Sunday, July 16, 2017

Personal W.O.F


                                                                                       Edition 388 Monday 17/07/17


Hi,thanks for all the positive support for our grand old Pohutakawa at 48,it has made us even more determined to save her!Our surveyors are expected in the next week the outcome of which will influence and dictate action from here….watch this space grrrrr.

In another chapter of the “I have promised myself” album I presented at my Doctor for my annual W.O.F.This included blood pressure,cholesterol,prostrate blood test(not internal),skin check and blood tests for every other disease known to man.A few days later I was given the all clear much to my and my familys relief.Most of the afore mentioned have claimed friends or friends of friends in the last year or two hence my promise to myself. I refuse to die wondering “what if’….can I respectfully suggest you would be wise to do the same!

Fletcher reckons the plan to have his fifth birthday party at the Muriwai Fire Station is a winner.It will be a huge week with his actual Birthday plus party and first day of school all happening between 9-14th August….crikey where did that 5 years go?…too fast!!

Something funny about the party venue will be how we will all cope if there is a real life emergency during the event!Crikey what are the chances Mr Murphys law!!!

Its been a long time between Trademe auctions so after ‘meaning to’ and ‘gunna’ for ‘far too’ long I finally got my act together and now have three exciting auctions underway!

Mercilessly another hapless season for the Blues and The Warriors draws thankfully to a close….the sooner the better.Surely Auckland sports fans deserve better than this…again!

Take care, stay dry and warm and continue to make the most of every minute of every day!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she owes it to Harry and Oscar to fight for our tree!!



“Underdogs read ‘Upbeat’ weekly…to be in the mood for winning”. Jonesey


We had a bit of a mid winter ‘do’ last week at the home of the Green Gorilla!

No big deal I know but to those of us who have been on board since the early days it was a time to reflect and marvel at how far we have come in a relatively short time!

We are seven years old and going strong on the back of a huge demand for our services!

We are the classic underdog the Kiwi little guy taking on the Global Private Equity giants and winning through innovation and working smarter not harder.
So many times in the ‘sizzle’ we have talked about doing things differently, believing in ourselves and flying modestly under the radar rather than arrogantly above it!
Today given our success we are well and truly above the radar and very much in the sights of our larger and much more powerful competitors.
The problem for them is we are not overawed by the prospect of taking them head on!
Our rapidly growing team appreciate and believe in our vision and our values whilst our opposition staff  vote with their feet due to poor leadership and lack of direction.
It is a good time to grow and flourish as our competition meltdown due to corporate politics and pressure bred by their arrogance and complacency.
As serial sizzlers well know getting to #1 isnt the hardest thing… because staying there is!!
We know that being the underdog is a great place to be but we cant and wont  stay there forever because we need to keep getting better , smarter and faster.
Our goal is to become a kiwi icon, a ‘most trusted brand’ just like Whittakers NZs #1 trusted brand not like Cadbury once their nemesis now their doormat!
Thanks GG team for the good times and the growth,roll on more of the same…bring it on!
“Underdogs are never underwhelmed or under prepared to win”. Jonesey

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