Sunday, July 30, 2017




                                                                                       Edition 390 Monday 31/07/17


Hi,fitness is important to me and I work hard at it.Up daily at sparrows and training hard to make what I do count.Often people will say I look fit and younger than I am which is a great reward for the hours I devote to it but as Rachael Hunter reminded us “it doesnt happen overnight but it does happen”.A few aches and pains but gingerly hanging on in there!

Fletcher reckons winning player of the day at Soccer will never lose that magical feeling!

Ten days left of being a four year old, bring on the BIG five going on fifteen!!!

Something funny happened last week when I went on a site visit and was given a pink hi viz vest!I proceeded to be a source of amusement for all staff I met or walked past.I reckon it was their way of saying “look at this Wally in pink!”haha.I had some fun with it and went with the flow . I reckon they wont forget me or hopefully our company in a hurry!

Thanks again for your positive feedback about our battle to save our local landmark tree.

Things are progressing with the petition and possible alternatives to felling our grand lady!

Big couple of weeks ahead as we build up to double birthday celebrations,whilst the two milestones may have 45 years between them the excitement is equally as momentous!!  Yay party time at 48 for my two favourite people in the whole wide world,Happy Birthday!

I hope you are also spending plenty of time with the special people in your life.

Take care, have a great week ahead……Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons her op this week was a walk in the park,10 is the new 9!






 “Momentum demands movement”. Gere Lopez


Life is all about momentum and business life especially so I find.

Momentum is an interesting thing, when you have it you get swept along with it.

When you don’t it can seem like everything is conspiring against you as you attempt to build some….whilst everyone else seems to be on the wave you cant seem to catch one!

There are some things you can do to assist you to create some ‘go forward’momentum.
It doesn’t just happen, it happens for a reason and mostly that comes down to timing!
It starts with planning your day/week to make sure you slot some ‘fire starters’ in.
For example if you have been working on something that you know is coming to a positive conclusion ie; a sale then slot it in at the start of your day or week.
This gets you off to a flying start and gives you confidence and a positive vibe that cant help but have the same effect on others you meet or call for business.
If you have people you know are going to make decisions then set aside time in your day to do nothing but follow up with them. Always call the ones you are more confident about concluding successfully and then work through them in degrees of difficulty from there.
Last week I started with a sale on Monday morning which led to a referral for another sale and an injection of confidence that set up a successful week riding that wave.
This Monday I have another meeting bright and early to sign a deal and will be going from there to meet with another potential customer I am currently in a detailed negotiation with.
I know that I will be in the best possible shape from meeting one to have the best chance of advancing the deal in meeting two because I planned it that way to give myself that edge.
With some planning and prioritising you too can ignite your week…see you on the wave!!
“Ride the energy of your own unique spirit”.Gabrielle Roth

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Dash



                                                                                       Edition 389 Monday 24/07/17



Hi,things are heating up on the ‘save the tree’ front with our surveyor confirming our beloved landmark is indeed on our neighbours property! Thanks to our so called ‘Super City Council’ this therefore gives them the right to chop it down at will.No matter what their reasons they have the power regardless under the new unitary plan?Brainless policy from a City Hall full of ‘hot desking’ clock watching nine to fivers busy justifying their positions??!!

So fighting fire with fire we have mobilised the local environmental action group who have started a petition of locals that is building a fierce momentum as I write.The Johnny come lately neighbours may have the power but us locals have the numbers…watch this space!

Fletcher reckons having two girlfriends on the go at once is no big deal although admits his skills will be tested when both rock up to his birthday party in two weeks!!Hmmmm!

Something funny happens when you are preoccupied,you may catch yourself washing your hands before you visit the toilet like me last week!! J ( a new trend perhaps?).

Crikey what a wild week of weather!,our free firewood and pinecone stocks took a hammering as we hunkered down whilst being also hammered by the elements!

We will be back at the local transfer station and in the forest this week stocking up on both!

Take care, stay dry and warm and continue to make the most of every minute of every day!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons forest pine cone hunting is a younger girls lark ZZzzzzzz






I heard this again the other day and thought you might like it too……


“The Dash

-I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend.He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end.
-He noted that first came the date of her birth,and spoke the following date with tears.But he said what mattered most was the dash between those years.
-For the dash represents all the time she spent alive on earth and now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
-For it matters not how much we own,the cars,the house,the cash.What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
-So think about this long and hard,are there things you would like to change?,for you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
-If we could just slow down enough to consider whats true and real and always try to understand the way other people feel.
-And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we have never loved before.
-If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile remembering this special dash may only last a while.
-So when your eulogy’s being read with your lifes actions to rehash.Would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?”.
Linda Ellis
Have a great week making the most of every minute of every day……Cheers Jonesey!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Personal W.O.F


                                                                                       Edition 388 Monday 17/07/17


Hi,thanks for all the positive support for our grand old Pohutakawa at 48,it has made us even more determined to save her!Our surveyors are expected in the next week the outcome of which will influence and dictate action from here….watch this space grrrrr.

In another chapter of the “I have promised myself” album I presented at my Doctor for my annual W.O.F.This included blood pressure,cholesterol,prostrate blood test(not internal),skin check and blood tests for every other disease known to man.A few days later I was given the all clear much to my and my familys relief.Most of the afore mentioned have claimed friends or friends of friends in the last year or two hence my promise to myself. I refuse to die wondering “what if’….can I respectfully suggest you would be wise to do the same!

