Sunday, May 14, 2017

High Expectations



                                                                                       Edition 379 Monday 15/05/17



Hi,my time driving a plain car is coming to an end and as far as I am concerned it cant come soon enough!Since I havent been driving a sign written car all my bad old habits have returned and surprizingly I find myself not liking it at all! Its hard being anonomous and thinking you can drive any way you please. I have decided that having a distinctively noticeable and traceable car is the best thing that could have happened to me!

Fletcher reckons it was only a matter of time before his goal scoring efforts were rewarded with the Norwest Falcons Player of the Day trophy.In an emmotionally charged acceptance speech he thanked his Mother for her unconditional love and his Father for his unbelieveably  high expectations! It was particularly motivational to have big brother Matt and his partner Aleisha in attendance swelling the Jones cheerleading squad to four!!!

Something funny about parents with high expectations is their behaviour can often be harder to manage than an entire team of 4-5 year olds!.......hmmmm

Ok I admit  sulking because my son felt ‘too tired’ to participate wasn’t a good look however he miraculously recovered to be player of the day! maybe I sort of contributed? J L

It was a Happy Mothers Day at 48 with plenty of creative home made presents and a special visit for a lazy lunch in the West Coast sun with Nana and Poppa. We are so lucky we can still spend time with the extra special people in our lives…long may it continue.

I hope you were able to take time out to pay tribute to your Mum too….Cheers Jonesey

The Hendersons reckon high expectations spoil many a good dogs day!!
“High expectations are the key to everything”. Sam Walton (founder Wal Mart)
Staying on the ‘high expectations theme I wanted to ponder the pros and cons?
We talk about the need to be focused and to have written goals and objectives.
This is well and good but are we in danger of placing too higher expectations on ourselves or others in our business and personal lives?
I talked above about my expectations for Fletcher at soccer and swimming but have I lost sight of the fact this may be unfair given he isnt even five years old?
Maybe,but is it too much to expect a level of commitment regardless of age?...hmmm.
Like with Fletcher I have high personal expectations as a sales professional which I find can have a positive and a negative effect on my business and sales success.
It certainly assists me to be motivated to get out of bed in the morning and target the best prospects to provide the required sales revenue.
It can also however have a negative effect as I get over enthusiastic pursuing deals from slow decision makers or procrastinators and end up pushing too hard.
The interesting thing about this is when I back off the pressure and don’t get as anxious about outstanding proposals and quotes they have a knack of coming to fruition?!!
So is it ok to have high expectations?

Yes it is however you need to make allowances when they are needed so as not too place too much pressure on yourself or others.
In summary….high expectations are better than no expectations.
It is essential to learn from our failures and to modify behaviours to suit each situation!
“Expectation is the root of all heartache”. William Shakespeare

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