Hi,first things first and most importantly congratulations on
being part of Edition 350!!!!!!YAY.
My sincere thanks for your honesty,frankness and
unconditional support during what has been just over seven ‘Upbeat’ years
keeping up with the Joneses and selling plenty of sizzle!! Cheers to us!
Secondly contrary to me thinking I was out of the woods
medically last week I discovered there was more than a sting in the tail of my
mystery condition.In an unprecedented move I relented and visited my GP who
after a series of tests had no hesitation in referring me to Hospital!
More tests and days later the source of my unrelenting and
raging fever was isolated to my right lung in the form of a nasty pnuemonia
bug. So understandably hospital staff said sorry buddy you aint going anywhere
and that is where I still remain with this weeks edition coming out to you from
the Ward of hope. So what did we learn here? 1)If you are genuinely unwell
there is a reason so get help. 2)You will never ‘work through ‘it’ or treat ‘it’
if you don’t know what ‘it’ is so refer back to point #1.Hmmmmm the importance
of fitness and health just went to a new level daily for me. Speaking of
gratitude I cant speak highly enough of the treatment received in Public Hospital
from every department I had anything to do with, fabulous people working hard
in a busy and sometimes thankless environment, lots of bad press so good to
give an ‘upbeat’ thumbs up!!.
reckons;hospitals arn’t that bad really….plenty of gadgets to play
with on Dads bed…funny watching him go up and down in the air…..not sure he is
that keen on blood tests though !!
Cant wait to rip into another ‘Upbeat’ week albeit a little more
subdued…….Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon there may have been a valid
reason for the moaning last week from the grumpy man….perhaps they were a
little quick to point the bone!!??

is not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me”. Batman
WOW….what an eventful week healthwise…but wait theres more……So the story goes like this…….
Lady goes for walk in Woodhill Forest with baby and dog.
Returns to car and puts baby,dog and pram in car closes doors and
car auto locks!!
Problem is the car keys are attached to the pram so now baby and
dog are locked in car Mother outside freaking out.
So……Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade called but all at work so…
Christine calls me at home sick in bed ravaged by fever and says
can I go comfort the lady, rescue the baby and dog!! Me being the ‘upbeat’ type
of guy I am of course didn’t hesitate (much).
So off to the rescue armed with my trusty wire coat hangar to
break into ladies car.(misspent youth)
Arrived at scene to find general chaos with some guy trying to
break the window and all others saying its ok the Fire Brigade will be here
soon….yeah right……(little did they realise)……
I told them I was sort of the Fire Brigade and this was as good as
it gets for now(Cavalry coming).
Heaps of people standing round me trying to feed coat hanger
between window and door, baby crying, dog barking, mother crying…….so I then
tried to force a loose back door and only set off the car alarm so then baby
and Mother crying, dog barking,and now alarm screaming!!!Then over the hill on
cue came the Cavalry in the form of the Kumeu Fire Brigade with all the proper
kit and had the situation solved in 10minutes………….At least I fronted and had a
decent crack.
As if that wasn’t dramatic enough same day I was at the local
store and noticed a car heading slowly and driverless towards the building.With
another mother screaming in the background I managed to get my super hero self
between the building and the car(dumb) just as the brake was applied.
Fighting pneumonia seemed easy compared to saving dittsy Muriwai
Mums!!....I am a legend really!
is a right and a wrong in the Universe and the distinction is not hard to
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