Hi,we were taken back in time as we had to listen rather than
watch the live radio commentary of the Olympic Womans shot put final.The
tension was electric and built to the final round and unbelievably to the very
last throw for our own Val Adams who had led throughout to the throw before her
last.It was an amazing experience to listen and have to picture the drama, the
emotion and the climatic conclusion to the pulsating contest! To say we were
gutted for Val was an understatement,it took a few hours to get over the whole
experience but we wouldn’t have missed listening rather than watching it for
reckons; now that he is 4 it
is time to establish his true identity, set trends rather than follow them if
you know what he means.The attached photo says it all with his designer
birthday present PJs and hand painted toe nails (Mother initiative I might
add)Hmmm watch that space folks!
The big Kindergarten Disco looms large and the excitement is
building as Fletcher is able to invite friends from Daycare.I remember
insisting on having to have the raging popular Wrangler jeans for a Disco
appeareance in my youth.My poor parents mortgaged the house so I got the
jeans….problem was there was no time to wash them first so the sweat from the
dance floor moves made the blue dye run into my skin!Three weeks later my skin
returned to its normal colour rather than tattoo blue!!
Funny the stuff you remember about growing up, good to look back
and have a bit of a laugh!
I hope you are enjoying the Olympics and life in general,have
an ‘Upbeat’ week…..Cheers Jonesey!!
Harry and the Hendersons reckon it may be ok for Fletcher but
they don’t want blue nails!!

“You were born to win,but
to be a winner,you must plan to win,prepare to win,and expect to win”. Zig Ziglar
I find watching the Olympics is inspiring and motivating on a
number of levels.
The pure theatre is extroadinary as reputations are destroyed
as others are born.
World Champions come in expecting to win yet don’t place
whilst virtually unknowns come from nowhere to snatch victory.
The Olympics is where fairytales come true and nightmares to
haunt for the next 4 years unfold.
I was interested to hear in a post race interview NZ double
scullers Hamish Bond and Eric Murray say they had not come to Rio to defend
their title.They had come to win it again and to get from the start to the
finish as fast as they could.The only way for current champions to approach
anything frankly!
I remember Auckland Rugby Coach John Hart and the Ranfurly
Shield record breaking team of the mid 80’s early 90’s saying the same
thing….they went out to win the shield each game never to defend it!!!Interesting
sports psychology from winners with track record and form to prove it works.
So I find myself doubly determined to represent my country at
something before I cant.
I have the opportunity to do so and know what I have to do to
make that happen…time to focus!...watch that space folks!!
I also wonder what lessons each of us can take from the
examples above into our day to day work and personal lives?
I reckon is all about making sure we are the best we can be
at what ever we do on any given day.
Preparing thoroughly and making sure we bring our A game to
whatever we front up to.
For me it means taking the time to prepare,to read, to listen
and to look first before the leap of faith!
Caring enough about the outcome, our performance at work,at
home….the result of our efforts.
Like our athletes we need to find the time to put into whatever
we are passionate about achieving. This will allow us to give it the best shot
we can…no ‘if onlys’,’what ifs’ or ‘One day Im gonna’s’.
We owe it to ourselves and others to be the best we can be no
matter what…I dare you to care !!!!
“I am the greatest .I said
that before I knew I was”. Muhammad Ali
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