Hi, I wouldn’t have known it was possible if I didn’t do it for my very own dumb self! In a hurry to transition seamlessly from baby showering to change to feed (triathlete) I had to get my own pants on with one hand. Sounds easy, (you try it some time) and yes the inevitable happened I ended up with both legs in the same opening! There was no time for a second attempt so in true kiwi bloke style I carried on….shorts were a bit tighter than normal but hey no big deal,right? Crikey you had one shot at it and failed, its not the end of the world , get over it, afterall….its not about me,right !
Other snippets;
- Got a cool rocking horse at Onehunga Traders last week.Cant wait to ride it!
- People smile at me and baby as they think it is cute to see a grandparent investing time.
- Daylight saving next week, Yeeee haaaaaa, clean that BBQ and get your motor running !!
I hope you all had a relaxing weekend doing something cool with family and friends.
Have a busy,productive and fun week ahead,……..cheers Jonesey
Harry and the Hendersons loved the fan mail last week, YES, ‘Upbeat’ IS all about them!!
Ponder this…
“So many things happen to us everyday, imagine if we stopped and thought a bit more about the what, why, who, and where for. Every single day contains messages,directions, information,opportunities and the key to many doors…..so whats the problem?”
The problem ladies and gentlemen is that we are either in such a hurry or in such a robotic state of remote control that we miss the majority of what happens to us and its significance on a daily basis.
So…..in order to start making more out of what happens to you why don’t you try to record those events as they happen. Write them in a notebook or on your smart phone/I Pad etc.Pretty soon you will find that you have a source of information from which you will be able to gain some advantage or offer advantage to others. Here are some recent examples from events that have happened to me;
- Funny stuff that has happpened to me became content for a humorous speech I was writing
- Emmissions Trading Scheme information I sourced became valuable to my customers.
- An organised meeting with a network group ended up in a page of new business leads.
- A scan of the weekend papers resulted in six strong new business leads for my customers
- Asking for referrals from existing customers last week uncovered three new prospects
- Research on a Safety and Health issue led to an invitation to MC an H&S conference.
- A family discussion led to thankfully re-establishing contact with a long lost Aunty.
- Another family discussion led to further parental investment in my sons OE (any dividend?)
Plus many more I missed because I wasn’t paying enough attention! All you have to do is start by noting one thing per day that could help you or someone else and it will become a winning habit.
That’s a minimum of five things a week or over twenty a month or nearly two fifty a year ,WOW!!!
It is such a simple change we are all capable of making without much effort, just taking the time.
“You have all the time there is, no one can give you any more” Some know all !!!!
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