Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dont get mad....get even


Edition 156  Monday 17th September 2012

Hi, Jones the gardener 1………ginger plant and banana trees 0. Yes spring has sprung and in scenes reminicent of the freeing to the wild of a caged Lion I attacked the garden and surrounds with uneducated gusto. All the best intentions and care was used however there were casualties as I lost more skin and sweat in an afternoon than during a whole senior/representative rugby career! Nice view now though and that noisey wayward branch that used to keep us awake in a nor wester wont be back again anytime soon.Crikey,I had some fun,slipping and sliding all over the show down our  bank. I cant wait to do it all over again once the ginger and bananas regroup for another assault!
They say your house is your castle and you should be able to do and wear what you want when you are at home.This can backfire though if you venture out without checking as I did recently. I found myself out in the street welcoming new neighbours with my trendy socks and jandals,ribbed beanie and my top on backwards (another trend I have started to protect Fletcher from the dreaded zip !) Needless to say the new arrivals wondered what they had struck with the strange chap at # 48.
Other snippets;
  • Life is good, we love where we live!
  • People smile at babies because A)they are cute B)they don’t have to change them!
  • Fruiterers place stickers on fruit to annoy consumers, does anyone read them?eat them?
  • Is there a brand of sticking plaster that is easy to remove whilst bleeding to death?
  • Do not worry if you cant pass, at least you are “keeping up with the Joneses”

I hope you all had a fun weekend with family and friends.

Have a successful and rewarding week,……..cheers Jonesey

Harry and the Hendersons have tolerated the new arrival to a point but in an unprecedented move they have attached a photo of themselves, love Harry, Kate & Oscar x

“The only time you cant afford to fail is the last time you try.”Charles Kettering

I am fiercely competitive and as a result I hate losing, with a passion! It used to  take me a long time to come to grips with losing or failing. I used to dwell on losses for far too long and let them get way too far under my skin.The trick is to use the loss to make yourself better next time.
Last week I was unsuccessful with a large tender bid I have worked hard on for months. I thought we were looking good and was getting all the right signals from the customer however we missed out . I was gutted but on reflection I think it will be more positive than negative for our team. As part of my review I was keen to establish why we had failed to secure the work so I asked a lot of questions.
The outcome was that to have won this deal would have placed us at unacceptable risk throughout the project term . My conclusion was that we were better off longterm not having this work.
Sure I could have got emotional, sulked and been bitter but I have learned that it is far better to approach these outcomes objectively and to look for the opportunity that is in the ruins of any failure.
Lessons I have learned;
  • You cant and you don’t win them all.
  • Ask lots of questions about what you could do better next time, then use the info.
  • Having a competitor win a big tender will keep them busy while you attack the market.
  • No matter how much you want the work there has to be a $ in it for your company.
  • Don’t dwell on a loss, pick yourself straight back up and move on to brighter things!

“Failures are like skinned knees…painful but superficial, they heal quickly.”Ross Perot

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