Sunday, June 21, 2015

Two things.....




                                                                                       Edition 287 Monday June 22nd 2015








Hi,we are enjoying reading a wide range of kids books to Fletcher day and night. Like anything there are the good the bad and the favourites that emerge.We even visit the local library for a refresh of stock kindly selected voluntarily by an amazing librarian who has kids of a similar age!

Two things occurred to us;1)Our local library is a treasure trove most of us drive past everyday.2)Reading good and average  kids books has inspired and motivated us to have a crack at writing one ourselves. We are excited about the prospect and cant wait to start, watch this space. Crikey nothing like a new idea to fuel inject the brain with adrenaline and energy…Yee haaaa!

Fletcher says; whilst he concedes that the idea of writing a kids book was ours he believes he should still get a cut of the royalties given it was his childhood that provided the catalyst!!! Also,speaking of good stories…..‘Alice in Wonderland’ trumps a Super 15 rugby quarter final so no apologies from our son that we had to wait till half time to check out the Chiefs and Highlanders!!!

We don’t get to watch a lot of television these days however have become huge fans of a program called ‘Lost and Found’.It is a program that traces lost relatives and reunites them after years apart.We sit there totally enthralled from start to finish and always end up shedding a tear or two as the show participants are reunited sometimes for the first time ever since birth!!Two things occurred to us; 1)The world is a small place when Dr Google is on the case. 2)There is nothing stronger in this world than family ties.The lengths that the importance of family drives us to as humans is truly amazing to observe. Check it out sometime to be blown away by the powerful reinforcement of how much family does matter…..and so it should to us all.

Finally a word to Sir John Kirwan for two acts of courage; 1)Taking on the Blues coaching job three years ago. 2)Standing down from the role this week… will never look back and deserve better!

I hope you are all well and that you have family and friends that appreciate you …….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon two things;1)Sleep more. 2)Eat more. Life is good!




"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas Edison


I had a cool time last week.

It wasn’t because of the organised appointments I had made ,it was because of the appointments and opportunities I made out of nothing.

There are some who call this ‘cold calling’ and many avoid it at all costs because of it!

I prefer to think of it as ‘prospecting for gold’ and try to leave myself time between appointments in my day to be able to call on the customers either side and straight across the road of the one visited.

Last week this turned into a number of new opportunities for me from nothing. The calls that didn’t end up in leads for business resulted in the gathering of useful market information for the future.

It is pretty satisfying to create an opportunity from nothing and to work it all the way through to a sale! These customers tend to be so for life and can also become personal friends because of the mutual bond formed from that first tentative call.

I was told recently by one of the customers I called on that anyone who had the courage to walk in and insist on speaking to him deserved a hearing!

Of course it is not always like that and each positive outcome is usually offset by more than a few negative ones.The measure of success is our ability to pick ourselves up each time and keep going!

Two things occurred to me;1)”Prospecting for Gold can be thankless and tough going”.2)Success is golden for professional,persistent prospectors!!...Love what you do and hang in there sales sizzlers!!!


"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!'" - Audrey Hepburn

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