Hi,’they’ say the acorn never falls far from the tree…the
family tree that is and I reckon ‘they’ might be right.I believe my Grandad on
my Dads side was a bit of a free spirit something my Dad and his sisters never
lacked and show no signs of losing today even in their 70’s and 80’s.My son
Mark continues to travel extensively offshore 15 years after going for ‘a bit
of a look’!
So with this in mind it should have come as no surprise that
within hours of receiving payment for their much loved yet sadly redundant
aluminium launch named ‘The Ark’ (a converted lifeboat from the ill-fated Mikhail
Lermontov!!)my free spirited parents both in their mid 80’s purchased a camper
van.Not just any camper van mind you (of course not) a low mileage custom
refitted ex Japenese
ambulance no
less!!!You see age is no barrier to the free spirited…long may the adventure
Fletcher reckons; he
has the free spirited genes and cant wait to join his grandparents on a road
trip soon! He is a little disappointed that he, Harry and the Hendersons didn’t
get one last voyage on The Ark before it embarked.Crikey no wonder us Joneses
are hoarders and purveyors of the unsual and different…..life is too short to
be normal!!.......I wonder if my Dads favourite sign will be appended to the
bumper of the new camper…..”13.5m to pass,do not worry if you cant pass….at
least you are keeping up with the Joneses”!!!!!........Look out for it on a
highway near you soon!!! J
Life as a member of the Jones clan will never be dull and
that’s why I know I will be having an ‘Upbeat’ week ahead,I hope you are also
equally motivated and do the same,Cheers Jonesey!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon a family road trip including
them sounds scooby doo!

“Business opportunities
are like buses,there is always another one coming”.Richard
So there I was swimming up and down in the local pool last week as
elite athletes like me are prone to do!
When I got out the guy who had been swimming in the lane next to
me stopped and asked me a whole lot of questions about our business and what we
Turns out he is a builder and was in need of our services!, crikey
what a great way to do business while you are exercising at the same
For me this was a reinforcement of the amount of opportunities we
are all surrounded by every minute of every day.
As a further example of this last week I was approached by two
people I used to play rugby against and with about business opportunities.
On top of that I spoke to a member of our Toastmasters club about an
opportunity to work with him and his team on a total solution for their
Here was four business opportunities created during the week that
didn’t exist at the beginning of the week….from nothing really other than
Its about understanding the
power of the moment and that through association past present and future we all
have plenty of potential contacts or referrals.
From seemingly nothing we can create huge potential advantage for
ourselves or our businesses.
To cap off what was a perfect week I recognized the MD and part
owner of a large potential customer we are talking to was a guy I used to sail
against as a 10 year old!
This didn’t guarantee that I will win this deal but it went a long
way to breaking the ice and getting me on a level with a key decision
maker…..these little things can make a huge difference when it comes down to
the wire……look out for them, use them to get your nose in front….good luck!!
(noun) ‘finding something good without looking for it’.
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