Hi,I misplaced my phone and freaked out.I cant believe how
dependant I am on that thing and how lost and cut off I was without it.Could
you use a public phone if you had to?Even if I had been able to use a pay phone
I didn’t know anyones number because they are all saved in my phone!Thank
goodness my trusty collectors item iphone4 was located the following day before
I was cut off completely from my entire work and private world!!......I need to
get a life away from that thing!!
Sharing experiences with our son provides a constant
opportunity to reinforce and reward honesty, courtesy and good behaviour. We
recently found and handed in a couple of scooby doo soccer balls at a local
tournament .Fletcher was reluctant to do so at first but eventually agreed it
was the right thing to do.As a reward I surprised him a few days later with his
very own new ball and first ever pair of real boots!Good things happen to good
people who do the right thing!
reckons; honesty is definitely the best policy and if he wants to
sleep in his boots and hugging his new football then that’s ok.We also featured
at Daycare ‘show and tell’ J (attached).
I am a self confessed ‘bin diver’ and have found countless
treasures in rubbish bins.I am always looking for an opportunity to go diving
but am not really supposed to in my role.So imagine when as part of my job I do
get to dive in bins chasing illegally dumped waste on a big subdivision! I cant
wait and yes I will be like the proverbial pig in lots of muck.It will be fun
returning the illegal waste to the perpetrators as a reminder there is no free
lunch yours sincerely ‘The Bin Diver’…hahaha
How can I help but have an ‘Upbeat’ and positive week ahead,
hope you do too..…Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon theres brass in muck and a
professional football career!

“You are you.Now isnt that
pleasant”. Dr Seuss
Thanks for the feedback from last week, I appreciate your comments
both positive and not so.
Even those with the most upbeat intentions in the world amongst us
don’t get it right some of the time.I am human and make mistakes like anyone
else,I reckon it is what I do after that counts!
Last week was about realizing and accepting that there were things
I needed to change personally.
The only way for me to continue improving as a person is to make
the effort to address the things that are holding me back……so I am one step and
day at a time..life is a work in progress!
The coming week is huge for me because of my ‘never let an
opportunity pass you by ‘ policy!
I have accepted the challenge of organizing a number of key
meetings as well as helping a close business associate host a major national
learning and development event!!
Crikey I will be stretched every which way but I know relying on
my planning and preparation and the communication skills I have fine tuned and
honed for over 25 years will deliver quality results!
Weeks like this are All Black test matches for me.They put all the
training done to the ultimate test. They are an opportunity that demands ‘A’
game standards where the pressure to perform brings out the best individually
and collectively.
Without confronting the chance to extend ourselves we will never
realise our full potential or challenge the mental and physical barriers that
may be holding us back.
Recent events have made me aware of my physical limits however
like any athlete or performer with the right amount of preparation and
conditioning anything is possible.
I don’t want to regret not having a crack at challenges I am
presented with so I am determined physically and mentally to say ‘bring it on’
every chance I get.
So I say don’t cruise or be content going through the motions none
of us are perfect or ever will be but we are all better than that!! Good
luck……go for it every day as if it was your last!
“If we
all did the things we are capable of we would astound ourselves”. Thomas Edison
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