Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lend me your ears!!!




                                                                                       Edition 288 Monday June 29th 2015








Hi,there are times when I admit to being selectively deaf because I have never liked to be told!

Most times when I am told I ignore it because I know it is right but don’t want to admit it.In yet another recent example my wife suggested I have a break from swimming to allow an acute case of ‘swimmers ear’ to settle down and heal,but,I knew best and now I am not selectively deaf I am almost stone deaf ,some jokers wont be told,pity, as it would save a lot of pain,time,money and grief. 

Fletcher says; wearing his new All Black jersey with the white collar standing up rather than folded down is the only way he will ever be seen wearing it,(see attached attempting a kitchen field goal).

The coming week is “Volunteer week’ so we got it off to a cracking start by assisting an elderly friend shift house this weekend.Zita is a local icon often seen walking in all weathers and always stopping to have a chat or feed dogs and cats along her way.She is 89 and taught for over 30 years at local primary schools and has always given generously of her time. So who better for us to give something back to but this wonderfully grand and gracious lady.With any voluntary or random acts of kindness I always feel totally satisfied through the happiness, pleasure and gratitude it brings to those who receive it.Making the effort was a simple little thing that made our day and a huge difference to hers!

My challenge to you for the coming week is to make a special effort to assist someone in need without being asked.I guarantee it will be one of the most fulfilling things you can ever do…good luck!

To the Hurricanes and the Highlanders(after my late Saturday night vigil of support) congratulations on making the footy final, may the best team win next week,tune in for a thriller from the Cake tin!!

A final word of support to our ‘Upbeat’ readers from the Ministry of Health Whanganui I hope you are safe and well and  hanging in there after the recent floods…….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon we don’t need to buy a zoo we already own one!!!



“There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesperson?” ~ Woody Allen


I am aware life is about more than the razzle dazzle of sales and that as sales professionals we are responsible for ensuring the sales we make are under promised so our teams can over deliver.

Often this is not the case because in our haste to make the sale we tend to do the opposite and over promise which places our support and delivery teams in a position where they under deliver.

This is not their choice but they find themselves in a position where they couldn’t possibly deliver what the sales department have promised because it is simply not achievable.

Is it any wonder then why sales people can and do develop a poor reputation in their own companies to the point of being despised and criticised by other departments or divisions of their organisation.

This unfortunately is all too common and it is something not enough sales people work hard enough at eliminating or minimising.

It is a widely known and obvious fact that no business exists without sales and to make those sales businesses must have people who are solely responsible for beating the competition to the $$$$.

What is not appreciated enough is the fact that those sales must be ‘win/win and profitable for both companies in the deal. The only way that can be achieved is if sales people negotiating those deals are acting equally as diligently for their companies as they are for their customers. This will ensure deals are profitable and fit the strengths and capabilities of the service and delivery teams who will in turn appreciate and thrive on the opportunity to exceed the expectations of new customers.

This will establish the sales team as an effective and integral part of any business rather than would be rock star/show ponies creating non stop headaches for the rest of the business!!!There I said it!


“If a salesperson smiles all the time they’re probably selling something that doesn't work.”

~ George Carlin

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Two things.....




                                                                                       Edition 287 Monday June 22nd 2015








Hi,we are enjoying reading a wide range of kids books to Fletcher day and night. Like anything there are the good the bad and the favourites that emerge.We even visit the local library for a refresh of stock kindly selected voluntarily by an amazing librarian who has kids of a similar age!

Two things occurred to us;1)Our local library is a treasure trove most of us drive past everyday.2)Reading good and average  kids books has inspired and motivated us to have a crack at writing one ourselves. We are excited about the prospect and cant wait to start, watch this space. Crikey nothing like a new idea to fuel inject the brain with adrenaline and energy…Yee haaaa!

Fletcher says; whilst he concedes that the idea of writing a kids book was ours he believes he should still get a cut of the royalties given it was his childhood that provided the catalyst!!! Also,speaking of good stories…..‘Alice in Wonderland’ trumps a Super 15 rugby quarter final so no apologies from our son that we had to wait till half time to check out the Chiefs and Highlanders!!!

