Hi,Christine Jones played her part in saving 34 lives this
weekend. She was part of the event winning team from the Muriwai Volunteer Fire
Brigade at the innaugural “Rescue Run’.The event raised over $170,000 for the
Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT)….very proud,you go girl.
Last year the ARHT flew over 1,100 missions,36% as a result
of accidents and a whopping 53% because of a medical event.It costs
approximately $5000 per mission hence the $170k raised,funds another 34 flights.Helicopter
trusts operate nationally and rely heavily on donations having witnessed several rescues at Muriwai I
urge you to support this amazingly worthwhile organisation!!
Fletcher reckons; whilst
his big pedal bike crash on the weekend didn’t warrant a chopper rescue it was
still a significant event in his bike riding evolution.He is particularly keen
too get it sorted as the word on the wire is Santa may be considering a bike
upgrade based on skin retained not lost!!
I saw a cool sign for sale in a Hospice 2nd hand
store last week.It was all about laughing and I reckoned it would have looked
good in any room at 48.Unfortunately I committed the cardinal sin and thought I
would come back the next day,you think I would have learned by now?!! Yes it
was gone and in an ironic twist ‘laughing’ was the last thing I felt like doing
As a sequel to last week the camper van has arrived in
Devonport and its new Octonogerian owners are like excited overseas tourists readying
themselves for new adventures…go Mum and Dad!!
Crikey it is all going on, cant wait for another huge
‘Upbeat’ week ahead !!!....Cheers Jonesey!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon there’s never been a better
time to save a life!!
“Get closer than ever to
your customer.So close that you tell them what they need well before they
realise it themselves”. Steve Jobs
My recent DIY activity has necessitated visits to the local big shed DIY specialist.
I said ‘specialist’ because that is what I think they should be.
The reality is that this is far from the case not only at our local but
many of these large retail outlets.
Like most things first impressions are vitally important so it starts up
front with the meet and greet.
If this is enthusiastic and energetic it creates the right mood from the
outset however if this lacks these qualities or in some cases is non existent
then it has the reverse effect.
I was after advice on all things painting but didn’t have confidence in
all the staff in this department.
I eventually got the advice and the products I was after but it was a
frustrating experience.
Exiting the store was also a mission with a lack of checkout staff on one
occasion and a lack of knowledge and ability on others.
Interstingly this company (Mitre 10 Mega) encourages customers to ‘give
their 10 cents worth’ in an online customer service/satisfaction survey
detailed on all receipts.
Needless to say my feedback was a mixed bag erring on the mediocre side.
Also interestingly their competitor is coming to the neighbourhood soon so
if they dont get their acts together they will lose significant market share
quickly…..me included I am afraid.
We all know customer service is important right but how many of us are
actually doing something to live and breath or improve that on a daily basis?
Front line staff need to be enthused,incentivised,empowered, trained and
motivated.This needs to come from Managers who are like minded and who lead by
If this is done properly and has ongoing focus then the customers cant
help but notice, comment, tell others and importantly want to come back.
Everyone in the organisation needs to adopt the title of ‘specialist’ and
to work hard to ensure this is what they are and how they are perceived(ITM do
this well on their TV ads).Some good lessons here!
“If you
make a single sale you can make a living.If you make an investment of time and
good service in a customer you can make a fortune”. Jim
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