Sunday, October 30, 2016

The life of Brian




Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 355 Monday 31/10/16






Hi,imagine having a snail living in your wardrobe!!I don’t have to imagine because I actually do have one in residence compliments of our son.Every morning I can see where he has been the night before all over my trousers,shirts, shoes and jackets….but do you think I can find him(or her)…no way grrr.

Fletcher is currently obsessed with catching worms, slugs and snails.Most of the time he releases them to the garden unless he forgets, hence my elusive actively mobile wardrobe border!

 Fletcher reckons;he has never laughed so much as when he found out about Brian (yes his snail has a name!).He also reckons for a small fee he could recapture Brian for me if I really wanted him gone that badly grrr.Yes I can also see the funny side (sort of) until I had to be asked last week by a customer why I had a silver shiney snail trail on the back of my suit jacket grrrr funny grrrr.

After carefully studying test pot swatches on walls,talking about it,thinking about it,hoping it would go away ,thinking about it some more it was finally time to act.Yes another project on the list got started as the dining room walls were plunged into ‘Top Secret’ Resenes finest ‘apple’ green.I have to say I actually don’t mind it,there I said it,I guess I am a ‘Green’ Gorilla after all!!(see picture).

Loved watching the boys from North Harbour snatch a dramatic last minute win in the deep south too,nothing better to kick off another totally upbeat week,have a good one…Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon for a large fee they could also locate Brian (just putting it out there).





“Remember that person who gave up?Neither does anyone else”. Speedo’ tag line.


I love someone telling me something cant be done or wont happen!

Instead of putting me off or getting me down hearing this makes me doubly determined to make it happen.

I have had a couple of instances of this happening to me recently but instead of giving them away I pursued them even harder.

Certainly there are things that become lost causes for obvious reasons and chasing those to the end of the earth is pointless and futile.

Then there are the other opportunities that are not write offs that with a bit of extra effort can still be deals ,wins and successes.

Both my recent cases concluded in winning sales where all others had given in.

In one case I was told to let a deal go on the face of some facts presented however I worked hard with our prospective customer to assist them to question the so-called facts.

I was able to do this professionally yet assertively to the point where the going got too hard for the incumbent and they folded up their tent leaving us with the original (so-called doomed) deal.

In the second instance I have taken some major stick over a long period for reporting a deal is ‘still alive’ even though it would be fair to say it has been terminally ill for a good part of that period.

When I started talking to this large prospective customer I was one of three bidders plus the incumbent.Over what has been an eight month gestation process the other three have all given up and dropped away leaving yours truly in the box seat.Ironically it is now the incumbent that is terminally ill with the Green Gorilla marching on triumphant.

There is NO better feeling than hanging on in pursuit of a deal no matter what obstacles may be put in the way.If sales was easy then everyone would be doing it.The reality is it is a tough job and only the toughest survive.Survival is about being persistent,smarter than the competition and hanging on longer than anyone else…….so when someone says it cant be done that is your call to ACTION!!!


“Stay hungry,Stay foolish”. Steve Jobs

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