Hi,whilst I concede my enforced stay in Hospital was the best
thing for me it is definitely harder to get out of that place than it was to
get in there!I finally managed to persuade my medical team that I was better
off out driving people nuts than I was in there doing the same so I was
eventually discharged.Problem was I wasn’t quite free as I then had to
negotiate with car park staff where my car had been sitting for 4 days since
being admitted!I managed to convince them also that I deserved to go free of
charge thank goodness(pity I don’t have the same success with speeding
Interestingly even though I managed to convince everyone
including myself that I was fully recovered it still took the rest of the week
to build back to full noise and strength. So what did I learn from this….when
people who know better than you say to take it easy….they are 100% right!
reckons; he should have been allowed to stay home from Daycare to
assist with Dads recovery….yeah right!......his generous offer was respectfully
It was however amazingly good to be home!!
Thanks for the feedback and kind words regarding edition 350
and my illness I appreciate it greatly.
I hope you are looking after yourselves and your families
before anything else and using that commitment and security as the basis to
have an ‘Upbeat’ and positive week ahead…Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon trust them to guard the house
but not your sandwich! J

“If you
want small changes in your life work on attitude but if you want big changes in
your life work on your paradigm”. Stephen Covey
I had a paradigm shift in thinking last week……so its confession
I realized that instead of being part of the solution I was in
fact part of the problem!!
You see I had become conditioned to thinking that I was a positive
influence and someone capable of solving issues and leading by example yet I
was wrong.
I had in fact become so used to thinking that others were the
problem that I found myself immediately blaming them whilst in denial that I in
any way may be connected.
I realised that my first thought when something went wrong was to
look for someone to blame and more often than not I held the same people
responsible everytime.
Without consciously realizing it I had developed a negative
attitude towards others to the point where I had lost all confidence in their
ability to provide or deliver what I wanted or needed!
It wasn’t until this was pointed out to me that I reluctantly reflected
and realized that by doing this I was contributing more to the problems than
anyone who ever made a mistake was.
Instead of being someone who was looked on as a leader and a
strength I discovered that I had become someone that people preferred not to
follow or help.
I realized that I was restricting others from doing their jobs
with confidence because they were constantly in fear of being exposed by my
criticism,sarcasim and mental/verbal abuse.
How had it got that bad?, why did I have no confidence in others
yet see myself beyond reproach and on this imaginary pedestal?
I realized that my negativity was holding others back and in order
for them to gain confidence and grow I needed to stand up and be counted.I
needed to look for things going right NOT wrong!
The easy thing to do would be to deny and dismiss that my
behaviour could in any way be having an adverse affect on others and pretend
nothing was wrong.
My paradigm shift in thinking has allowed me to see things from a
different perspective and to accept that I need to change for me to again have
a positive influence on people.
The good thing is I have accepted the need for change and have the
opportunity to do it NOW!
never too late to be what you might have been”. George
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