Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Upbeat

Edition142 Tuesday 5th June  2012

Hi,welcome to the three year anniversary edition of the ‘Upbeat’, 36 months and 142 editions on I am proud to bring you yet another rendition of my ramblings. It was something I decided I needed to do for me as much as for those of you who I am grateful to for taking the time to read or follow my ‘Upbeat’ blog each week. From something that started as the ‘inhouse’ Hirequip Triple M (Monday Morning Motivator) five years ago the ‘Upbeat’ has religiously been compiled each week and sent to coincide with the beginning of each new week ever since. No I am not always ‘upbeat’ and yes it is hard to discipline yourself to producing something different and in time on a regular basis. The truth is none of us are ‘upbeat’ all the time, however, wanting to be is the important factor that motivates me to produce this note week in and week out. I hope you are still enjoying the read and the ride and thank you for your ongoing support and your regular feedback that provides me with the inspiration to continue. ‘Upbeat’ is a combination of everyday things that happen to me that provide insight and direction in my life. It is my hope that you relate to these in your personal and/or work lives and are then able to improve/reflect or benefit as a result.Please feel free to continue contributing anytime.
Wow I love long weekends, don’t you ?, this weekend I fulfilled a basic primal cave man dude urge to provide heat and warmth by securing a load of native timber framing from an old house demo which I promptly hauled home in a trailer and proceeded to cut up into firewood! Such a good feeling to be the ‘provider’ even if the time and energy cost more than letting my fingers do the walking instead!! Nothing beats the DIY kiwi spirit, you cant put a price on the satisfaction that produces bro…..totally recommended, especially on a holiday weekend……long live the Queen!!! and the Blues !!!!
I hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend with family and friends,…….Cheers Jonesey

Harry and the Hendersons continue to thrive in the winter sunshine and fire warmth such is a dogs life,happy with a brief glimpse of Blues form and a special treat lamb roast bone!!

“Communication is to (sales) relationships what breathing is to life.”Virginia Satir
I cant help myself, everytime the topic of communication comes up in conversation no matter where I am I will start talking about Toastmasters.
I personally dont think the name of the organisation does what it can achieve for individuals justice.
Started in 1924 by Ralph Smedley a good mate of Dale Carnegie(“How to win friends and influence people”) the objectives were the same as they are today, to develop and enhance peoples ability to communicate more effectively. I have always believed that our success in life is directly attributed to how effectively we communicate with our fellow beings both in a work and personal environment.
So for this reason I have always been a keen advocate of the organisation and what I know it can achieve for those who fully commit to membership. Toastmasters is like any other training or personal improvement organisation… what you get out is directly related to what you put in. As we all know you will wait for a long time for self improvement to drop in your lap with little or no personal effort. If self improvement was instant then everyone would be lining up. Nothing comes to those who wait, you must relentlessly pursue advancement or you will continue to mark time with the masses. Toastmasters provides a launch pad, a vehicle for you to achieve communication goals and continual development in this important life skill area.
I consider myself to be a fulltime salesperson for the benefits of Toastmasters membership and I find myself regularly selling and recommending the organisation to whoever I am with at the time. To me this is a good example of selling something you believe in and something you passionately and fervently believe will benefit all others. Good lesson on selling, life, and believing in general really !!
So go to it team, for your nearest club, see you at a meeting soon !!!!
“My father gave me these hints on public speaking, “Be sincere, be brief, be seated.”
James Roosevelt

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