Fletcher reckons the plan to have his fifth birthday party at the Muriwai Fire Station is a winner.It will be a huge week with his actual Birthday plus party and first day of school all happening between 9-14th August….crikey where did that 5 years go?…too fast!!

Something funny about the party venue will be how we will all cope if there is a real life emergency during the event!Crikey what are the chances Mr Murphys law!!!

Its been a long time between Trademe auctions so after ‘meaning to’ and ‘gunna’ for ‘far too’ long I finally got my act together and now have three exciting auctions underway!

Mercilessly another hapless season for the Blues and The Warriors draws thankfully to a close….the sooner the better.Surely Auckland sports fans deserve better than this…again!

Take care, stay dry and warm and continue to make the most of every minute of every day!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons she owes it to Harry and Oscar to fight for our tree!!



“Underdogs read ‘Upbeat’ weekly…to be in the mood for winning”. Jonesey


We had a bit of a mid winter ‘do’ last week at the home of the Green Gorilla!

No big deal I know but to those of us who have been on board since the early days it was a time to reflect and marvel at how far we have come in a relatively short time!

We are seven years old and going strong on the back of a huge demand for our services!

We are the classic underdog the Kiwi little guy taking on the Global Private Equity giants and winning through innovation and working smarter not harder.
So many times in the ‘sizzle’ we have talked about doing things differently, believing in ourselves and flying modestly under the radar rather than arrogantly above it!
Today given our success we are well and truly above the radar and very much in the sights of our larger and much more powerful competitors.
The problem for them is we are not overawed by the prospect of taking them head on!
Our rapidly growing team appreciate and believe in our vision and our values whilst our opposition staff  vote with their feet due to poor leadership and lack of direction.
It is a good time to grow and flourish as our competition meltdown due to corporate politics and pressure bred by their arrogance and complacency.
As serial sizzlers well know getting to #1 isnt the hardest thing… because staying there is!!
We know that being the underdog is a great place to be but we cant and wont  stay there forever because we need to keep getting better , smarter and faster.
Our goal is to become a kiwi icon, a ‘most trusted brand’ just like Whittakers NZs #1 trusted brand not like Cadbury once their nemesis now their doormat!
Thanks GG team for the good times and the growth,roll on more of the same…bring it on!
“Underdogs are never underwhelmed or under prepared to win”. Jonesey

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Piratical Rumbustification


                                                                                       Edition 387 Monday 10/07/17


Hi,one of the things I promised myself this time around as a parent is that I would go on every Daycare/Kindergarten or School trip with our son.So when the opportunity to attend the great Piratical Rumbustification arose last week I grabbed it with both hand and hook!!!

I remember with my other children always meaning to but then letting work and my own inability to prioritise get in the way which I regret to this day.So without one thought of work off we went to a Pirate party together Arrrgghh me hearties,yoho yoho and all that!!

Fletcher reckons Pirates are cool so it was great to have his Dad along on a true Pirate adventure with lots of swords,guns,treasure and hearty fun!!Arrrrrrrgghhh,ARRRRGGGHH!

Something funny about a real live Piratical Rumbustification(try saying that fast after a rum or two!) is getting so caught up in the moment that you find yourself singing and dancing(badly) along with the kids…..(maybe a rum or two would have helped ARRRGGGH)?

Great priceless fun that I know we will remember forever….but best of all….no regrets!!!

Having recently lost a friend and a neighbour far too early in their lives things like spending time with my family have taken on even more importance to me for good reason.

Was left a bit deflated after the footy which finished in a disappointing anticlimax however in hindsight a drawn series was probably a fair result all things considered(did I say that?)!!!

Take care, stay dry and warm and continue to make the most of every minute of every day!

Cheers Jonesey.


Kate Henderson reckons the Lions showed they were not Pussycats after all grrr!




“Trees are the Earths endless effort to speak to the listening heavens”.

Rabindramath Tagore


I ask myself often “What is wrong with the world” especially from a global perspective!

This week I asked myself the same question on a matter closer,a lot closer, to home!

 History; After some dealings with neighbours and the new Super City Council! I was left gobsmacked and amazed that there was nothing stopping them taking out  a 150 year old Pohutakawa tree on our boundary?( for,weak, lame and totally unsubstantiated reasons)!
At first I thought our neighbours were joking when they said they had clearance to fell what is a local landmark in our neighbourhood,beautiful at Christmas and home to heaps of birds?
Then I thought Council were dreaming when they said that the new Unitary plan they had passed removed protection for native trees regardless of their age or significance?
The weird irony of this move is that most Council planners and officials I have spoken to since have genuinely sympathized and agreed it is unbelieveable yet true Council did this!
Fast forward;to today we are battling against time to prove this tree is stradling ours and our neighbours boundary to give our grand old Lady a stay of execution at least.
Thing is if we can prove this at great expense to ourselves Council and our neighbours then tell us they can bring a Civil case against us for the removal of the tree??!!!
Hang on a second,I thought these sorts of injustices happen to other people not us?...all of a sudden we are in the middle of a battle to save a tree that is possibly partially on our land!
What to do??....currently we are incensed to the point where we are considering fighting this all the way and mostly because of the arrogance of our neighbours encouraged by Council!
Will we occupy the tree or chain ourselves to it? if we are angry enough. Watch this space !!
The greatest threat to our environment is the belief that someone else will save it”. Robert Swan