Sunday, July 9, 2017

Piratical Rumbustification


                                                                                       Edition 387 Monday 10/07/17


Hi,one of the things I promised myself this time around as a parent is that I would go on every Daycare/Kindergarten or School trip with our son.So when the opportunity to attend the great Piratical Rumbustification arose last week I grabbed it with both hand and hook!!!

I remember with my other children always meaning to but then letting work and my own inability to prioritise get in the way which I regret to this day.So without one thought of work off we went to a Pirate party together Arrrgghh me hearties,yoho yoho and all that!!

Fletcher reckons Pirates are cool so it was great to have his Dad along on a true Pirate adventure with lots of swords,guns,treasure and hearty fun!!Arrrrrrrgghhh,ARRRRGGGHH!

Something funny about a real live Piratical Rumbustification(try saying that fast after a rum or two!) is getting so caught up in the moment that you find yourself singing and dancing(badly) along with the kids…..(maybe a rum or two would have helped ARRRGGGH)?

Great priceless fun that I know we will remember forever….but best of all….no regrets!!!

Having recently lost a friend and a neighbour far too early in their lives things like spending time with my family have taken on even more importance to me for good reason.

Was left a bit deflated after the footy which finished in a disappointing anticlimax however in hindsight a drawn series was probably a fair result all things considered(did I say that?)!!!

Take care, stay dry and warm and continue to make the most of every minute of every day!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons the Lions showed they were not Pussycats after all grrr!




“Trees are the Earths endless effort to speak to the listening heavens”.

Rabindramath Tagore


I ask myself often “What is wrong with the world” especially from a global perspective!

This week I asked myself the same question on a matter closer,a lot closer, to home!

 History; After some dealings with neighbours and the new Super City Council! I was left gobsmacked and amazed that there was nothing stopping them taking out  a 150 year old Pohutakawa tree on our boundary?( for,weak, lame and totally unsubstantiated reasons)!
At first I thought our neighbours were joking when they said they had clearance to fell what is a local landmark in our neighbourhood,beautiful at Christmas and home to heaps of birds?
Then I thought Council were dreaming when they said that the new Unitary plan they had passed removed protection for native trees regardless of their age or significance?
The weird irony of this move is that most Council planners and officials I have spoken to since have genuinely sympathized and agreed it is unbelieveable yet true Council did this!
Fast forward;to today we are battling against time to prove this tree is stradling ours and our neighbours boundary to give our grand old Lady a stay of execution at least.
Thing is if we can prove this at great expense to ourselves Council and our neighbours then tell us they can bring a Civil case against us for the removal of the tree??!!!
Hang on a second,I thought these sorts of injustices happen to other people not us?...all of a sudden we are in the middle of a battle to save a tree that is possibly partially on our land!
What to do??....currently we are incensed to the point where we are considering fighting this all the way and mostly because of the arrogance of our neighbours encouraged by Council!
Will we occupy the tree or chain ourselves to it? if we are angry enough. Watch this space !!
The greatest threat to our environment is the belief that someone else will save it”. Robert Swan

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