Sunday, December 18, 2016


Joneses.jpg                                                                                       Edition 362 Monday 19/12/16






Hi,crikey, another ‘Upbeat’ year has whistled past already.I hope it has been a good one for you and that you have a relaxing break planned.It is a perfect time to reflect on the year that has been and look forward to another one full of amazing opportunities.I have had fun helping you all ‘keep up with the Joneses’.Christine whilst not a big fan of the Sunday afternoon/evening ‘Upbeat’ ritual does however delight in watching me laugh to myself as I recount my random stories from the week that was. I too get a huge buzz from committing this and the ‘Sales Sizzle’ to writing and for that I thank you all sincerely for bearing with!!

Fletcher reckons; seeing Santa twice in the last week was a strategic master stroke and will position him favourably when the presents are dished out next week.He was particularly grateful to his Mum for organising to pick Santa up in the Muriwai Fire Engine and deliver him to Kindy after he reckons his Reindeer broke down unexpectedly!?

Christmas is a fun family time to slow down, ease back,and spend time with the prople who mean the most to you.Families are forever no matter what so it is important to invest the time and energy required to support,love and thank them for being there unconditionally.

To this important end we are taking a month off to do just that with ours!! We cant wait to kick back at the beach, surf badly,eat sand sandwiches,sleep in with a bed full of dogs, freedom dance like no one is watching,watch old and B grade movies,and do nothing!!

Merry Christmas Upbeat team and a happy/safe New Year………Cheers Jonesey!


Harry and the Hendersons reckon they dance like no one is watching all the time!


“Being Upbeat is the key to life”. Sir David Frost


Crikey its been a good year for business because of this weekly catch up with you!!.

It focuses me closely on what went well and what didn’t go so well on a regular basis.

This assists me to make the changes necessary to be better at what I do and how I do it!

I think it is essential for us all to do this because no one is perfect or does it right always.

Self evaluation and feedback are powerful tools that help shape our careers and lives.

There have been some awesome examples this year and for me some valuable lessons!

None of us know everything and the sooner we accept that the better if we are to grow.

I have been fortunate to achieve success this year by perservering and believing.

Believing in my ability to grab attention, create interest and desire and then take action!

Persevering in the face of self doubt, negativity, and adversity(internal and external).

Staying true to myself and being above the politics and the show ponies !!

I have said on many occasions this year that being ‘Upbeat’ isnt easy it takes determination!

No one is ‘Upbeat’ all the time,there are times when you feel anything but and that is a fact.

The difference between us and others is we focus on attaining that state and staying there.

That means we have a higher motivation by being positive and focused on getting there.

That Ladies and Gentlemen means we have purpose and people with purpose perform!!

‘Upbeat’ performers with purpose are the top 2% of achievers where we all strive to be!


“If you want to be positive,upbeat and passionate you need to take responsibility for being that way”. John C Maxwell

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