We don’t get to watch a lot of television these days however have become huge fans of a program called ‘Lost and Found’.It is a program that traces lost relatives and reunites them after years apart.We sit there totally enthralled from start to finish and always end up shedding a tear or two as the show participants are reunited sometimes for the first time ever since birth!!Two things occurred to us; 1)The world is a small place when Dr Google is on the case. 2)There is nothing stronger in this world than family ties.The lengths that the importance of family drives us to as humans is truly amazing to observe. Check it out sometime to be blown away by the powerful reinforcement of how much family does matter…..and so it should to us all.

Finally a word to Sir John Kirwan for two acts of courage; 1)Taking on the Blues coaching job three years ago. 2)Standing down from the role this week… will never look back and deserve better!

I hope you are all well and that you have family and friends that appreciate you …….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon two things;1)Sleep more. 2)Eat more. Life is good!




"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas Edison


I had a cool time last week.

It wasn’t because of the organised appointments I had made ,it was because of the appointments and opportunities I made out of nothing.

There are some who call this ‘cold calling’ and many avoid it at all costs because of it!

I prefer to think of it as ‘prospecting for gold’ and try to leave myself time between appointments in my day to be able to call on the customers either side and straight across the road of the one visited.

Last week this turned into a number of new opportunities for me from nothing. The calls that didn’t end up in leads for business resulted in the gathering of useful market information for the future.

It is pretty satisfying to create an opportunity from nothing and to work it all the way through to a sale! These customers tend to be so for life and can also become personal friends because of the mutual bond formed from that first tentative call.

I was told recently by one of the customers I called on that anyone who had the courage to walk in and insist on speaking to him deserved a hearing!

Of course it is not always like that and each positive outcome is usually offset by more than a few negative ones.The measure of success is our ability to pick ourselves up each time and keep going!

Two things occurred to me;1)”Prospecting for Gold can be thankless and tough going”.2)Success is golden for professional,persistent prospectors!!...Love what you do and hang in there sales sizzlers!!!


"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!'" - Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, June 14, 2015

UPBE4T !!!!




                                                                                       Edition 286 Monday June 15th 2015








Hi,we have all been places and ‘got the tee shirt’ to prove it….right?There is a guy at the pool who has clearly taken this to the extreme and perhaps I am wrong to be slightly irritated?You see he has obviously competed and finished the Taupo Ironman event.He has the large gear bag,small backpack,baseball cap,lycra 2xU top,speedo togs, full track suit and shorts ALL with either ‘ironman’ competitor or finisher emblazoned on them!Crikey mate,good effort but do you really have to make that big a thing of it?Yes a 3km swim,180km bike ride topped off with a marathon for good measure is impressive but not like a zillion people don’t do it every year….maybe I need to put up or shut up?!

If it was me I would prefer to be under rather than overstated about it….humble not hero bro!!!

Well I finally did it after talking enough and thinking enough about it I bought the personalised plate ‘UPBE4T’!!As you will notice my procrastination has necessitated the A to have to be a 4 but hey at least we will all know what it means!!I have done the layby thing to ensure I only take possession after I have saved the money rather than on credit.I figure that way I will really appreciate it more!!

Fletcher says; “I wonder if having a personalised plate will reduce the amount Dad runs into people!

I have had a heap of fun driving to the pool through the back streets of Onehunga in the last week with the inorganic collection in full swing. Treasure for as far as one serial magpie can see!!Absolute excitement competing with the white van recycling brigade….now I just need to figure out how to get my treasure back home safely and secretly without the boss noticing and throwing it all out again!!!

I am also pleased to say the curtain on the Blues woeful season has finally fallen, the less said the better however congratulations to Kevin Mealamu on playing 175 games in his great career!!

I hope you have had lots of fun and excitement in your world since we spoke last…….Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon Ironmen are like Muriwai dogs….they rule so back off!!!




“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will”. – Vince Lombardi


There is nothing more satisfying as a sales person than to get a deal you have been working on for a long time across the line!!..........HIGH FIVE  !!!!!!!!!

