Sunday, April 2, 2017

My life is rubbish !!!





                                                                                       Edition 373 Monday 03/04/17



Hi,I wouldn’t go as far as to say we are like fish out of water however I would definitely concede that we are lacking the normal cohesion and rhythm.The Jones machine is running a bit rough without the turbo this week with Christine away on a work mission!

Fletcher thinks he is looking after me and vice versa so you can imagine how that is going Add to that a first weekend of midget soccer (see pic) , Plunket tests, haircut and daylight saving duties and you begin to feel the rising chaos and disruption to our little Westy world!

Fletcher reckons its all under control evidenced by his cracking goal in his first ever game of Association Footy for the Falcons!!.We have alerted the British Premier League Scouts and fully expect an offer before the Norwest midget season is over!!

Crikey times have changed since I was last involved with kids sport. No more phone calls everything is done via email and photos are uploaded to the teams Facebook page before you have had a Mad Butcher snarler wrapped in bread on the way home in the car!!

Something funny about the price increase letter that went out with my name on it was the phone number was one digit out!The number went through to someone at the Auckland Museum who wasn’t amused when I called her told her I was Clinton and did she have any messages for me J!!!


The Hendersons have always reckoned Christine is the boss…enough said!

“Love your job and never work a day in your life”. Confucious
My life is rubbish in the best possible way!!
I am one of that mob who loves their job!!
As a Waste Industry Professional I get to talk rubbish and hunt for treasure all day long!!
I have always had a fascination with other peoples junk ever since I was a young lad I can remember scavenging after school at the nearby landfill.
With my mates we would drag home ‘treasure’ each night only to have it mostly returned to the landfill on the weekend by our parents!!
It has taken me a career of experimentation but I can honestly say that I love what I do!
Some recent examples that confirm I am making a planet saving difference all have a nautical theme…..
Late last year we got asked to dispose of 550 mattresses and 250 deck chairs off some cruise ships because Auckland is seen as a cheap place to dump bulk materials like this!!!!
I quickly found a phone booth and changed into my planet saving kit and many phone calls later managed to ‘rehome’ all of these materials and save them from the dreaded landfill!
Thanks to the amazing team of people at Habitat for Humanity…support them if you can!
Then last week a marine salvage company asked me to dump a 7m kauri launch they had salvaged from the Gulf Islands!!.....dump it…..NO WAY!!
I admit to being momentarily interested in restoring it myself however resisted the tempatation long enough to contact ‘Green Jon’ a materials recovery expert.
The launch now sits in his yard awaiting a new owner to breathe life into her!!
Crikey that’s a lot of Planet Saving for one hero but extremely satisfying and worthwhile!!

We all work a lot of hours so it makes sense that we should be happy doing what we do.

That’s why I can happily say and mean ….”My life is rubbish in the best possible way” J


“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”. Aristotle

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