Sunday, November 6, 2016

Cant win them all !




Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 356 Monday 07/11/16






Hi,the problem with being a DIY painter apart from getting started is knowing when to finish.Feeling tired, do you push on and try to do that little bit more?I have learned (again) in the last couple of weekends is when feeling tired THAT is the time to stop!Pushing on is a recipe for disaster,that is when you break stuff(precious and irreplacable),trip over stuff,spill stuff,miss stuff and just stuff up!

 Fletcher reckons; the newly painted dining room looks cool especially the bit he insisted on doing several times.In fact he reckons Mum and Dad are lucky to have him around when things need doing at 48…..Dad reckons everything takes longer but he is always in too much of a hurry anyway!!

Updating last weeks snail story Brian remains at large in my wardrobe much to the amusement of my family and many who are impressed with my composure (not) and compassion (not)!

Thank goodness another Halloween and Guy Fawkes are behind us relatively stress free although at the time of writing Christine and the Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade were battling a large scrub fire!

Wow what a game of footy in Chicago with the couragous Irish finally getting up to beat the All Blacks for the first time in over 100 years of trying!!Crikey what an outstanding example of what you can achieve if you want it badly enough!....Congratulations Ireland….yes I was disappointed but something I have learned as a player and a coach… definitely cant and don’t win them all!

The never say die Irish have inspired me to have a BIG week,hope you do too……Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon Guy Fawkes obviously didn’t have a dog or a good plan!





“The more you read,the more you know,the more places you’ll go”. Dr Seuss


I read somewhere that you should read more J

I don’t find reading difficult I find finding time to read difficult!

The reality is that you will never find time unless you make time for important stuff like reading.

So last week I tried to allow thirty minutes a day to read something anything!

I started with the paper and then moved on to business mags and articles I had been meaning to get to for far too long.

What I found was how much I enjoyed reading and finding out all sorts of stuff I didn’t know.

It wasn’t just me that found out things because I was then able to share bits and pieces of knowledge and facts with people I met and talked to during the week.

I was amazed at the amount of stuff happening in my own industry and a number of industry sectors closely associated with ours.

‘They’ say “knowledge is power” and I definitely felt empowered from such a small effort really!

I have been guilty of always being in a hurry and never slowing down long enough to read.

The last week has taught me so much about all sorts not the least myself!

It also made me realise how much I have been missing out on by not making more of the powerful tool information is and how close and accessible it is…..constantly.

So I plan to continue reading daily and even building the time slowly up to one hour whilst extending the range and diversity of material read.

My challenge is for you if you are not already then to do the same.

If you have read this far then you are already on your way !!....enjoy.


“No matter how busy you may think you are you must find the time for reading or surrender yourself to self chosen ignorance”. Confucious

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