The great thing about being a sales professional is not knowing what path a deal will take you down?

They say people buy off people they like and sometimes it obviously takes longer for people to get to know and like us whoever we are and whatever we sell or do.

Last week I finally signed a deal that I have been working on for over twelve months. My customer and I had a laugh about the slow tango we have indeed been doing and commented on how complex and involved it had all become along the way.

Interestingly for a long period of time I was convinced he was stalling and disinterested in me or the deal . I went through quite low periods feeling rejected and useless however I battled on in true ‘Upbeat’ fashion refusing to give in or let the apparent rejection get the better of me.

Turns out he was working through a minefield of politics at his end beyond his control and was equally as determined to do the deal (after all,how could he not like me??).

This was a good case for me of not letting my pessimistic ‘inner voices’ gain control of me or the deal.

We all need to back ourselves,we are good at what we do,that’s why we are doing it and to stay focused and driven no matter what challenges we face…..often they are not as big and bad as we think and then we find that things work out in the end.

I have several other deals I am working on that are going a similar way and now I am even more determined to make them happen…….so, hang in there,good things can and do happen to us all!!!!


Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. – Jim Rohn

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Harden up !!!




                                                                                       Edition 285 Monday June 8th 2015








Hi,anyone that tells you parenting is a breeze is lying through their thinly veiled clenched teeth!

I was a willing(sort of) solo parent over the weekend as Christine attended Fire Brigade 4x4 training.

Willing soon gave way to weary as my fitness levels were seriously tested through a series of physical workouts at the pool,beach,bike park,trampoline and playground by our tireless son!

Crikey,I cant wait to get back to work for a rest…..Parents I salute you all….again ~!!!

Fletcher says; harden up Dad and work on your bmx track technique before next weekend bro!!

We managed a trip to Devonport(as frustratingly slow as getting there via road!)to visit Nana and Poppa.Home made pea and ham soup,ham and cheese toasted sandwhiches and date scones with lashings of butter and jam later we were feeling pretty damn good,life doesn’t get any better!

Log fires are the best and there is no substitute for free pinecones and pohutukawa gathered dog walking(multi tasking west coast style!).We are between firewood deliveries so the need to improvise has made us canny firewood hunters.Its amazing what you can cobble together when you need to!

I managed to divert some Fletcher energy into cleaning his Mums canine troop carrier after putting it off for months.We found plenty of stuff given up lost months ago under all the hair and sand!!

Yes it is the simple things shared with the people who matter most that are important in life!!

When I make the time and effort I am never disappointed in fact I glow and smile from ear to ear!!

I hope you had an equally satisfying and rewarding weekend with family and friends.Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon a ute would be way cooler and cleaner than Mums car!




“The best help we can offer the youth of today is to prepare them for tomorrow.”
Mark W. Boyer


I was lucky enough to be asked again this year to mentor a group of year 13 students.

Last years positive experience and outstanding result had me keen to assist again so I jumped in!

Like anything in life you can never assume anything for granted and so it has been with this years experience to date!!

Last year I was blessed with a team of young adults who gelled together amazingly well. They took their  Young Enterprise business to great heights nationally and two of them continue to operate the business as a going concern today!!

In complete contrast this years team has huge issues with leadership,commitment, personality clashes and cohesion.They are struggling to work together and to get their idea which is a good one off the ground.

Not only are they battling to get and stay on track I am finding it a real challenge of my ability personally to assist them through the many challenges they are facing.

I sure didn’t know how easy I had it last year that’s for real and I have to admit there are times I have felt like giving it away…….but what sort of mentor would I be if I did that!??(harden up bro).

So I have dug deep and drawn on every ounce of experience and knowledge I have accumulated to try to turn this ship around and navigate it successfully forward(O.A.R.).

It has been a good experience for me to have to listen and learn to guide these young adults to see and make their own decisions about the things they are doing/not doing that are blocking progress!

The turnaround has not been instant or rapid but we are making progress which is satisfying.

I am glad I decided to stand up and be counted as a mentor,something I will never regret doing!!!


In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” Phil Collins