identifying that it was related to a sensor button being left on drrr.

Thanks for all your kind feedback re Oscar last week, we all appreciated it greatly during what has been a sad time for us.Have a great week and a relaxing Queens Birthday weekend with family and friends…………….Cheers Jonesey!!


Kate Henderson reckons its no fun not fighting for a prime fireside spot anymore!

“Passion is oxygen of the soul”. Bill Butler
I am thankful I grew up in a household where nothing was wasted and things were seldom thrown away but stuff others threw away was often saved and hoarded by us!
My Dad would often be heard to say”That will come in handy for something one day”.
Some work on the theory’ that day’ will never come and therefore regularly declutter!
So I was pleased to hear that an aluminium window my Dad had saved for over 20 years had its day come recently and was used on a project to transform and lighten a room!
It restored the horder faith in me and gave my Father a great “I told you so ‘ moment of satisfaction to finally close the ‘reuse’ R of the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)!!
Crikey no wonder I am mad about saving the planet in my Keep New Zealand Beautiful tee shirt and horder genes!!
So in character I received a mayday call from my ship salvage contacts last week.
There was another kauri launch washed up on the shores of Great Barrier Island , subsequently wrtten off by the insurance company and destined for the landfill!!!
Phone booths are hard to come by these days so I got changed into my cape and mask in the car and swung into rescue mode!!
Seems the launch has form in fact she is a former grand lady of the Gulf having been built in 1924 no less , so 93 years young!
How could anyone call time on such a magnificent example of wooden boatbuilding from a famous bygone era…….no way……….not on my watch.

After a number of phone calls and some empassioned negotaiation I was able to divert her from landfill albeit for another month at least.
So if you know anyone interested in investing in saving and restoring this once magnificent old Lady of the Waitemata then let me know.
In the meantime,yet again, I get to make a difference !!!!Wow that makes me happy!!! J
“Be in love with your life every minute of it”. Jack Keronae

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