Sunday, September 9, 2012

Run, run as fast as you can......


Edition 155  Monday 10th September 2012

Hi, many (many) years ago I remember listening to the kids stories on Radio 1ZB on Sunday mornings. In fact it wasn’t just any radio it was on a home made radio called a ‘crystal set’ that my Dad made for us (crikey that is showing my age !) Old favourites like ‘The Ginger Bread Man, Flick the Fire Engine and Sparky and the talking trains became legend in our minds.I am reminded of this every Sunday morning as I drive to the swimming pool because the same stories now play on BFM to another generation of kids who hang off every word of each story! I actually heard the sorry end of the ginger bread man this weekend as the wily fox ate him up after assisting him across the river! Poor ginger bread man,that will teach him for being smart to all the people he ran away from !!
It is so cool to remember what was so much fun as kids and that these simple stories with their morals and messages are still as loved by the kids today as they were by us generations ago. I am going to make sure Fletcher gets to listen to them as well however I wont be attempting to build a crystal set I will probably go for the Dick Smith version of the wireless when that time comes.
Week four has been and gone together with the associated additional grams of body weight and the extra mm in height. The sporting talent scouts are not beating the door down yet but there is more than a passing interest fueled we suspect by leaked growth stat information from regular midwife and Plunket visits. We are pleased to report that Father and Son even got through the All Black test without falling asleep this weekend !...all this and a visit from Nana and Poppa, wow,action packed!
I hope you all had the chance to spend quality time with your families and friends this weekend.
 Have a great week,……..cheers Jonesey

Harry and the Hendersons assisted to discover a personal best haul of 20 golf balls in the rough this weekend! They are now negotiating for a slice of the sales proceeds action!!!

“Laughing with or at yourself is the best way to start the day” C.B.Jones

I thought I was doing so well, but then it hit me, yes men……post natal depression is real!

Mr ‘Upbeat’ himself hit the wall last week and let normal stuff I would handle in my stride affect me badly. To the extent that I got offside with work colleagues and acted anything but ‘upbeat’

Yes this can and does happen to us all….I know because many of you have said to me on numerous occasions that it is impossible to be ‘upbeat’ all the time……and I have agreed (reluctantly).

Being positive and enthusiastic all the time does take discipline and effort, you do need to talk yourself up by focusing on positive stuff and laughing at the small stuff you might otherwise let bug you. Sometimes all it takes is to change the way we react to something to get back on track.

 I knew I had to claw my way back on to the positive side of the daily attitude menu… how did I do that?.....the trigger for me was to laugh at myself  instead of stressing over some silly stuff.

I eat muesli dry out of a small container each morning as I drive to work. I spilled the container in the car one morning all over me and the car.As hard as it was I laughed at myself for being a dick. I stop at a country café for a coffee each morning. The café has free range chooks outside and as I shook the muesli off myself and the car mats 4 hens and a rooster attacked the spillage and me in the carpark much to my and other customers amusement.This simple event and my reaction to it got my week back on track. A wake up call with a simple message,lighten up,relax and have fun.

“If being ‘upbeat’ was easy everyone would be doing it” Clumsy Chump Clinton

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