Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wild flowers!!




Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 345 Monday 22/08/16






Hi,as you know I live by the mantra “one mans rubbish is another mans treasure”with me being the man who turns the rubbish into treasure.Well at least that’s how its meant to turn out anyway. After collecting and ‘coming by’ a number of scrap steel items recently it was time to cash in!Off I went to the ‘scrappy’ with my haul full of excitement and expectation only to have my parade totally rained out when it was revealed my stash was worth a grand total of $10!!!Will this deter the Steptoe/Magpie within,no way because its in my blood regardless of unstable world wide steel prices!

Fletcher reckons; he hopes being a Magpie is not in his blood because ‘now that he is 4’ he is far too busy and important to collect other peoples old junk! Hmmm that kid could go places!!

We are often reminded how it’s the simple things in life that make a huge difference like Fletcher collecting wild flowers for his Mum on our dog walk recently.They made Mum cry and filled the house with a fragrance that $30 worth of flowers struggles to ever do!...simple stuff from the heart.

A bit like the outside shower at the local pool I often stand there after training watching the sun come up over the surrounding farmland thinking how lucky am I.Les Mills junkies eat your heart out!!!

How about the Olympic medal haul or that AB Bledisloe Cup blitz how could any of us do anything else but have an ‘Upbeat’ week ahead…..Cheers Jonesey!!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon nothing but good things come from dog walking!




“Its hard to beat a person who never gives up”.Babe Ruth


Its been an interesting week since we talked about the psychology of winning!

I have found myself exposed to the other end of the spectrum and been annoyed by it.

We hear a lot about immigrants being alowed to come into New Zealand to take jobs that New Zealanders could be doing.

On the surface of it this seems wrong and shouldn’t be happening however when you delve into it a little further you discover that these people really are doing work New Zealanders don’t want to do.

The reality is many Kiwis don’t want to work,they have got too used to not working and when offered the opportunity to do something about that many decline!

I have experienced this first hand with two projects I am involved in at the moment. Both involve 24/7 availability and out of hours work requirement however when unemployed people were offered the work at above minimum hourly rates they turned it down. Others turned up but after experiencing the work failed to show again?!!

In both cases immigrants were recruited and the projects are both back on track because the fundamental difference is these people want to work and turn up reliably to do so.

I reckon it is too easy for a lot of Kiwis to get the benefit and to stay on it after deciding it is their right to be paid for doing nothing.

No one begrudges those on hard times receiving a hand up however when that hand up is taken for granted then I have a major problem with it.

Interestingly in Canada people are entitled to a benefit however after they have received it for a total of 2 years continuous or collective on or off that is it…..I like that idea…imagine it happening in NZ !!

I worked an extra job lately,it involved working out of hours at a retail store in the main street of Auckland.The intreresting thing was there were so called homeless out of work people everywhere yet not one of them said to me ‘hey for breakfast and a cup of coffee can I help you?’

They were all too busy begging for a hand out and trying to get others to take pity on them.

I am firmly of the view that if people want to get ahead badly enough then they will by working hard.

We cant complain about immigrants who show more willingness to get ahead than our own people!


“I never dreamed about success,I worked for it”. Estee Lauder

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