Sunday, July 2, 2017

Life is too short not to.....





                                                                                       Edition 386 Monday 03/07/17


Hi,one of the problems with being attached to the local Volunteer Fire Brigade is the ever present likelihood of locals needing urgent assistance.This can and often does make the role they play in our Community quite emotional.Last week we had a tragic example of this when one of our close neighbours suffered a cardiac arrest and unfortunately Christine and her colleagues were unable to revive him!Too young (54) and too close to home for our liking and another wake up call for those of us who consider ourselves bullet proof or invincible.

Life is far too short to ever take anything for granted and that’s why we need to live every day to its fullest because none of us knows what is around the corner! Carpe Diem!

Fletcher reckons the 5 year old birthday season is a cracker with the visit to ‘Inflatible World’ on the weekend right up there with Chipmunks, Trampoline World and Climbing World as venues to celebrate.Hmmmmmm how to top that in August? this space!!

Something funny about our new feathered addition to the family is he thinks he might like to be a dog??....see pic attached as he gets up close and personal with Kate Henderson J.

I was too scared to listen to the sailing for fear of jeopardising our chances and now the Americas Cup is New Zealands Cup!!!So maybe I shouldn’t watch the deciding All Blacks versus Lions rugby test to ensure we clinch the series?!!....a great build up in prospect!!

Take care, stay dry and warm and make the most of every minute of every day!!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons Tommy is ok for a bird brain J




“No one has ever become poor from giving”. Ann Frank


As a Waste Industry Professional I was busy rummaging through a local transfer station wood pile recently when I had a brilliant idea!

What if a bunch of us gave up some time and recovered a whole lot of wood , chopped it up for firewood and gave it away to people in need??

There I was foraging for my own free firewood doing my bit for my family and the planet but what say I did that or organized others to do that for charity?

I discussed the idea with my contacts at the Council owned facility and gained their approval to put together a plan for them to approve. To date there are a couple of versions….

Version 1; Free firewood for the elderly and needy OR

Version 2; Firewood for sale(cheap)with proceeds going to a not for profit charity or cause!

Crikey talk about being on a roll I was on fire(excuse the punJ) with my random acts of kindness ideas! I plan to pursue both using my role and contacts to make both happen.

This came on the back of a couple of other random acts of kindness last week.

Firstly I noticed a homeless and desperate looking person in my local café sheltering from the cold and without food or a drink.So before she was asked to leave I offered to buy her food and a drink which she refused. I then talked to the Manager to ensure she was able to stay as long as she wanted without having to buy anything.He in turn kept an eye on her.

I also offered my parking meter ticket that had almost an hour left on it to another person parking last week….not because I had to but because I wanted to and took the time to.

Why do stuff like this?...because it is good for the soul and life is too short not to!!

So your mission this week is to do the same at least once if not more….feel the power!!


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”. Muhammad Ali

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